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[[File:evolution super 6518.jpg|frame|The Evolution Of [[Superman|(Super)]] Man]]
A common subtrope of [[Hollywood Evolution]] that commonly shows up along with [[Evolutionary Levels]], evolution is depicted as, or believed by a character to be, being directed toward a goal, most commonly [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|ascension]] or superpowered or [[Human Alien|humanoid]], rather than toward whatever is best adapted to the environment. Generally, things being described as "more evolved" is a very good indicator this trope is present.
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== Anime and Manga ==
* ''[[Digimon Tamers]]'': Advancement in the traditional evolutionary sense and digivolution are seen as the goal of the Sovereign Zhuqiaomon, his Devas and Impmon.
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* ''[[Stardust Memories]]'': One theory is that evolutionary levels are contagious on a mass scale—if a world has primitive life, and it's visited by humans, that primitive life will rapidly evolve to fill all evolutionary niches required in order to produce human-like creatures. Unfortunately, [[Body Horror|it may hit an evolutionary dead end during the attempt]] . . .
== Comic Books ==
== Comics ==
* [[Marvel Comics]]:
** ''[[X-Men (Comic Book)|X Men]]'': Many characters (particularly the villains) believe that mutants are the next stage of humanity or its successor. In fact, it appears mutants, humans, Inhumans, and other species were experiments towards some vague goal set up by the Celestials.
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*** This is trumped by him fighting Hulk [[It Makes Sense in Context|so Hulk would kill him]], when he changed the "evolutionary levels" of the ''Earth'', converting the ground beneath Hulk into tar (like tarpits, you know, because tarpits are like stone age, man?), then lava, then ''gas''.
*** In ''[[What If]] The Avengers Lost The Evolutionary War?'', all mutant and otherwise empowered superpeople have their powers enhanced in all kinds of ways (Cyclops can now control his blasts and doesn't need a visor; Spiderman grows four extra arms) while ordinary humans (including non-evolved heroes and villains such as Ironman and Doctor Doom) become bigbrained superintelligent psychics.
* The "Superman of the future" (100,000 years in the future) in Action Comics #256, [https://web.archive.org/web/20130829045547/http://superdickery.com/images/stories/science/vac_u_jack.jpg as seen on Superdickery]. Note that this is also a reference to the Ultra-Humanite, the earliest comic supervillain, more recognizable as having evolved into a large brained ''albino gorilla'' after [[Lex Luthor]] accidentally stole [[Bald of Evil|his look]].
== ComicsFilm ==
== Films -- Live-Action ==
* ''[[Starship Troopers (film)|Starship Troopers]]'': The biology teacher in the beginning thought the [[Playing with a Trope|Bugs were more evolved than humans]].
{{quote|"We humans like to ''think'' we are nature's finest achievement, but I'm afraid that just isn't ''true''."}}
* In the 1986 film version of ''[[The Fly]]'', the afflicted remarks "I seem to be stricken by a disease with a purpose, wouldn't you say?"
* ''[[Mission to Mars]]'' heavily implies that the life that was seeded on Earth by the Martians was intended to go through the exact path that we saw in our history, complete with the destruction of the dinosaurs, the Ice Ages, and the ascent of humankind, complete with genes that are able to activate the technology that was sealed inside the Face.
* In ''Evolution'', the nitrogen-based organisms appear to be doing this, as they evolve at hyper-speed to produce plantlike life, then worm-like, then vertebrate-like, then primate-like. Subverted at the end, when {{spoiler|the final evolved form is a kaiju-sized amoeba rather than a [[Rubber Forehead Alien]]}}.
== Literature ==
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* ''[[The War Against the Chtorr]]'': It's stated that since Chtorran lifeforms have a billion-year evolutionary head start they have a massive advantage over Earth lifeforms.
* ''[[Tomorrow Town]]'' by [[Kim Newman]]: Parodied, one of the claims made by the futurists who have set up shop in the titular town is that they have evolved beyond their 1970s contemporaries, or '[[Fantastic Racism|yesterday men]]' as they are called. Of course, like most things to do with their "futopia", they're quite, quite mistaken.
* Played with in the fiction portion of ''[[Discworld/The Science of Discworld|The Science of Discworld]]'', in which the native life forms of Roundworld keep evolving civilizations which the wizards hail as the pinnacle of creation, only to be wiped out to a crab/lizard/bear/whatever by cometary impacts and other catastrophes. So even if intelligence ''were'' something evolution was actively working towards, extinction couldn't care less.
* Averted in [[David Brin]]'s ''[[Uplift]]'' verse. Most clans believe that a species can't even develop sentience without genetic engineering (the exceptions being the mythical [[Precursors]] and maybe humanity).
== Live-Action TV ==
* ''[[Star Trek]]'':
** ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series|Star Trek the Original Series]]'': The episode "The Omega Glory" also used the 'path evolution is supposed to take' idea in order to show a planet who ''evolved the American flag and Constitution in parallel to Earth''.
*** Spock explains:
{{quote|"The actual theory is that all lifeforms evolved [[Evolutionary Levels|from the lower levels to the more advanced stages]]."}}
** ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Star Trek the Next Generation]]'': A humanoid named "John Doe" encountered by the crew was part of a minority of his species that were "evolving" (actually, undergoing metamorphosis, but they called it "evolution") into [[Energy Beings]].
** A later ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Next Generation]]'' episode, ''The Chase'', reveals that all life in the Alpha Quadrant had descended from microbes seeded by a race of precursors billions of years ago. Somehow, because the microbes came from the precursors' homeworld, they were able to develop into multiple humanoid species on hundreds of different planets. At the same time. Who can interbreed with each other. It makes more sense than any other explanation no matter how much [[Fridge Logic]] is applied.
** ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Star Trek Voyager]]'': The [[Canon Discontinuity|infamous]] episode "Threshold" [[Playing with a Trope|plays with]] this trope. Tom Paris undergoes "accelerated evolution" after travelling at trans-[[Faster-Than-Light Travel|warp]] speeds, and eventually reaches humanity's evolutionary goal—he turns into a giant newt. (He got better). The episode's writers later revealed that their idea was to show that the final "goal" of human evolution could turn out to be something seemingly primitive, rather than the "advanced", hyper-intelligent forms of life that this trope usually results in.
** ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Star Trek Enterprise]]'': The episode "Dear Doctor" showcased the "path evolution is supposed to take" misconception. This was Captain Archer's justification for refusing to ''cure a plague'' he had a cure for (he believed the civilization suffering from it was "supposed" to die out to make way for another species) leading some like [[SF Debris]] to accuse him of genocide.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'':
** In [[Doctor Who/Recap/S1/E02 The Daleks|the first Dalek story]], the Thals had mutated into something hideous, then back again into good-looking space elves in leather trousers because that was, supposedly, the most perfect form.
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'''Observer:''' Convenient? Why, our brains are fully functional from our bodies for up to fifty yards. }}
** Also referenced in the final host segment of the last episode of the Comedy Central years (a ''2001'' parody), when the SOL crew evolves into energy. They decide to regain their bodily forms at the beginning of the first episode of the Sci-Fi Channel years.
* ''[[The Big Bang Theory]]'': [[Insufferable Genius|Sheldon]] [[YouArtistic FailLicense Biology|fails biology forever]] because he believes "[he] is farther down the evolutionary ''line''" than the rest of humanity, and has [[We Will Not Have Appendixes in the Future|smaller incisors and pinky toes than everyone else]]. You'd think an theoretical physicist who has been shown to be interested in <s>all</s> most areas of science would actually bother to learn how evolution ''works''. Given that he explicitly does internet searches to find out anything about biology (like why his stomach might be hurting), he probably doesn't know half as much about biology or medicine as he thinks he does. Not that it would stop him believing that he's superior anyway.
** Explicitly shown in one episode when Sheldon states Amy's science (neurobiology) is basically the same as Bernadette's (microbiology):
{{quote|'''Sheldon:''' Your doctorate is in neurobiology. I fail to see the distinction.
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* ''[[Red Dwarf]]'': Over the course of 3 million years the inbred and irradiated descendents of Lister's cat somehow evolved into [http://media.photobucket.com/image/red%20dwarf%20cat/Smeghead/1-13l.jpg this].
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'': In one episode a super-powerful psychic has reached "the next stage" ahead of everyone else and evolves into an energy being. At the end of the series we're shown humans a million years down the line, who have all become beings of pure thought.
== Tabletop Games ==
* In the ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' card game, the Slivers seem to be an insectile species that have evolved the ability to evolve faster and share genetics through some sort of [[Hive Mind|psionic link]], resulting in not just momentary changes to genotype but also phenotype when two different varieties are in proximity. In addition, some flavor text references [[Evolutionary Levels]]. The Ghostflame Sliver, for example, seems to be a reference to the common misunderstanding of the punctuated equilibrium theory, as they are "on the cusp of evolution", but it's most notable in the Sliver Overlord, which declares it the ''end'' of evolution. Then again, the Slivers evolve so quickly partially by devouring other life forms and adapting their advantageous genes to their offspring, grow rapidly to adulthood, are semi-sentient, act in concert, and are almost virus-like in their ability to infest, consume, and spread rapidly, so it might just be an intimation that the Slivers will kill everything on the planet, halting evolution permanently.
* ''[[Forgotten Realms]]'': "Pages from the Mages" [[Played With]] this. The spell "Evolve" changes a normal animal into an intelligent and more or less human-like form. [[Don't Explain the Joke|The punchline]] is that glorified name aside, the spell just permanently transforms the target halfway to its caster (presumed to be a human smart enough to use a 8-level spell), using his own blood sample(!) as a component.
== Video Games ==
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* ''[[Star Ocean: The Last Hope]]'': The [[Big Bad]] seems to think that it's possible to create a "better" evolution that will save humanity from violence and sadness. Even worse, the heroes believe that it's necessary to "make our hearts worthy" in order to evolve.
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]'': It's theorized the Zunanma were subconsciously evolving to be more like their "gods". The gods thought this was bad but the only solutions they could think of were abandonment or annihilation and Zunanma didn't like either.
* ''[[Wild ArmsARMs 3]]'': The Prophets describe five stages of evolution; they hope to evolve the world into its final stage. Even the characters who call out this notion as BS believe the dragons lived at their "evolutionary apex" before dying out. {{spoiler|The former statement is justified oddly in that the Prophets were under the coercion of the ego-maniacal Demons.}}
* ''[[Marathon Trilogy|Marathon]]'': [[Word of God]] has said that this is the inspiration for [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|Rampancy]] in [[The Verse]]. The concept that all life, and all evolution, strives upward towards [[Deus Est Machina|Godhood]].
== Western Animation ==
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* ''[[The Spectacular Spider-Man]]'': In an episode titled "Natural Selection", Martha Connors states that lizard DNA is more primitive than humans, to which Curt Connors, the unfortunate victim of his own experiment, responds: "I'm regressing."
* ''[[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]]'': The titular [[Super Mode|Ultimate Forms]]. The 'fast' part is at least justified in that the entire series revolves around a piece of [[Imported Alien Phlebotinum]] that can spontaneously rewrite a person's DNA. [[Word of God]] claims that the Ultimate forms are actually the ''projected'' evolution of a species based off of a simulated planet-wide civil war lasting millions of years.
== Real Life ==
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