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* [[Actor Shipping]]: Rampant. The two potential real-life ones that have gotten the most media attention are Mark Salling/Naya Rivera and Kevin McHale/Jenna Ushkowitz ("[[Portmanteau Couple Name|McHalowitz]]"), with the rumoursrumors being denied in both instances. But there are plenty of other more speculative ones, like Naya Rivera/Heather Morris ("Heya").
** Don't forget Darren Criss/Chris Colfer, usually referred to as Criss/Colfer. While Darren Criss has said that he's straight, this hasn't stopped the shippers.
** Or Monfer, which is Cory and Chris together. Chris is almost as big of a [[Launcher of a Thousand Ships]] as his character Kurt is, to the [[Squick]] of some and the [[Squee]] of others.
** Adiss ([[Max Adler]] / [[Darren Criss]]) is also a pretty popular 'ship', despite ''both'' actors being straight, because of their closeness.
** Achele (Dianna Agron/Lea Michele) is one of the most popular Real Person Ships on ''Glee'' fandom, due to the actresses' closeness and their constant touching and/or glancing at each other in some interviews. They also lived together for a while, which gives the shippers even more fuel.
** Interestingly, the two openly gay cast-members (Chris Colfer and Jonathan Groff) are ''never'' being shipped with each other, everyone being busy pairing up Chris with a straight guy and Jonathan with a woman. Fandom is a funny place.
** Heya (Heather Morris/Naya Rivera) is another popular one, motivated both by [[Schoolgirl Lesbians|who their characters are]] ''and'' by their real-life closeness (Heather and Naya consider themselves best friends and have stated this in interviews).
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** One critic firmly believes that the show is fundamentally the most tragic show on TV, but is presented as the happiest show on TV.
** Thanks to the well rounded personalities of every character in the show, everyone can be seen as the villain or the hero of the franchise. It all really depends on who you identify with the best... or who you hate the most.
** Karofsky: A {{spoiler|[[The Woobie|tortured]] soul that is in love with the one thing he hates}}? Or a [[Jerkass]] who {{spoiler|forced a kiss on Kurt}} and [[Draco in Leather Pants|gained many fans]]?
** Blaine: a [[Knight in Shining Armor]], handsome, knowledgeable and all or a complete [[Mary Sue|Marty Stu]] without any personality?
** Rachel: Self-centered [[Jerkass]] who occasionally [[Pet the Dog|displays kindness to other people]] or a well-intentioned girl who only wants the Glee club to be successful, but tends to go too far in pursuit of that goal and fails to think before she speaks/acts?
* [[Anvilicious]]: Since the list was getting ridiculous, we now have a whole [[Glee/Theme|separate page]] dedicated to listing every episode's hard-to-miss theme.
* [[Arc Fatigue]]: Some people feel that the Dalton arc--when Kurt transferred to Dalton Academy to get away from bullying--was drawn out too long, and that Kurt was being [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|overshadowed by Blaine and the Warblers in his own storyline]]. It was ''supposed'' to make a point about gay bullying, but for the most part amounted to little more than a few [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|big lipped alligator moments]] and [[Yaoi]] scenes. According to [[Word of God]], the Warblers were only supposed to appear for two episodes of the second season, but their immense popularity led to them staying on the show much longer, possibly into the third season. Until "Born This Way", when Kurt finally returned to McKinley, it felt entirely possible that he would be staying there indefinitely.
** Which makes this a case of [[Frige Brilliance]]: it emphasisesemphasizes how being in McKinley stresses his individuality, instead of being part of the Warblers, who are extremely coordinated and sticklers to tradition.
* [[Ascended Fanon]]: The creators have admitted that the idea of Brittany/Santana as a serious, [[Official Couple]] started with the fans, that they never planned for them to be more than a one-off joke until they saw that the fans wanted more.
* [[Ascended Meme]]: In "Furt", Finn makes a speech about Portmanteau Couple Names in the school.
* [[Award Snub]]:
** Nominated for 19 Emmys in the 2010 Emmys and only won 4. The Best Comedy Emmy and Best Casting Emmys (Comedy) went to [[Modern Family]] instead. Of course, if ''[[Modern Family]]'' hadn't won those, this entry would be on its page.
** [[Dueling Shows|The fans of]] ''[[Community]]'' see Glee as being the cause of its own [[Award Snub]], as it got ''zero'' nominations.
* [[Base Breaker]]: Most characters.
