Good Omens: Difference between revisions

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* [[Abstract Apotheosis]]: The Bikers under go this when Adam is near. Only Death doesn't change (Somesome things don't).
* [[Action Girl]]: Pepper and [[Fiery Redhead|War]].
* [[Aerith and Bob]]
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* [[All Bikers Are Hells Angels]]: The co-Bikers of the Apocalypse.
* [[The Alleged Car]]: Newt's Wasabi.
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with {{spoiler|[[Cool Car|Crowley's Bentley]] after going over the M25. It's on fire, has no wheels, and takes all Of Crowleys concentration just to keep it from falling apart.}}
* [[Aluminum Christmas Trees]]: You know Aziraphale's copy of the Bible that accidentally read "Thou Shalt Commit Adultery"? [[wikipedia:Wicked Bible|It exists]].
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Aziraphale is described as giving the impression that he is "gayer than a tree full of monkeys on nitrous oxide". The same passage explains, however, that divine beings are without sexual characteristics (unless they really want) and therefore couldn't be considered to have any sexual orientation.
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* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: The four Horse''persons''.
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Anti-Christ]]: Adam.}}
** [[Zig Zagged Trope|Zig-zagged]]. {{spoiler|He's a mischeviousmischievious kid who doesn't quite understand adult morality yet, but doesn't do anything really ''nasty''... then he gets angry at the way the human race is screwing up the world and decides to do something about it. For a bit, he becomes a crazed monster, willing to genocide the human race and build new, better people for him to play with. Then his human side regains control and he becomes basically good, but still with that dark well of evil threatening to burst through every so often.}}
* [[The Antichrist]]: Adam again.
* [[Anticlimax]]: {{spoiler|Just when it looks like the Apocalypse has been averted, a mighty rumble from underground signals that [[Satan|Crowley's boss]] isn't going to let this go easily}}. Crowley and Aziraphale arm themselves for the final battle, [[It Has Been an Honor|exchange speeches]], [[Transformation Sequence|change into]] [[One-Winged Angel|their true forms]], and the human characters decide to join them in the upcoming fight... {{spoiler|then Adam waves his hand and suddenly there's no battle to be fought. [[So What Do We Do Now?|Everything's back to normal now and the characters can get on with their lives!]]}}
* [[Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?]]: "Listen, do you know what eternity is?"
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: "Human beings mostly aren't [particularly evil]. They just get carried away by new ideas, like [[Those Wacky Nazis|dressing up in jackboots]] and shooting people, or dressing up in white sheets and lynching people, or dressing up in tie-dye and playing guitars at people"."
** "Many phenomena - wars, plagues, sudden audits - have been advanced as evidence for the hidden hand of Satan in the affairs of Man..."
* [[Aura Vision]]: An offshoot of Anathema Device's psychic powers. It causes slight troubles when she can't see a certain person's aura.
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* [[Baby Talk]] (or possibly, given that she's a Satanist, [[Cuteness Proximity]]): Sister Mary Loquacious, getting distracted by the baby [[Anti Christ]] and his little hoofie-woofies. {{spoiler|Which he hasn't got}}.
* [[Back-to-Back Badasses]]: {{spoiler|Aziraphale and Crowley when preparing for the final battle armed with a flaming sword and a tire iron, respectively}}.
* [[Badass Decay]]: In-universe example. A huge dog that would make angry rottweilers and pitbullspit-bulls cower gets turned into a small terrier-like mongrel with a funny ear, because Adam's his master and he said so. Much to Dog's dismay, he can't scare away cats like he used to and tries (mostly unsuccessfully) to fight small-dog instincts.
** By the end he gives up and starts to enjoy it, realizing much as Crowley has that Earth is so much more interesting than Hell.
* [[Badass Normal]]: [[Badass Bystander|Pepper, Brian, and Wensleydale]] who {{spoiler|defeat the Horsemen}}, and Shadwell, who's {{spoiler|ready to take on [[Satan]]. With his ''head''}}.
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* [[Being Good Sucks]]/[[Being Evil Sucks]]: Aziraphale and Crowley commiserate while drinking.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Aziraphale may be an angel, but it's still not a very good idea to piss him off.
