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* Some of the videos border on this.
* The "Rock It" video doesn't just border on it.
** [[Nightmare Retardant]]: The drums are sampled from "[[Men Without Hats (Music)|Safety Dance]]".
* The last fifty or so seconds of "Rock the House" aren't particularly pleasant, either. [[Squick]].
* Try listening to the first part of "[[M 1 A 1]]M1A1" when driving alone late at night and without feeling a little bit frightened. "Hello? Is anyone there?" repeated as you travel down the dark, desolate road echoes the [[Dawn of the Dead|movie]] that sound bite is from...
* The [http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab346/SnowNerd/72069991.jpg inside] of Robo!Noodle.
** And [http://www.youtube.com/gorillaz#p/c/4528AEA2B1EAE168 her creation]. Erk.
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* The entire video for ''Clint Eastwood'' is spooky, what with the zombie gorillas and Del the rapping ghost, but the creepiest part for this troper is right at the beginning when Murdoc gives a really [[Evil Laugh|evil sounding laugh]] and fading to a close up of his face wearing a really sinister expression.
* Also in Plastic Beach, for your enjoyment, Sarcasmo.
** The fact that [[Truth in Television|there really is]] [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Pacific_Garbage_Patch:Great Pacific Garbage Patch|a Plastic Beach]]. [[Squick|Ewwwwww]].
* The way 2D turns around in "Feel Good Inc.", jerkily twisting his body around until his head is on completely backwards before he finally turns it too.
* The black body-bag looking thing in the lobby that moves when you click it. What's in there, anyway? Anyone brave enough to click it enough times to find out?
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* Several moments in the "On Melancholy Hill" video fall under this — {{spoiler|Robo!}}Noodle puking up a (still alive) octopus frightens even those in canon (namely 2D) and, while the manatee-napping bit is more of a [[Tear Jerker]] than anything else, the way that Boogieman is sort of... massaging the poor thing can definitely give you the jibblies.
* The fact that this is a world in which Murdoc Niccals not only has yet to be safely locked away from society, but was in fact forced to care for a coma patient, was allowed to keep joint custody of a small child, and is now "legally entitled to experiment on monkeys" should be Nightmare Fuel enough.
** Not to mention all the [[Unfortunate Implications]] of [[Dude, She's Like, in Aa Coma|what might have happened]] when he was looking after said coma patient.
* Murdoc drugging 2D during his radio show was exceptionally horrifying.
** His general treatment of 2D, especially during Phase 3.
* Not to mention the bit when Murdoc is screaming about "the fog."
* Sweet Jesus, "Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head." The freakishly emotionless Vincent Price-esque narration. The ominously droning background music. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nxMrRXHqpo The twisted storybook-style music video/animation] (*shudder* Strangefolk...). And the crown jewel on all this, the GODDAMN ENDING LYRICS.
{{quote| "And then came a sound. Distant at first, it grew into castrophany so immense it could be heard far away in space. There were no screams. There was no time. The mountain called Monkey had spoken. There was only fire. And then...nothing."}}
* Though probably [[Played for Laughs]], 2D screaming "HE'S KEEPING ME PRISONER!" during Pirate Radio 4 (found on the Gorillaz website) is actually fairly unsettling once you look past the [[Large Ham|hamminess]] of it. He just sounded really, really desperate.