** Rachel. Any online discussion of ''Glee'' tends to be hijacked by someone talking about how she's the best singer/actor/oh-so-oppressed, followed promptly by people expressing their disagreement by demonizing Rachel in every conceivable way. The Rachel worshippersworshipers then proceed to bash all of the characters who aren't Rachel to show how she isn't so bad, making the haters even more defensive, and things go back and forth until the original topic is completely forgotten.
*** In mid-to-late Season 2, there's been some debate (or rather, all-out-warfare) over whether Rachel has redeemed herself and made up for her past actions, or whether she's being let off the hook too easily. The people who believe that she has redeemed herself point out that she has now apologized sincerely to the people she's wronged (Sunshine and Finn being the two prominent examples from this season) and that she's been generally nice in the second half of the season. The people who believe that she hasn't redeemed herself seem to think that her niceness is just a facade and that she's still self-centered.
** Finn. It's generally agreed upon that they give him too many solos for being the weakest singer in the cast. (Andand he's supposed to be the [[Informed Ability|''best'']] of the male singers.).
*** There's also the divide on whether he's a hypocritical jerk who does not learn from his mistakes or just a naive representation of regular teenage boys.
*** And the debate re: ''[[Mr. Fanservice|heartthrob]]'' vs. [[Informed Attractiveness|''average-looking]] [[Dawson Casting|almost-30-year-old'']] shoehorned into the role of a cute high school boy.
*** It's really kicked into high gear with the events of "Mash-Off"," where {{spoiler|he outs Santana in a crowded hallway as a reaction to her bullying.}}. See "[[Broken Base"]] below for details.
** Kurt. A [[Woobie]] who [[I Just Want to Be Loved|just wants to be loved]], or a selfish, [[Manipulative Bastard]] and [[Karma Houdini]]? You decide!
** Blaine. You either want him to get his own spin off show so you could see him more frequently or you want him to get one so he stops showing up in ''Glee''.
** Artie. Is he the chronically misunderstood [[Only Sane Man]] who just wants to be loved, or is he a raging misogynist [[Karma Houdini]] who doesn't deserve anything less than being shoved off a cliff? THE GLEE WORLD MAY NEVER KNOW. (Thisthis started with his sexist comments to Tina in "The Power of Madonna,", but really rose to prominence due to [[Die for Our Ship|getting in the way]] of [[Fan-Preferred Couple]] Brittany/Santana.).
** Speaking of the Brittana romance, that leads us to Santana: A [[Jerkass]] who is too immature to properly deal with her emotional issues and instead lashes out at bystanders, or an outstanding example of [[Character Development]] who has become one of the most sympathetic characters on the show? Or both?
** Quinn: A heinous bitch who brought all her pain upon herself or an intelligent but insecure girl who lost everything she had?
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** Will has been a [[Base Breaker]] for quite some time. Some see him as a [[Nice Guy]] who genuinely cares about his students and Emma and wants to help them; others see him as a whiny manchild who needs to keep his hands out of others' business.
** Even ''Sue'', once one of the most popular characters on the show, is starting to fall here as some are beginning to find her shtick to be [[Overly Long Gag|overly repetitive]].
** Mercedes has never been a universally-popular character, but the events of the beginning of S3Season 3 (particularly surrounding her audition for ''[[West Side Story]]'') have really inflamed her [[Hatedom]], which has, in turn, made her fans more defensive.
** Even before his first appearance on the show, [[All Gays Are Promiscuous|Sebastian]] [[Fan Nickname|Warbler]] already had people who knew about him divided, especially the Klaine fandom.
*** Looking to get even worse since ''Michael'', with the fandom now debating as to whether his character can be redeemed or not.
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** While the Aesop in "Blame it on the Alcohol" was good, the kids most likely threw up onstage not because they were drunk but because what they drank contained [[Gargle Blaster|various remnants of Rachel's dads' liquor cabinet, kool-aid]], [[Squick|cough syrup, and crumbled up oreos]]. Many believe the episode to be a [[Spoof Aesop]] that's been [[Getting Crap Past the Radar|thinly disguised to appease the network.]]
** Another one in "Blame it on the Alcohol": Kurt says that bisexuality is a myth used by people who are afraid of being "totally gay," and Blaine calls him out on it. In the end, Blaine realizes that he isn't actually bi because he has no chemistry with Rachel. So bisexuality isn't a shield to hide your gayness, it's just brought on by drunkeness!
