Glee/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Don't forget Briano (Brad, the piano player for New Directions and his piano. Though he cheats on it with the keyboard from time to time.)
* [[Cliché Storm]] / [[Troperrific]]: Critics charge that the show relies too much on hackneyed plot devices; the show really tends to revel in the charge. The fans love it though, and the writers certainly know what they're getting into.
* [[Colbert Bump]]: Has had this effect with some of the music they've featured on their show.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: The "Umbrella/Singin' in the Rain" mash-up was supposed to make "Singin'" a bit more modern and enjoyable for the kids. Instead it's basically "Umbrella" with half of the chorus switched out. And most of the "Singin'" parts are only sung by Will anyways, so the kids don't have to do any of the old music anyways. At least it was mostly enjoyable to listen to.
** Kurt in "Blame It On The Alcohol" says that Karofsky "didn't like who I am." Kurt must be really dense not to understand that the person Karofsky actually hates is ''himself'' and that Kurt is an object of admiration/stand-in for the parts of himself he hates the most. Then again, Kurt has also [[Completely Missing the Point|completely missed the point]] in Season 1, with all his [[Depraved Homosexual]] behavior towards Finn which was barely touched upon in "Duets" and tends to be excused by [[Fan Dumb|his fans]].