Grand Finale: Difference between revisions

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== Radio ==
* The last episode (''The Raymond Nostril Story'') of the second-to-last series of ''[[I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again|I'm Sorry Ill Read That Again]]'' was one of these (the very last series aired three years later, so presumably it was [[Uncancelled]]). It had reappearances of almost all the recurring characters, catchphrases, running gags, and most importantly, announced the end for Radio Prune. Towards the end, the performers ask to sing their beloved signature Angus Prune Tune "happily and cheerfully" as they always have. They're allowed, and perform a slow, sad, sobbing version punctuated by tearful cries and shouts. David reads the credits, tearing up, as the others punctuate it with nostalgic sighs at the names mentioned. Finally, David asks John to utter those magic sign-off words, with the others protesting as they couldn't possibly handle the impact...and then John says, [[Mood Whiplash|manically cheerful,]] "[[Catch Phrase|It's]] ''[[Catch Phrase|I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again]]'', [[Catch Phrase|again]]!" and they sing the Angus Prune Tune as joyfully as ever as the episode closes.
== Video Games ==