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A [[Sub-Trope|Sub... Sugar page]] of [[Gushing About Shows You Like (Sugar Wiki)|Gushing About Shows You Like]]. Only this focuses on the writing part. Dialog, descriptions, prose, lyrics, even titles. Just have fun telling us about writing you like.
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Compare [[Gushing About Characters You Like (Sugar Wiki)|Gushing About Characters You Like]].
== Anime and Manga ==
* The writing in general for the first half to two-thirds of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' made a real effort to make the main characters as three dimensional as the show could, which was really refreshing. It really surprised me, when I was expecting an overrated show (not claiming it's the best ever, though) that was full of itself and the characters did things because the plot said so. So glad to be proven wrong.
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== FanfictionFan Works ==
* ''[[Those Lacking Spines]]''. A well-written piece of ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' fanfiction which excellently [[Deconstruction|deconstructs]] many aspects of bad fan writing. I am subjected to amazing [[Fridge Brilliance]] when recalling lesser events. E.g, blindly using [[Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness|fancy, long strings of words]] as a humorous point in the story.
* [ "Dog Will Hunt"]. Never thought I'd find myself like a Joker fanfic, but just read it. It sounds like the writer worked on the script for [[The Dark Knight Trilogy]]. Takes the best parts of every incarnation of the Joker and Harley Quinn, mixes them up, and lets it flow.
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* Dirt Music by Tim Winton. The prose is exquisite, the emotions moving but subtle. The characters feel so real and understandable.
* [[Stephen King]] isn't the king of horror for nothing
* [[Main/ptitlee 0 mkzzjc|Ryk E. Spoor's]] [ Grand Central Arena] (careful, that's only half the book, you'll be hooked). [ Tropey and awesome.]{{Dead link}} It's full of random allusions, magic, science and [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens]], and speeds along like an express train. Never have I read so many cliffhangers in one book. *fans self* Plus the protagonist, and several of the supporting characters, are completely [[Badass]].
* Roger Zelazny's writing is usually pretty weird, but he is a master of the English language. There are more references in any given book than anyone can possibly get. He will work in an entire plotline in one book just for a good one-liner two books later, and still have it make perfect sense. He can make you cry about a completely ridiculous situation in under three pages. Every time I read one of his books, I notice something clever I hadn't seen before.
* I will worship [[Jane Austen]] forever. Her wit, sarcasm, and social commentary can't be matched, and she understands how love can blossom in different ways.
* T.H. White's The Once and Future King is my favorite book. The characters are the main reason for that, as one can sympathize with them even as they cause the downfall of a civilization because of selfish reasons. The prose is frank yet lyrical in that mid-20th century fantasy novel sort of way. Perhaps the biggest appeal of The Once and Future King is that it deals with such heartrending themes of war, hate, oppression, and cruelty while still retaining some hope and never losing sight of its moral compass. Also, the antics of King Pellinore, Sir Palomides, and Sir Grummore never fail to make me smile.
* [[Jane Eyre]] by [[Charlotte Bronte]] is written [[Purple Prose|beautifully]] throughout: "I resisted all the way: a new thing for me, and a circumstance which greatly strengthened the bad opinion Bessie and Miss Abbot were disposed to entertain of me. The fact is, I was a trifle beside myself; or rather out of myself, as the French would say: I was conscious that a moment’s mutiny had already rendered me liable to strange penalties, and, like any other rebel slave, I felt resolved, in my desperation, to go all lengths.".
== [[Live -Action TV]] ==
* [[Russell T. Davies]]' writing on ''[[Torchwood]] Children of Earth'' was amazingly effective. The discussion the politicians had about what to do {{spoiler|and which children to sacrifice}} was painfully well observed.
* [[Steven Moffat]] is the god of [[Mood Whiplash]] on ''[[Doctor Who]]''. And ''[[Nightmare Fuel|he]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|makes]] [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|it]] [[Tear Jerker|work]].''
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* ''[[Modern Family]]'' captures the trials and tribulations of family life and parenthood without being corny, trite or put upon, and it's all credit to the writers.
* ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'' there is a damn good reason we are still talking about this show forty years later and that the others ran for almost twenty concurrent years . The various shows pioneered so many ideas from [[The Worf Effect]] to the [[Story Arc]]. There is such an amazing balance of morality play and monster of the week and action adventure, they have heart and soul and character and so MUCH of it. "[[Star Trek/Recap/S3/E01 Spock's Brain|Spock's Brain]]" and [[Creator's Pet|Wesley]] aside the good far outweighs the bad. I have no doubt that forty years from now people will still be talking about the awesome that is Trek.
* ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined(2004 TV series)|Battlestar Galactica]]'': say what you will about the ending there is no doubt this was one of the best shows on television period. From the breath taking pace of "33" to the brutal and horrific occupation to having some of the most amazingly fraked up characters around it was an fantastic emotional roller coaster ride that regularly had us saying WTF in the best possible way.
** Seconded. The characters in this story are amazingly written, so that even when they did absolutely horrible things, I always was on their side.
** While the ending, storywise, left a lot to be desired, character-wise it was an excellent close to their respective stories. The series was brilliant and even the weaker portions still had redeeming factors to them. In my opinion, the all time great sci-fi series.
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** Seconded: The writers are absolutely fantastic. Even for a show with [[Complete Monster/Criminal Minds|a lot of Complete Monsters]], there are still those [[Criminal Minds/Funny|very funny moments]] and [[Friendship Moment]]s to keep everything fun. Nothing is boring in this show.
* ''[[Burn Notice]]''. It's a spy drama that plays straight many of the tropes associated with spy dramas, but does so in brilliant ways that make them feel fresh and unique. The gambits concocted in each episode and over each season are very clever without being confusing or [[Xanatos Roulette|unbelieveable]]. The characters and their interaction are well-written. And of course, I can't talk about ''[[Burn Notice]]'' without mentioning just how much the writers know about spies and subject areas of interest to spies (surveillance, rigging explosions, infil/exfiltration, interrogation, reverse interrogation, gaining a mark's trust, etc.). This show is one of the best examples of [[Shown Their Work]] that I've ever seen. In fact, it's almost hard to believe that the writers weren't spies themselves at some point. Nearly everything about the show is amazing, but the writing is without doubt the best part.
== Music ==
* No music folder yet? Then I'll start it off by nominating Leonard Cohen, the greatest songwriter of the 20th century. He has an amazing gift for putting deep meanings into a very few words and making you look at things in a new way.
* [ Circle Takes the Square] and [ A Silver Mt. Zion] both have some of my favorite lyrics (and music) anywhere. They have very different styles, but they both sound like they're coming from another planet.
* So much by [[Vernian Process]] but especially [ "Her Clockwork Heart"].
* Relient K. Especially in their last 3 albums and their last EP. Their lyrics often have an incredibley poetic feel to them. Seriously, read the lyrics for [ Part Of It].
* Soundgarden. Maybe it gets lost amid the admittedly awesome rocking out, but their lyrics often have a fantastically clean and elegant structure, without sounding overly clever about it. "Mailman" is one of the greatest fuck-you poems of all time.