** Humanity. We apparently gave the world the Spanish InquistionInquisition, Milton Keynes and the concept of ''traffic wardens''.
* [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Biker of the Apocalypse]]
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]: Subverted with {{spoiler|Adam}}, though the hair probably comes from [[Satan|his dad's side of the family.]]
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* [[Conflict Ball]]: War is the anthropomorphic embodiment of one. Wherever she goes, people randomly start fighting (sometimes [[Femme Fatale|over her]]).
* [[Cool Car]]: Crowley's Bentley. Although towards the end, it's a {{spoiler|[[Incredibly Lame Pun|totally hot car]]}} instead.
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: Shadwell, for a given value of "cool.".
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: Agnes Nutter.
** Arguably Madame Tracy.
* [[Cool Shades]]: Crowley, which he wears ''[[Sunglasses At Night|all the time]]'' - although to be fair, {{spoiler|he's concealing glowing snake's eyes with vertical pupils.}}
** Which he could probably hide, but then what would be the point of always wearing [[Cool Shades]]?
*** Which he probably ''couldn't'' hide, as the book's cowrittenco-written by Pterry, who ruled in [[Discworld]] that supernatural beings can't disguise the nature of their eyes.
**** [[Fridge Logic|But then what did he do before sunglasses were invented ?]]
* [[Cosmic Plaything]]: ''Everybody''. With the possible exception of {{spoiler|Adam}}.
Line 93:
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Newton becomes one at the end, for some reason or other.
* [[Death Glare]]: [[Psychoactive Powers|When deployed by Crowley]] [[Evil Eye|reality tends to realign accordingly.]]
* [[Deconstruction]]: Agnes is a deconstruction of [[The Seer]]. On the one hand, we see that she is always right, but sometimes her predictions are oddly specific (don't buyebuy Betamacks), too ahead of their time (jogging helps people to live longer), centered on her relatives in the future (she predicted for 11/22/1963 that a house in a small English city would break down, but doesn't mention the assassination of [[John F. Kennedy]] on the same day - one of her relatives might be in that city at that day, but apparently, none of them wanted to go to Dallas), and she didn't bother to order her predictions or explain them in detail. On the other hand, she uses her power to successfully [[Write Back to the Future]] (and also to avoid people responsible for delivering said message to snoop), and since she can predict EVERYTHING, this includes knowing when Anathema will read a specific prophecy - so it always fits.
* [[Delusions of Eloquence]]: The Three have big ideas, but are frequently undone by their own misspellings.
* [[Designated Girl Fight]]: An unusual version of one; violent little tomboy Pepper versus War.
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** [[Determined Defeatist]]: At one point, when things are at their bleakest, he thinks he might as well drink himself senseless while he waits for the world to end. Instead, he drives at top speed to Tadfield to prevent the Apocalypse. In a burning car. That he's holding together through sheer [[Heroic Resolve]].
* [[Devil in Disguise]]: Crowley. His immediate superior is Hastur, who works for Beelzebub, who, in turn, reports to Satan himself.
* [[Digging to China]]: (orOr from Tibet).
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: The Young family's phone number: Tadfield six double-six.
* [[A Dog Named "Dog"]]: Dog, a hellhound who goes from a massive terrifying beast to a miniature mutt with a funny ear.
Line 114:
* [[Earth Is Young]]: The Earth has only been around for 6,000 years and all the 'old' stuff in the ground is God's decoration. Or [[Troll|personal amusement]]; consider the dinosaur skeletons.
* [[Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette]]: Anathema. She is a witch.
* [[Elvis Lives]]: A [[Running Gag]]. (Forfor the record, he unwittingly works for Famine at a burger joint.).
{{quote|'''Death:''' {{smallcaps|I don't care what it says, I never laid a finger on him.}}}}
* [[Embarrassing First Name]]/[[Embarrassing Middle Name]]: Pepper's real name is [[The Lord of the Rings|Pippin Galadriel]] [[The Neverending Story (novel)|Moonchild]]. It's also her [[Berserk Button]].
Line 123:
* [[Evil Albino]]: Pollution.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|The Them}} are the good counterparts to {{spoiler|the Four Horsepersons.}}
** Arguably, Crowley and Aziraphale. [[Not So Different|Given a rather unambitious definition of "evil.".]]
** Beelzebub and the Metatron even ''look'' virtually identical.
* [[Evil Is Stylish]]: Crowley again.