** Many of Quinn's storylines appear to be this--she creates the "Glist" to regain her popularity or something even though she knows exactly how it feels to be teased and ostracized, as she was when she was pregnant. And then in "Born This Way," it's revealed she {{spoiler|used to be overweight and "ugly" and was mocked for it, so [[I Just Want to Be Beautiful|she lost weight, got a nose job,]] [[Do Not Call Me Paul|and changed her name]].}}. Instead of learning from this how it feels to be bullied, she instead bullies others for exactly those same shallow reasons. And when Lauren reveals the truth about her to the school to hurt her chances for prom queen, they [[Completely Missing the Point|completely miss the point]] and suddenly love her because she was once "one of them." Never mind the fact that she's now beautiful and a heinous bitch. And this is in the episode about embracing your imperfections.
** Many feel that the bullying storyline became this when Kurt moved to Dalton and met [[Mary Sue|Blaine]], because most bullied kids don't have that option.
** There seems to even be one in-story in "Born This Way.". The word Will writes on the board is acceptance and then tells the kids to make t-shirts about things that make them different and special that they should embrace because they can't change, and most of the kids do that but Will tells Emma that her shirt should have been about her OCD, and while she does need to admit that she's OCD, it's not something that she should just accept because it can be changed and in Emma's case it really needs to change because her OCD is having severe effects on her ability to live her life.
* [[Broken Base]]:
** Over the question of whether Rachel or Mercedes is the better singer, an argument which tends to divide along issues of musical taste (those who prefer Broadway or pop tend to prefer Rachel; R&B and hip-hop fans tend to prefer Mercedes).
** In the first half of Season 1, there was a sort of "Team Rachel"/"Team Quinn" rivalry between fans of the two characters. (Notnot in terms of which one belonged more with Finn - with Quinn lying to him about her pregnancy, most fans were on Rachel's side with that one - but with the issue of which one was generally more sympathetic or had more right to feel "wronged" by the other.).
*** It was rekindled in the second season after Rachel and Finn broke up and Finn and Quinn got back together. By then, Quinn had been made a lot more sympathetic, and one could have reasonably sided with either character in their battle for Finn (though this changed when it became clearer that Quinn was just dating Finn for his popularity so she could win Prom Queen). Then, of course, there are those fans who think ''both'' of them are too good for Finn...or not good ''enough''...
** The Finn/Kurt subplot in "Theatricality" has sparked quite a hot debate over which character was more in the wrong (Finn for calling Kurt's decor "faggy" or Kurt for the obsessiveness which led to Finn's outburst?). Eventually bled over into the show itself.
** There have been some fairly intense arguments over whether the pilot or season finale version of "Don't Stop Believing" is better.
** The second season itself has become a base-breaker. While its themed episodes like "Brittany/Britney,", "The Rocky Horror Glee Show", and "A Very Glee Christmas", and various guest stars have received a lot of hype and been fairly popular with the show's younger and/or more casual fans, a lot of viewers think the show has [[Jumped the Shark]] and long for the first season, when it was less interested in creating big moments and more in telling a consistent story and building interesting characters.
** More generally, people who view ''Glee'' as a guilty pleasure, or as a legitimately good show. And in the middle, there are those who used to view it as the latter who now see it as the former, or who think it can oscillate between the two from episode to episode.
** Mercedes' performance of "Sweet Transvestite". Some fans think she brought the house down. Others wish a house would be brought down ''on'' her for ruining it. There is very little middle ground.
** Over Artie's relationship with Brittany, and whether the show has done enough to develop it beyond a [[Crack Pairing]]. Some think they are quite sweet together, while others think that it's still just a lazy attempt at [[Pair the Spares]]. And that's not even getting into what the [[Yuri Fan|Brittana shippers]] [[Die for Our Ship|have to say about it]]...
** There is something of a battle over Kurt's portrayal. His [[Camp Gay]] persona is quite controversial: as the show is so popular, many believe that it gives a bad representation of gays to the mainstream as ''[[Will and Grace]]'' did years ago. Others believe that having an openly gay character who is neither [[Invisible to Gaydar]] nor the least bit ashamed is a good thing.
** The [[Gay Aesop|Gay Aesops]] of Season 2 also came under fire. There was either too many making them [[Anvilicious]] or it was perfectly justified since [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]].
