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* In ''[[Drakengard]]'', [[The World Is Always Doomed]] because God Is Evil. {{spoiler|The gods that the hierarchs in the [[Crystal Dragon Jesus]] religion pray to for salvation are in fact the [[Big Bad|ones trying to destroy the world]]. When they show up towards the game's [[Trippy Finale Syndrome|finale]], they appear as giant, man-eating babies}}. Yeah. As far as who created the world, the debate is out whether [[Cosmic Horror|the gods]] did or the dragons did.
** Well, to be technical, {{spoiler|The giant babies are only said to be the gods in the sequel. In the original game, it instead appears to be what happens if the gods ''die'' -- they may be evil, but keeping them around is preferable to the alternative. Given that the portion of the original game where the babies appear didn't happen as far as the sequel is concerned, it's quite possible that both versions are correct within the context of their own games.}}
* ''[[Final Fantasy X]]'' had the church of Yevon, who were [[Is That What He Told You?|blinded by lies]] and persecuted with a giant, indestructible [[Space Whale]] capable of [[Doomed Hometown|leveling cities]] over the course of a thousand years. {{spoiler|Yevon turns out to not be a benevolent god, but a deranged summoner who refused to die and used the souls of the last survivors of his civilization to summon a recreation of their city for them to live in forever - the same "dream Zanarkand" that Tidus and Jecht came from - via the use of an [[InstrumentalityAssimilation Plot]]. The [[Space Whale]] actually ''was'' a hull for Yevon's spirit, created to basically demolish any civilization that became advanced enough to potentially disrupt the "dream" Zanarkand}}. Still, the true purpose of the church of Yevon {{spoiler|(as founded by his daughter) was to appease him without letting him destroy the rest of the world for revenge. Suffice to say, this knowledge never made it past the church's leaders...until a certain [[Badass Longcoat]] who learned the truth refused to stay dead}}.
* This is touched upon in ''[[The World Ends With You]]'', as whether or not the Composer of The Game is simply just giving a reasonable chance to everyone {{spoiler|for their lives again}} or is rather a complete [[Jerkass]] sadist who likes pitting people against each other with the risk of losing their existence. At any rate, it's a rare case where the Jesus-figure is undeniably an asshole.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XII]]'' has the Occuria, a pantheon of very powerful godlike spirits who have manipulated the development of mortal life on Ivalice for centuries in an ongoing [[Gambit Roulette]], selecting and manipulating various humans as their champions, including the player characters. Ironically, they are opposed by one of their own, a rogue Occuria who has allied with the [[Evil Overlord]] in an attempt to break the Occuria's domination over humanity in a [[Gambit Roulette]] of their own, unfortunately causing tremendous misery and destruction in their attempts to do so.