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(moved the character-specific tropes to a new Characters page)
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Welcome Welcome students, to the Castle of Grave Academy, just your regular [[All-Ghouls School]] in Transilvannya, but with a few twists; ''Grave Academy'' is a Brazilian, Forum-Based RPG, that started on September 2011, in this verse, Monsters walk among us humans, but they do so when they're not, you know, [[I Am a Humanitarian|''Hunting'']], being punished by their law if they don't do so.
But that's where Grave Academy comes in, to teach young monsters how to fit in this Human-dominated world, and there they can learn various subjects, like: Venoms and Antidotes, Camouflage, Defense, Wield of Weapons, and even Magic; The school is directed By the Headmaster, Jack Jerripher, a Eccentric Dullahan, and his Right-Hand Woman, Sophie Merryweather, a bossy Harpy.
A Canonic Fanfic was released on the forum itself in October 31th, specially because of Halloween, and it covers the stories of the recently-dead-turned-ghost Luke Truesdale, as he is welcomed to the World of Monsters by Jack Jerripher, and is invited to the school, where he befriends and interacts with various other classmates, like the snarky Witch, Blair Liddel , the vegetarian Kelpie, Gary Crawford, the competitive Werewolf, Brenda Thompson, and the [[Keet]] Wendigo, Kain Winchester, as they encounter various hardships through their school life, and their clashes with the Monster's sworn enemies, the renegade Hunters, along with other foes. Oh, who are we kidding there? {{spoiler|[[Deconstruction]], [[Gut Punch]], [[Tear Jerker]]}}
=== Tropes Describing Grave Academy Include: ===
* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: The upcoming Grave Sewer Area, is this on steroids, since it contains raised walkways, tunnels and even a ''Shop''.
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* [[Youkai]]: Various.
* [[Zombie Apocalypse]]: One was seemingly attempted in the Canonic Story, but was apparently cut short when the zombie-virus vaccine became too expensive, and the Council had to wipe out the human's memories of this, they apparently call that the world war II now...
=== Tropes applying to specific Characters: ===
''Luke Truesdale:''
The Main protagonist, he dies by being hit by a truck in the first chapter and thus becomes a Ghost and is dragged into the world of the monsters as he enrolls the Grave Academy, he's in the Brinterruves Republic.
* [[Brown Eyes]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: a staple of the series.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: So far: [[Green Thumb]],[[Making a Splash]] and [[Blow You Away]].
* [[First Episode Ressurection]]: As a ghost
* [[Friendless Background]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Homing Projectile]]: His ''Phantom Disk'' technique.
* [[Invisibility]]: Learning.
* [[Iron Woobie]]: Seeing as he lost his dad when he was young, died, left his mother and brother without saying goodbye to them, he does not complain much, but recently revealed chapter information has revealed that he's going to get to deal with the [[Angst]].
* {{spoiler|[[Living MacGuffin]]}}
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Understandable, as he's new to the monster world.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Due to being oblivious to the workings of the monster world.
* [[Our Ghosts Are Different]]: They have to learn to control invisibility and intangibility.
* [[Power Perversion Potential]]: Kain once insisted that he should use his invisibility to spy on girls.
* [[Rocket Punch]]: Kinda, his ''Ectoplasm Hook'' technique.
* [[The Archer]]: Hinted.
* [[The Call Knows Where You Live]]
* [[The Hero]]
''Brenda Thompson''
A Female Werewolf, she's a smart and soft-spoken girl, but can sometimes be kind of a [[Deadpan Snarker]], was the first to befriend Luke, and also has a close bond with Gary and Blair, but she disapproves of Kain's lecherousness. She's in the Deprecius Republic. {{spoiler|Hinting at her true nature as a [[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[But Not Too Black]]
* {{spoiler|[[Curb Stomp Battle]]: versus Luke, Kain, Blair, Gary, Juliet, Jonah, James and Carmela, she's not in the receiving end...}}
* [[Cute Monster Girl]].
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Casting a Shadow]], [[Blow You Away]] and [[Dishing Out Dirt]], so far.
* [[Friendless Background]]
* [[Gray Eyes]]
* [[Guns Akimbo]]
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
* Meganekko: Like Blair, she doesn't always wear them.
* Orphan'sPlotTrinket: Implied, she has a locket with a family photo inside, and is hinted to be an orphan.
* [[Parental Abandonement]]: Or [[Dead Parents Are The Best]], we don't know yet.
** {{spoiler|Actually... It's [[Self-Made Orphan]]... But it was for self-defense}}
* [[Stepford Smiler]]
* {{spoiler|[[Super-Powered Evil Side]]: as related to the original werewolf, she can shift into a stronger mode, called Feral Mode, but [[The Plan|she was tricked into activating it]] on chapter 8}}
* [[The Smart Guy]]
* [[Wolf Man]]: Girl actually.
