Gosh Dang It to Heck: Difference between revisions

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* Preacher Tony Campolo was somewhat famous in religious circles for pointedly averting this trope (paraphrasing here): "There are children in third-world countries dying from starvation while your family is throwing away leftovers. That's bullshit!" [dramatic pause] "And I bet there are some of you here that are more upset that a man just swore from the pulpit than you are about the fact that a child is dying right now because he doesn't have any food."
* Averted and parodied in the ''[[Dan Vs.]]'' episode 'The Gym', Dan uses the word 'hellbent', and a {{spoiler|gym android}} says that he'd prefer Dan used the word 'heckbent'.
* [[N-Word Privileges|"Ninja" (plural "ninjaz")]]. It was started by Mencius Moldbug when quoting ''Gang Leader for a Day: A Rogue Sociologist Takes to the Streets'' by Sudhir Venkatesh; this makes most texts in black ghetto-speak ten times funnier, more when thematically appropriate, so a few people followed. Making e.g. [[Wu-Tang Clan]] lyrics look thusly:
{{quote|March of the wooden soldiers
C-cypher punks couldn't hold us
A thousand men rushing in, not one ninja was sober}}