* [[Evil Redhead]]: War.
* [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin]]: In-universe subversion in the form of CHOW™, SNACKS™ and MEALS™ which thanks to cutting edge food-science technology contain nothing of any nutritional value whatsoever. The latter is a true work of art in that if you eat it in any significant amount, it will cause you to both become morbidly obese ''and'' die of malnutrition, which their inventor finds deeply amusing.
** {{spoiler|Should come as no surprise that it was Famine who was responsible for these products}}.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: Crowley.
* [[Fail O'Suckyname]]: The secondary group of Bikers of the Apocalypse.
** Their names are: Grievous Bodily Harm, Cruelty to Animals, Really Cool People, and Treading In Dogshit (formerly All Foreigners Especially The French, formerly Things Not Working Properly Even After You've Given Them [[Percussive Maintenance|A Good Thumping]], never actually No Alcohol Lager, briefly Embarrassing Personal Problems, and finally [[It Makes Sense in Context|People Covered In Fish]]).
* [[Fallen Angel]]: All the demons of hell are fallen angels. So is Crowley, though "he didn't fall so much as saunter vaguely downward".
* [[Fictional Colour]]: There was a mention of infra-black, that was the color that flashes before your eyes when you've just run into a wall head-first, right before you die.
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* [[Footnote Fever]]: For backstory, digressions, gags, set-ups for [[Brick Joke|Brick Jokes]]...
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: See the [[Odd Couple]] entry.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire|Friendly Neighborhood Demon]] -: Crowley.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Parodied by Crowley, who talks to his plants to encourage their growth. Topics include disappointment in growth rates and what happened to the last plant that didn't bloom. His plants are very tall, very green, and very frightened.
** Aziraphale exhibits this trope in several instances where Crowley is about to get someone killed.
Line 173:
* [[Good Is Boring]]: It's explained that Heaven doesn't have any good, notable musicians or actors.
** The two musical exceptions that Crowley says Heaven possesses are Elgar and Liszt. It's implied to be very terrible.
** Crowley underlies some of the [[What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?|horror]] underlying Heaven's [[Glurge|glurgy]] tedium when he tells Aziraphale that if Heaven wins Armageddon, in the time it takes for a bird to fly from one end of the universe to the other and wear down a mountain by sharpening its beak against it, Aziraphale ''still'' won't have finished watching ''[[The Sound of Music.]]''. And Aziraphale will enjoy it. ''Every single time.''.
*** [[Not So Different|Note that this is a parody of the traditional hellfire sermon, where the bird flying across the universe is used to suggest how long the torments of the damned will go on.]]
* [[Good Is Not Dumb]]: Aziraphale. Members of [[The Mafia]] [[Shame If Something Happened|that threaten his bookstore]] [[Mugging the Monster|tend to leave and never come back]]. [[Beware the Nice Ones|Just because he's an angel doesn't mean he's weak.]]
* [[Good Wings, Evil Wings]]: Subverted, there is little difference between the wings of angels and demons [[Evil Is Sexy|though the wings of demons tend to be better groomed]]. The fandom mostly ignores this, choosing instead to represent demons' wings as black and angels' as white, or, more rarely, to have the latter simply lighter in color than the former.
** Fandom preference can be argued for, or rather not actually disproven by canon, as there is no mention of specific colourscolors in the book. Azrael's wings are called "angel's wings" while also being described as black holes into space with visible stars, therefore not even feathers. Both Beelzebub and Metatron could be seen as having flaming red and gold wings, respectively, as they are both on fire. If one makes the assumption that angels only have white wings, there are countless examples of classical artwork and stained glass windows with every colourcolor in the rainbow. The concept of only white wings seems likely to have begun with the works of the artist Bougeureau in the 1800's.
* [[Granola Girl]]: Anathema Device is something like this.
* [[The Grim Reaper]]: Similar to but a lot less interested in humanity than the ''[[Discworld]]'' version. (Almostalmost nothing like the ''[[The Sandman|Sandman]]'' version, for the record, except for the wings.).