''Kain Winchester''
A {{spoiler|Half-}}Wendigo, he is the comedic relief of the group, thinks highly of his looks, although not many people agree with him, he's constantly being lecherous, but he's really someone you can count on. He's in the Lucemis Republic. {{spoiler|His father Freaked out when he discovered that his wife and child were monsters, he killed Kain's mother in his front, by the boy's soon-to-be Stepmother.}}
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Carpet of Virility]]: is overly hairy for a 16 year old, a side effect of being a Wendigo, but most caharacters don't like it...
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]
* [[Crouching Moron]],[[Hidden Badass]]
* [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]
* [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Green Thumb]] and [[Holy Hand Grenade]] for now.
* [[Happily Adopted]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]: as a Running Gag.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Attempted during chapter 8
** [[Unexplained Recovery]]
* [[Hollywood Dateless]]: he's physically based on Landon Liboiron, so it's surprising that's he never gets a date.
** Justified, as he's constantly being lecherous.
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
* [[Major Injury Underreaction]]: Beast!Brenda breaks his arm with a punch in chapter 8, he barely winks.
* [[Supreme Chef]]
* [[The Big Guy]]
* [[The Nose Knows]]
* [[Wendigo]]: Though they're more like Werebears in the Grave Academy 'Verse.
* [[Zerg Rush]]: his ''Heaven's Claw'' move.
''Gary Crawford''
A quiet and smart Kelpie, born and raised on the Kelpie Tribe, somewhere on Italy, he's quick to make friends, and is the target of many a girl's attentions for his looks, although he himself undermines this, at the Third Chapter, before meeting and befriending Luke, he was trapped with Bay Stones and made irascible, picking a fight with the Ghost at the Dining Hall, but once he got rid of the stones, he returned to his kindhearted nature.
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: Subverted, he's the only one, barr maybe Luke, who had a normal life.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Making a Splash]], [[Shock and Awe]] and [[Blow You Away]].
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]: In-Universe.
* [[Genius' Sweet Tooth]]: Shows even MORE when he eats sweets.
* [[Kelpie]]
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
* [[Master of Illusion]]: still learing the ropes.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]].
* [[The Bully]]: Averted 'Hard' as he was only that because he was affected by the Bay Stones.
* [[The Clan]]: The Kelpie Tribe.
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[The Stoic]]: though less so then most.
* [[Vegetarian Carnivore]]: By his own choice.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Bay Stones make Kelpies lose it.
''Blair Liddel''
A young Witch prodigy, she is highly praised for her magic, but she hates all the attention, and although she looks like a poster ''popular kid'', she has many nerdy and derpy hobbies, like [[LAR Ping]], liking to study, designing clothes, etc... She's i the Sapiensorens Republic, like Gary. {{spoiler|she's also the [[Knight of Cerebus]] for the first volume, as she was revealed to have been working for the villain all along. However, it's noteworthy that she was coerced into doing so, as her entire clan was wiped out by her sister, Blair(her real name is Alice, and since that day, she took her sister's name), who was ALSO under the villain influence, throughout her stay at the castle, she became real friends with everyone, and decided that she wasn't worth it, luckily, she was snapped out of it by Luke in their fight}}
* [[Awesome McCoolname]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* {{spoiler|[[Becoming the Mask]]}}
* [[Cute Witch]]: or [[Hot Witch]], as she's 17.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: [[Playing with Fire]], [[Making a Splash]], [[Dishing Out Dirt]], [[Blow You Away]], [[Green Thumb]], [[Shock and Awe]], [[Green Thumb]], [[Holy Hand Grenade]], [[Casting a Shadow]], and even the exclusive [[An Ice Person]].
* [[Green Thumb]]: Most of her personal spells have a pumpkin theme.
* {{spoiler|[[Knight of Cerebus]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Living Mc Guffin]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Last of His Kind]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Power Gives You Wings]]: ''Pumpkin Peacock''}}
* Meido: Uses a similar style for the [[Fireworks Party]].
* Meganekko: Not always wears 'em though.
* [[Mundane Utility]]: Can use Magic to change her hair/clothes, and make 'Raindrops miss her and her group''
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: has the most curvaceous body and wears sexy outfits quite often.
* [[Shout-Out]]: Both her first name, to [[The Blair Witch Project]], and her surname, to [[Alice in Wonderland]].
** {{spoiler|And then we discover that her real name is Alice.}}
* [[The Clan]]: her Clan, the Liddels, are known for producing great wizards and witches.
