Give Him a Normal Life: Difference between revisions

+Thief of Time
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* [[Dresden Files|The other wizard Harry]] gives up his daughter so that she can have a normal life - or a life at all - in ''Changes''.
* In the book Ruby Red, Gwen's mother lies about her birth date so that no-one will suspect that she inherited the family time-traveling gene; she hopes that Gwen won't inherit it after all and can live as a normal kid. For sixteen years, Gwen's cousin Charlotte (who has the same birthday) is believed to be the heir of the gene, and she was groomed to survive in the past. [[Puberty Superpower|But then Gwen starts time-traveling.]]
* [[Terry Pratchett]]'s [[Discworld/Thief of Time|''Thief of Time'']] features some foundlings with unusual abilities. One of them turns out to be {{Spoiler|an ''[[Literal_Split_Personality|alter ego]]'' of the other, and they are both the son of Time - who asked the midwife to arrange for him/them to be raised by mortals.}}
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