* [[Guardian Entity]]: Aziraphale and Crowley to the [[Anti-Anti-Christ]], sort of. Also, the hellhound to the [[Anti-Anti-Christ]]... also sort of.
* [[The Gump]]: Subverted. Crowley received a commendation from Hell for starting the Spanish Inquisition. He didn't, rather he just happened to be in the area when it started. When he finally got around to seeing what this new-fangled Inquisition was, he ended up [[Even Evil Has Standards|spending a good deal of time drinking to forget what he saw]].
** Likewise, Crowley and Aziraphale both claimed Milton Keynes as a success, and believed meter maids were a plot by the other side, but both were entirely human creations.
* [[Happily Adopted]]: {{spoiler|All three of the babies involved in the birth switching.}}
* [[Have a Gay Old Time]]: Non-sexual example in ''The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter'' (the word 'nice' didn't settle on its modern implication until the 19th century). Probably influenced by the story of Alice Nutter and the Device family of Pendle, Lancs., being recorded in a 1612 book called ''The Wonderful Discovery of Witches in Lancashire'' - wonderful at the time meaning simply 'amazing'.)
** Also happens when Anathema and Newt are trying to {{spoiler|get inside the airforce base}}. The American guard is very impressed with Newt's fancy Witchfinder credentials, but is skeptical of the part "...about us got to give you faggots"?
*** Although he is excited when he finds out that they wanted the faggots to burn them.
* [[Hellish Pupils]]: Quite literally, in Crowley's case.
* [[Hell of a Heaven]]: Crowley hints that Heaven's a boring place with few composers, theaters and films. ''"Listen, the point is that when the bird has worn the mountain down to nothing, right then...then you still wouldn't have finished watching ''[[The Sound of Music]]''. And you'll enjoy it." ''
* [[Heroic Fire Rescue]]: Crowley runs into a burning bookshop with what everyone else perceives is an intention to rescue the (similarly immortal) angel Aziraphale; but what Crowley is really after, and rescues, is the extremely vital sole remaining edition of ''The Nice And Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Wyttche''.
* [[Heroic Resolve]]: Crowley holds his burning car together through '''[[Determinator|sheer force of will]]'''. [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Hell on wheels, eh?]]
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* [[Insult Backfire]]:
{{quote|'''Anal homeowner:''' "How would you like it if I littered on your lawn?!"
'''Pollution:''' "Oh, that would be lovely!" }}
* [[In the Blood]]: Subverted, Aziraphale argues this in regarding [[The Antichrist]], but Crowley argues that he has just as much chance of being on the side of good, because [[Lamarck Was Right|Lamarck wasn't right]].
* [[Inventor of the Mundane]]: ''Good Omens'' has a list of people who invented things that, once they were invented, became so ubiquitous no one remembered they ever needed inventing.
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* [[Japanese Ranguage]]: Newt's Wasabi and the fish boat captain.
** "The helpful voice was clearly recorded by someone who spoke neither Japanese nor English."
** Newt's Wasabi has a recorded voice that plays to remind riders to fasten unfastened seatbeltsseat-belts (which never goes off, because [[The Alleged Car|hey, it's Newt's Wasabi]]). At one point, the voice is described as saying "Prease frasten your seat bert".
* [[Just Following Orders]]: Invoked and (duh) played with. A lot.
* [[The Kid With the Leash]]: {{spoiler|Adam}}, the young Antichrist, has a pet hell hound which starts off as evil, but since it responds obediently to his commands, behaves like a lovable dog which restricts itself to chasing cats.
Line 224:
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: The {{spoiler|M25}}.
* [[Last-Name Basis]]: Shadwell and Wensleydale.
** Anthony J. Crowley. (Technicallytechnically, that's not his real name anyway.).
* [[Lean and Mean]]: Sable/Famine.
* [[The Legions of Hell]]
Line 276:
"Nearly always," said Adam, "An'--"
"More than half, anyway," said Pepper. "'Cos, you remember, when there was all that fuss over the ole folks' party in the village hall when we--"
"That doesn't count," said Adam."They got told off just as much as us." }}
* [[Not So Different]]: This is ''very explicitly'' spelled out as the relationship between Heaven and Hell.
* [[Nuns Are Spooky]]: Parodied by the Chattering Order of Saint Beryl.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Aziraphale, to GOD.