* [[The Mario]]: Is all-rounded and is capable of using all elements, save for the elusive crystal alignement.
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]: as of chapter 17, she was revealed to have been working for the bad guys...}}
** She's back now, as she was only led to being one.
* [[Tsundere]]: more Dere-Dere.
''Jack Jerripher''
The Headmaster, if he can be called that, seeing as he's a [[Headless Horseman]], Jack is a bit on the loony side most of the time, but can be wise as a sage if the need arises. He's the Third member in the Council of Swords, and so, he's recognized as the third strongest monster alive. {{spoiler|Lost his sister, Teresa, after a fight with an ancient demon}}
* [[A Father to His Men]]
* [[Bersek Button]]: Shared with all teachers, harming his students.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: As seen in the two spoilers below.
** {{spoiler|Being forced to [[Mercy Kill]] Robin}}
* [[Cool Horse]]: his Familiar, Cervantes.
* [[Creepy Cool Crosses]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister]], and it was quite gruesome too}}
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Claims to be an allrounder, so, [[Jack of All Stats]].
* [[Estrogen Brigade Bait]]
* [[Excentric Mentor]]: In Spades.
* [[Familiar]]: His Zombie Horse, Cervantes.
* {{spoiler|[[Freak-Out]]: After discovering that his sister was the mastermind, and that he essentially became a [[Windmill Crusader]]}}
** {{spoiler|Descends further into madness after his [[Mercy Kill]] on Robin}}
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]: Although it's described as a ''dirty'' gold color.
* [[Hammerspace]]: Lots of his magic powers seem to have something to do with this, either that or transportation.
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: The only reason he's alive is his sister's}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mercy Kill]]: On Robin}}
* [[Punny Name]]: To Jack the Ripper.
* [[Rainbow Motif]]: Within the Council of Swords, he's Deep Blue.
* [[Really 700 Years Old]]: At least 300, but looks 27.
* [[Red Baron]]: As a member of the Council, his is: ''Interpreter of the Imagination''
* [[Rock Theme Naming]]: All of the members of the council are likened to a Gemstone, his is a Deep-Blue Sapphire.
* [[Ship Tease]]: Buckloads with Sophie, Robin and Samantha, but mostly with Robin, {{spoiler|See [[Break the Cutie]] and [[Mercy Kill]]}}.
* [[Shout-Out]]: His Horse's name to the writer of Dom Quixote. {{spoiler|Turns out it was [[Foreshadowing]]...}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* [[Tarot Motifs]]: His Spells.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Sophie.
* {{spoiler|[[Windmill Crusader]]: He's set on revenge on the demon who killed his sister... Only to find it WAS his sister, see [[Break the Cutie]]}}
''Sophie Merryweather''
A bossy Harpy who's the right-hand woman of Jack, she excels in Camouflage, being noted as one of the top practicioners of the art, she's been Jack's freind for a long time, and thus, knows exactly how to deal with his loooniness, she was part of the official Camouflage comitee, and wanted to change its more stern rules, and altought she couldn't in the end, she learned that you just have to live with some things that we can't change. As the Eight member of the Council of Sowrds, she's regarded as the eight strongest monster alive.
* [[Acrophobic Bird]]: But later got over it.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Blood Brothers]]: With Samantha.
* [[Blue Eyes]]: Overlapping with [[Gray Eyes]].
* [[Child Prodigy]]
* [[Cool Sword]]: Abalone, her diamond and laurel-patterned longsword.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Death Glare]]
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen]]
* [[Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life]]: Part of her Backstory.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: Her field of specialization, her strong Water/Wind/Thunder magics granted her the moniker: ''Unyelding Storm''
* {{spoiler|[[Freak-Out]]: With Teresa's death}}
* [[Gratuitous Greek]]: her spells usually have something involving Greek Gods.
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]: She admits that she has no idea of how she managed to get friends, as she seems so cold all the time, and says that she was desperate for some.}}
* [[Master of Disguise]]
* [[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]: Her Aunt taught her all she knows about camouflage.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Of the teachers.
* [[Rainbow Motif]]: Within the Council of Swords, she's White.
* [[Red Baron]]: As a member of the Council, hers is: ''Divine Lightning'', but she also has: ''Unyelding Storm''.
* [[Rock Theme Naming]]: All of the members of the council are likened to a Gemstone, hers is a Pure-White Diamond.
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* [[Supreme Chef]]: Revealed in an Omake.
* [[Tall, Dark and Bishoujo]]
* [[Tsundere]]: More Tsun-Tsun.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Jack.
* [[Volleying Insults]]: Guess with who?