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** In the promos to Season 2, we saw Finn telling Quinn "I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for you" with a sad-looking Rachel watching from the sidelines. In "Britney/Brittany", we found out what was really going on: {{spoiler|First of all, the comment is more along the lines of "I still really like you, but I like Rachel more," as Finn's way of refusing Quinn's request to get back together. Then, we find Quinn asking Finn out was all a set-up anyway - Rachel had asked Quinn to do it to test if Finn really loved her}}.
* [[Ship-to-Ship Combat]]: [[Up to Eleven]] due in part to the [[Love Dodecahedron]] nature of the show and a "[[Fan Dumb|passionate]]" and "[[Die for Our Ship|devoted]]" fan base. In the ''Glee'' fandom, choosing an OTP is akin to enlisting in a nation’s armed forces and marching into battle. Forums can become warzones at the drop of a dime and [[Serial Escalation|the ensuing conflicts make some of history’s bloodiest battles seem tame.]] There are actually ship alliances, spies, and even strategic initiatives for things like winning polls for a specific ships (either through spamming or [[Computer Is a Cheating Bastard|the use of bots]]) and character bashing.
* [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]]: {{spoiler|Kurt and Blaine}} showed shades of this in "The Substitute", particularly from the point of view from anyone not on that side of the ship war.
{{quote|"Gay, gay, gay, gay..."}}
** And not just in that episode; "Original Song" will have non-Klainers gagging because of the amount of [[Tastes Like Diabetes]].
** Even some ''Klaine fans'' think they're getting over-the-top, considering that the [[Dark Fic]], [[Fix Fic]], and [[Deconstruction Fic]] on ''any fanfiction archive'' far outnumber standard romance. (Of course, other people are frankly relieved to see a teen gay romance that isn't [[Bury Your Gays|horribly]] [[Gayngst|angst-ridden]] in prime-time.)
** Season 3 manages to change Klaine from [[Sickeningly Sweethearts]] to Blaine! (And Kurt), meaning that Blaine is the faultless, dude magnet one in the relationship, and whenever one of the two is wrong, that one is ''always'' Kurt.
* [[So Bad It's Good]]: Trouty Mouth.
** And while we're on the subject some consider the show this