* [[Occult Detective]]: The modern Witchfinders.
* [[Odd Couple]]: [[Go-Karting with Bowser|Aziraphale and Crowley.]]
** [[Dating Catwoman|Newt and Anathema.]] But that one makes a certain amount of sense. He was a witchfinderWitchfinder and, well, he found himself a witch.
* [[Oddly Small Organization]]: The Witchhunters are just Shadwell, joined by Newt. Everyone else is long dead, and a good chunk of those "Witchunters" were mostly interested in claiming the property of those accused.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Aziraphale and Crowley's [[Transformation Sequence]], literally. (Except for the "One Winged" part.)
Line 301:
* [[Perplexing Plurals]]: Shadwell's instructions to Newt are to search for:
{{quote|1. [[Burn the Witch|Witches.]]<br />
2. Unexplainable Phenomenons. Phenomenatrices. Phenomenice. Things, ye ken well what I mean. }}
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: The Antichrist.
* [[Petting Zoo People]]: Crowley is the Snake.
Line 309:
* [[Playing with Fire]]: Aziraphale makes a traffic ticket spontaneously combust.
* [[Poke the Poodle]]: Crowley, who's considered an incompetent idiot by his fellow demons for choosing to annoy an entire population than drive one person to ruin and temptation, such as tying up the phone lines of Britain for seconds or causing traffic jams.
** Subverted by the narration, which backs up Crowley's claim that this a more effective investementinvestment of effort for the given corruption. Annoyed people have a tendency towards taking it out on others, and where other demons take years to corrupt a single person, Crowley in an afternoon slightly tarnishes ''thousands'' of souls.
* [[Precision F-Strike]]: {{spoiler|Aziraphale "Oh, ''fuck.''" After six thousand years of practiced not-swearing}}.
* [[Properly Paranoid]]: At one point, it's mentioned that Hastur is paranoid, which is in fact a very reasonable thing since he's grown up in Hell, where everyone really ''is'' out to get you.
* [[Prophecy Twist]]: Tons of them.
* [[Psychic Powers]]: Anathema.
* [[Psychoactive Powers]]: Do not upset the Antichrist.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Crowley. Sort of. Interestingly, his counterpart Aziraphale is a Punch Clock Angel -- not exactly a hero, but has the job of inspiring small amounts of goodness in the same way that Crowley causes small amounts of evil. They even take turns doing each otherothers's jobs once in a while and mostly try to thwart each other on a one-to-one basis so neither side really gets the upper hand.
* [[Queer People Are Funny]]: the running gag is that the lead duo are [[Mistaken for Gay]].
* [[Read the Fine Print]]
Line 332:
* [[Screw Destiny]]: The entire book is about breaking away from destiny and people's expectations of you, and finding your own path. At the end, {{spoiler|Newton Pulsifer even convinces Anathema Device not to live her life trying to interpret prophecies left to her by a distant ancestor}}. Also, {{spoiler|the Anti-Christ averts Armageddon.}} However, {{spoiler|Agnes may have seen it all coming.}}
** Hilarious that the plot to [[Screw Destiny]] is actually orchestrated by God, and everything might just as His [[Magic Franchise Word|ineffable]] plan intended; even the angels and devils really have no idea.
{{quote|''God does not play dice with the universe. He plays an ineffable game of His own devising, which might be compared, from the perspective of the other players <ref>i.e. everybody</ref>, to be involved in an obscure and complex version of poker in a pitch-dark room, with blank cards, for infinite stakes, with a Dealer who won't tell you rules and '''smiles all the time'''.'' }}
* [[Short Title Long Elaborate Subtitle]]
* [[Shout-Out]]: Many, many of them, ranging from [[Edgar Allan Poe]] to [[Dirty Harry]].
Line 338:
** When the Them are playing Adam does the best [[Star Wars|Darth Vader]] impression. Reference is made to the arguments over who gets to wear the coal scuttle and blow up planets.
** Little girl at Warlock's birthday party: "I gotter [[Transformers|transformer]] anna [[My Little Pony|mylittleponyer]] anna [[Transformers|decepticonattacker]] anna [[Thundercats|thundertank]] anna..."