** There's been a huge debate already on the scene in "Mash-Off" where {{spoiler|Finn outs Santana}} in response to her incessant teasing. Some say that Santana backed Finn into a corner and so it was only human that he would lash out with the only thing that would make Santana stop. Others say that as awful as Santana was, {{spoiler|outing her}} for that is [[Disproportionate Retribution]] and never, ever justifiable. Then there's the middle-ground, where they admit that what Finn did was completely wrong but he can't have anticipated where it would lead (to the {{spoiler|political ad that uses her lesbianism to bash Sue}}). It gets ugly no matter which position you take.
*** That's not to mention the following episode. Many people believe that Finn was very [[Easily Forgiven]] and that an episode that ''should'' have been focused on {{spoiler|Britanny and Santana's relationship}} was instead focused on Finn for no real reason. The one ''given'' by Finn was that Santana was the one who took his virginity, so [[Ass Pull|he allegedly selflessly cares about the fact that her not being out is hurting her emotionally.]] NevermindNever mind the fact that [[Discontinuity|in the prior episode]], he just seemed to have been pushed to the edge by Santana's [[Hollywood Pudgy|verbal attacks on his weight]] so he wanted to get back at her.
** '"Dance With Somebody'" broke the base with {{spoiler|Kurt's cheating storyline}} and Blaine's reaction to it through song; part of the base sided fully with Blaine and despised Kurt for {{spoiler|flirting with Chandler}}; some didn't side with either; and some sided with Kurt as they saw Blaine's behavior as hypocritical given his pre-"Michael" relationship with Sebastian.
* [[Canon Sue]]:
** Holly Holiday. Any flaws she has only add a sense of nobility to her, and she's loved by everyone.
** Blaine also fits this trope to a T. Even when he makes a mistake, it's not his fault. There's always something else to blame.
* [[Cargo Shipping]]: Wes/Gavel and Kurt/Kilt are fairly popular, but the most widely known one is Santana/Shrub-shaped-like-a-person (Shrubtana).
** Don't forget Briano (Brad, the piano player for New Directions and his piano. Though he cheats on it with the keyboard from time to time.)
* [[Cliché Storm]] / [[Troperrific]]: Critics charge that the show relies too much on hackneyed plot devices; the show really tends to revel in the charge. The fans love it though, and the writers certainly know what they're getting into.
* [[Colbert Bump]]: Has had this effect with some of the music they've featured on their show.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: The "Umbrella/Singin' in the Rain" mash-up was supposed to make "Singin'" a bit more modern and enjoyable for the kids. Instead it's basically "Umbrella" with half of the chorus switched out. And most of the "Singin'" parts are only sung by Will anyways, so the kids don't have to do any of the old music anyways. At least it was mostly enjoyable to listen to.
** Kurt in '"Blame It On The Alcohol'" says that Karofsky '"didn't like who I am'." Kurt must be really dense not to understand that the person Karofsky actually hates is ''himself'' and that Kurt is an object of admiration/stand-in for the parts of himself he hates the most. Then again, Kurt has also [[Completely Missing the Point|completely missed the point]] in Season 1, with all his [[Depraved Homosexual]] behavior towards Finn which was barely touched upon in '"Duets'" and tends to be excused by [[Fan Dumb|his fans]].
** The meaning of the "Don't Stand So Close To Me"/"Young Girl" mashupmash-up (which deliberately ignores the point of both) is botched by the inclusion of the line "Temptation, frustration, so bad it makes him cry.".
* [[Complete Monster]]: {{spoiler|The guys at Karofsky's new school, who outed him as gay and drove him to a, thankfully failed,[[Driven to Suicide|suicide attempt]]. [[Moral Event Horizon|They even continued mocking him on Facebook after his suicide attempt!]]}}!
* [[Contractual Purity]]: There is a strange tendency by [[Moral Guardians|some people]] to flip out every time Lea Michele or Dianna Agron appears on a magazine looking sexy. Yes, they are adult women in their mid-20s, not teenagers, yet somehow the fact that they play minors on TV means that they are "sending girls the wrong message" every time they so much as wear low-cut shirts. ''Glee'' is an unusual case, though, since it is not a kids' show and it engages in sexual and other adult themes ''on the show'', so this expectation is solely due to [[What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?|viewer misconceptions]].
* [[Crack Pairing]]: Artie's relationship with Brittany, at least initially.
** Crack pairings seem to be a part of the show. Others include: Puck/Rachel, Puck/Mercedes, Kurt/Brittany, Artie/Becky, Will/Sue, and Puck/Shelby
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