Grim Fandango/Funny

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  • Just about anything Glottis says: "Manny, until now we scraped along the ground like rats, but from now on, we soar! Yeah... like eagles! On... pogo sticks!"
  • After talking Celso into buying tickets from Hector during act 4:

 Hector Le Mans: We've had a lot of openings in this office in the last couple of years, and frankly we've had trouble filling them. I could really use a closer like you on the team...

    • Whereupon Manny is shown none other than his old office...
  • "Run you pigeons! It's Robert Frost!"
    • The best part is that he squeaks the balloons afterward to punctuate it.
  • (examining Eva)

 Manny: It's my boss's secretary, Eva.

Eva: It's my boss's whipping boy, Manny.

 Manny: It's my boss's secretary's evil twin!

Eva: Just me, honey.

      • And near the end of the game

 Manny: It's my ex-boss's ex-secretary, Eva.

Eva: Think you could let the secretary thing go, Manny?

  • During Act 3, Manny and Glottis run into Chepito, a hapless traveler who's been stuck wandering around in circles at the bottom of the sea because he's trying to follow a light he thinks is the moon. Part of a solution to a puzzle involves having Glottis grab his lantern and drag Chepito along with them, leading to this exchange:

 Chepito: Where are you taking me?

Manny: To the moon!

  • You gotta love Bruno's very first line upon being freed from his mortal body and seeing Manny. Keep in mind that you hear this after going through a great deal of fooforaw to get a car, driver and client, and the scene cuts to black the second after he says it:

 Bruno: Nice bath robe.

    • Bruno is a source of fun. He doesn't even qualify for a walking stick - he's packed in a casket for a four year trip as luggage, though you do give him a complimentary gift: a mug reading "Today Is The First Day of the End of Your Life!" Later, in Year 4, you find Bruno's casket. When it opens, it's the same tinkling sound you heard when freeing him from his mortal body. His reaction to seeing you is absolutely priceless.

 Bruno: YOU!!! You were the guy who packed me in there. You could have at least given me a magazine. Four years with nothing to read but this damn mug! What are you doing here? And if you were headed this way, why didn't you offer me a lift? Ah, phooey. I'm getting out of here - this world is for suckers!

  • Start experimenting with the 'pick up' command. Cat feces, women (and sometimes men), the moon...
  • An Easter Egg...try typing "BLAM" when playing. See what happens.
  • "So what's up with airplane food anyway?"
  • Olivia's poem, riffing on the beat-poetry of days gone by: Ashes, to ashes, to ashes, to ashes, to ashes, to me, to ashes, to ashes, to ashes.
  • Here's a pretty clever one from the first act:

 Manny: I think we should team up, be partners.

Domino: Oh, Manny, I would, but I'm too intimidated. I could never be partners with someone who was so much more of a man than me.

Manny: Oh, come on. I've seen your wife.

  • Manny's lines in the Land of the Living are pretty funny.
    • Revealing himself briefly to a living person:

 Manny: Boo!

    • Then:

 Manny: Pssst. It's me, Death. I'll see you soon, okay?

    • Revealing himself again will give him this gem:

 Manny: I know you can't hear me, but try to feel what I'm about to say deep down in your soul: Don't... eat... the... gazpacho...

    • Looking at a hamburger:

 Manny: I have to say, this food looks pretty good. I can't reap hamburger. Cows are a whole other bureau, not to mention the lettuce.

    • And the milkshake:

 Manny: Truth be told, I'd rather be setting this milkshake's soul free. Can't reap the milkshake. Can only smell it.

  • Any and all of Manny's jabs at Domino:

 Manny: Look at all the diplomas!

Domino: You have to have the proper attitude to get diplomas like those, Manny!

Manny: Really? I thought you just had to have the proper postage.

  • "What a relief. I was getting concerned that our transportation wasn't ostentatious enough."