Ghostbusters: Difference between revisions

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'''Dr. Peter Venkman''': Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! }}
* [[Audience Surrogate]]: Winston.
* [[Attack! Attack! Retreat! Retreat!]]: "Get ready...get ready...GET HER!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
* [[Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever]]: "It's the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man!" {{spoiler|Ironically Stay Puft was described as a '100 foot marshmallow man'.}}
* [[Badass Boast]]: Averted (& lampshaded).
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{{quote| '''Dana:''' That's the bedroom...but nothing ever happened in there.<br />
'''Peter:''' What a crime. }}
* [[Let's Split Up, Gang!]]
{{quote| '''Peter Venkman:''' Yeah, we can do more damage that way.}}
* [[Long List]]: Ray's list of repairs the Cadillac needed and Egon's similar list of problems with their building. Also, Peck's injunctions against the 'Busters.
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** Winston gets a good one in on the mayor
{{quote| '''Winston:''' Mr. Mayor I was a lot like you, but since I joined up with these men it have seen ''shit'' that will turn you ''white!''}}
* [[Shared Mass Hallucination]] / [[Scooby -Doo Hoax]]: [[Invoked]] by Peck, who accuses the Ghostbusters of being frauds that use nerve gas to make people believe they're seeing ghosts, and then "put on a light show" to get rid of them.
* [[Snub By Omission]]: When Peter Venkman introduces his team at the library:
{{quote| '''Roger Delacorte:''' I'm Roger Delacorte. Are you the men from the university?<br />
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* [[Tailor-Made Prison]]: All of the ghosts who get captured get placed into the nuclear-powered Containment Unit. Instant Catastrophe? [[Sealed Evil in A Can|Turn off the Unit.]]
* [[This Cannot Be!]]: Ray's reaction at seeing the Stay-Puft monster.
* [[Trust Me, I'm an X|Trust Me, I'm An X]]: "Back off, man, I'm a scientist."
* [[The Tunguska Event]]: A throw-away line near the end has Ray telling Louis that he was part of the biggest crossover event since this, implying that it was a ghost thing.
* [[Uncomfortable Elevator Moment]]: The scene wherein the Ghostbusters are heading up to the floor of their first real assignment. "Why worry? Each of us is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back." Cue the other two shuffling comedically away in the tight space.
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* [[Demonic Possession]]: Janosz Poha, Ray Stantz, and (almost) Oscar.
* [[Dude, Where's My Respect?]]: The Ghostbusters saved the world, but five years later, they're thought of as "two-bit frauds and publicity hounds." They also apparently got shafted when it was time to clean up Gozer's mess. Ray and later Peter comment on this.
* [[Extra -Strength Masquerade]]: The giant demonic marshmallow man and plague of ghosts from five years ago everyone remembers and even had physical evidence of was all the world's most elaborate hoax. Obviously.
* [[Expospeak Gag]]: This exchange
{{quote| '''Dr. Peter Venkman:''' Hey Egon, how's school? I bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours?<br />
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* [[Medium Awareness]]: The updated Ghostbusters sign with the ghost giving the "two" sign. It doesn't make much sense in the context of the film.
** Or does it? The movie revolved around their comeback after 5 years of inactivity, so a redesigned logo might seem fitting. It was also their ''second run'' as ecto-exterminators...
** Furthermore, the "two" sign is better known as the [["V" Sign]], "V for Victory," from World War II. So the logo is the Ghostbusters' [[Take That]] to the authorities that shut them down after the first movie. The fact that it is holding up two fingers is coincidental (at least from the story point of view).
* [[One Thing Led to Another]]: And the next thing Louis knew, he and Janine were having sex!
* [[The Power of Rock]]: The Ghostbusters use the positive emotions evoked by good ole rock to power the slime.
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* [[Sequel Reset]]: Peter and Dana have split up, only to rekindle their relationship. The Ghostbusters were sued out of business, only to get it going once again. They are interfered with by an [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] until the Mayor asks for their help. It's these things that hurt the otherwise enjoyable ''Ghostbusters 2.''
* [[Sinister Subway]]: Home to an [[Afterlife Express]], which is a [[Call Back]] to an offhand comment in the first film, when a reporter informs viewers that his grandmother used to tell ghost stories about a spectral locomotive.
** As another example of [[Shown Their Work]], in searching for the source of the supernatural energy spike which caused little Oscar's runaway [[Baby Carriage]] at the start of the movie, the Ghostbusters discover the fictional Van Horne station filled by the river of slime. This is a reference to [http://en.[ Pneumatic Transit|Beach's Pneumatic Railway]] which was built beneath Broadway and later shut down by Boss Tweed, and the movie depiction even resembles some of Beach's designs with its tile walls and mosaic frescoes. (Interestingly, while the Manhattan Museum of Art was also fictional, the building used for its facade, the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House near Battery Park, is within a mile of the original tunnel's location.)
* [[Square-Cube Law]]: In spite of the general [[Rule of Cool]] and [[Applied Phlebotinum]], the law gets a brief nod during the Statue of Liberty scene...
{{quote| '''Winston:''' Can't you go any faster?<br />