** And, of course, the dedication: "To [[G. K. Chesterton]]: A Man Who Knew What Was Going On". (Thisthis ''may'' be a subversion, as GKC did play (notably in ''The Man Who Was Thursday'') with the idea that Good's {{spoiler|(or God's)}} [[The Plan|Ultimate Plan]] may sometimes appear to be Evil; however, GKC was ultimately a moral absolutist, and some irony may be at work here.). Neil Gaiman is known to be a big admirer of Chesterton, so it may be played straight.
** [[E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial|Upon seeing the Them ride past on their bikes the airbase guard asks if anyone saw if they were carrying an alien in a basket]].
** There's also the [[Doctor Who|alien that looked like a pepper pot]], described as ''beeping,'' so... [[Star Wars|it's a bit of a twofer.]]
** At the {{spoiler|last paragraph after Adam managed to avert the apocalypse [[Nineteen Eighty-Four|"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot]]... No, imagine a sneakerlace trailing, kicking a pebble; imagine a stick, to poke at interesting things, and throw for a dog that may or may not decide to retrieve it; imagine a tuneless whistle, pounding some luckless popular song into insensibility; imagine a figure, half angel, half devil, all human... [[The Second Coming|slouching hopefully towards Tadfield...]] [[Nineteen Eighty-Four|forever..."]] }}
** Adam's style of speaking is pretty much an homage to William Brown in the ''[[Just William]]'' stories.
** A few to the ''[[Hitch Hikers Guide to The Galaxy|Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]]'' series. When discussing the coming apocalypse while drunk, Aziraphale mentions, "Something about dolphins.".
** Pepper's real name, [[The Lord of the Rings|Pippin Galadriel]] [[The Neverending Story (novel)|Moonchild]] is twofer reference to ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' and ''[[The Neverending Story (novel)|The Neverending Story]]''.
** And guess where the names [[H.P. Lovecraft|Hastur and Dagon]] come from?
Line 369:
* [[Take That]]: Aziraphale's dismissiveness of televangelism and the Rapture while possessing a televangelist who's on the air. [[Is This Thing Still On?|"Gosh, am I on television?"]]
** It's made clear that this televangelist believes what he says and really does funnel most of his enormous income back into the ministry, doing "what he really thought was the Lord's work". One can only speculate whose cause ''that'' helps.
* [[Taking You with Me]]: Agnes Nutter. (Againagain).)
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]: Crowley.
* [[Telepathy]]: "He wanted a real gun." Mind reading also seems part of the angelic/demonic power set.
Line 402:
* [[Wannabe Diss]]: Bemused cynical version from demons towards satanists, and from the [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse|Horsepersons of the Apocalypse]] towards the bikers in the bar, who in their turn feel the same about weekend bikers.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Holy water, and the horseshoe over Anathema's door that wards off demons.
* [[Weather Dissonance]]: SimultaniouslySimultaneously played straight and Inverted. Lower Tadfield has perfectly normal weather, a little 'too' perfectly normal. It's always hot and sunny in the summer, snows on Christmas, every Christmas. Adam is playing a living [[Weather Control Machine]] and unconciouslyunconsciously making the localisedlocalized weather in his happy little town exactly what it's meant to be for that time of year.
** In fact it is how Newt finds him. After all, [[British Weather|when was the last anywhere else in Britain had perfect weather?]]
* [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?]]: Crowley's reaction to his immediate superiors being rather underwhelmed by his demonic influences (i.e. traffic jams, telemarketers, the M25) on the mortal world.
Line 421:
'''Crowley:''' In bigger letters, too.
'''Aziraphale:''' And underlined.
'''Crowley:''' ''Twice''. }}
* [[Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters]]: Brought up in those exact words during one of Aziraphale and Crowley's binge drinking philosophical debates.
** Turns out to be literal as well. They compare lists of organizations they consider on their side, and a slight majority are on both lists.
* [[You Were Trying Too Hard]]: Anathema [[Genre Savvy|tries]] and [[Wrong Genre Savvy|fails]] to invoke this trope.
* [[Yum Yum]]: War in the bar when "on holiday."
{{quote|Red unconcernedly withdrew the maraschino cherry from her drink, put it to her scarlet lips, and sucked it slowly off its stick in a way that made several men in the room break into a cold sweat. }}