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== Theatre ==
== Theatre ==
* [[Romeo and Juliet]] is basically a [[Romantic Comedy]]... right up until the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt. [[It Gets Worse]] [[Kill'Em All|from there]].
* [[Romeo and Juliet]] is basically a [[Romantic Comedy]]... right up until the fight between Mercutio and Tybalt. [[It Gets Worse]] [[Kill'Em All|from there]].
* [[Into the Woods]] appears to be a basic fairy tale, Act 1 ending on a high note with a nice musical number--and then suddenly, Act 2 slams in, viciously deconstructing fairy tale tropes and [[Anyone Can Die|killing characters left and right]].
* [[Into the Woods]] appears to be a basic fairy tale, Act 1 ending on a high note with a nice musical number—and then suddenly, Act 2 slams in, viciously deconstructing fairy tale tropes and [[Anyone Can Die|killing characters left and right]].

== [[Video Games]] ==
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'' starts out as a typical cliche packed Shōnen adventure. Then, about a third of the way through the game, [[The Reveal]] occurs and we are subject to one of the most ''vicious'' examples of [[Break the Haughty]] ever seen in a game.
* ''[[Tales of the Abyss]]'' starts out as a typical cliche packed Shōnen adventure. Then, about a third of the way through the game, [[The Reveal]] occurs and we are subject to one of the most ''vicious'' examples of [[Break the Haughty]] ever seen in a game.
* ''[[Vindictus]]'' starts out in a moderately [[Dark Fantasy]] world, but doesn't initially explain how it turns into the [[Low Fantasy]] [[Crapsack World]] that it's advertised as. Then less than halfway through the third major zone, Ainle, {{spoiler|Ellis, the kid cadet who's always looked up to you, [[Kill the Cutie|gets viciously beaten to death by a sadistic goblin warlord in a cutscene]]}}. And the name of the mission in which this happens? "Wake Up Call." Things don't really improve from there.
* ''[[Vindictus]]'' starts out in a moderately [[Dark Fantasy]] world, but doesn't initially explain how it turns into the [[Low Fantasy]] [[Crapsack World]] that it's advertised as. Then less than halfway through the third major zone, Ainle, {{spoiler|Ellis, the kid cadet who's always looked up to you, [[Kill the Cutie|gets viciously beaten to death by a sadistic goblin warlord in a cutscene]]}}. And the name of the mission in which this happens? "Wake Up Call." Things don't really improve from there.
* ''[[Yggdra Union]]'' waits until the player has been lulled into a suitable sense of security before it shows its true colors -- it seems upbeat enough for a medieval war game for two thirds of the plot. Then there's Battlefield 40, where you begin your invasion of [[The Empire]] for the sake of protecting [[The Kingdom]], and {{spoiler|have to slaughter an entire town of civilians [[Go Through Me|determined to defend their homes]]}}. And it gets worse very quickly from here.
* ''[[Yggdra Union]]'' waits until the player has been lulled into a suitable sense of security before it shows its true colors—it seems upbeat enough for a medieval war game for two thirds of the plot. Then there's Battlefield 40, where you begin your invasion of [[The Empire]] for the sake of protecting [[The Kingdom]], and {{spoiler|have to slaughter an entire town of civilians [[Go Through Me|determined to defend their homes]]}}. And it gets worse very quickly from here.
* ''[[Digital: A Love Story]]'' starts off as a simple 1980's email simulator, then {{spoiler|the players 'go to' website crashes, and they lose all contact with Emilia}}. They then receive an email from the websites administrator that reveals {{spoiler|Emilia was sending them an email desperately begging for their help before the crash}} and things get very dark very quickly.
* ''[[Digital: A Love Story]]'' starts off as a simple 1980's email simulator, then {{spoiler|the players 'go to' website crashes, and they lose all contact with Emilia}}. They then receive an email from the websites administrator that reveals {{spoiler|Emilia was sending them an email desperately begging for their help before the crash}} and things get very dark very quickly.
* [[Knight of Cerebus|ZODIAC Virgo]] from [[RefleX]] delivered two substantial of these. The first when it shot down Cancer from behind and the second when it {{spoiler|destroyed the Pheonix}}.
* [[Knight of Cerebus|ZODIAC Virgo]] from [[RefleX]] delivered two substantial of these. The first when it shot down Cancer from behind and the second when it {{spoiler|destroyed the Pheonix}}.
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Re Boot]]'': When [[Big Bad|Megabyte]] rockets [[The Hero|Bob]] into the Web during their [[Enemy Mine]] situation, stranding him there before starting his conquest of Mainframe. We're led to believe that Guardian Enzo can protect the city, but then he [[The Bad Guy Wins|loses a Game]], [[Eye Scream|his eye]], and gets [[Time Skip|Time Skipped]] into a [[Nineties Anti-Hero]].
* ''[[Re Boot]]'': When [[Big Bad|Megabyte]] rockets [[The Hero|Bob]] into the Web during their [[Enemy Mine]] situation, stranding him there before starting his conquest of Mainframe. We're led to believe that Guardian Enzo can protect the city, but then he [[The Bad Guy Wins|loses a Game]], [[Eye Scream|his eye]], and gets [[Time Skip]]ped into a [[Nineties Anti-Hero]].
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has an unusually late example at the end of season 2. Up until that point, the show had proven its willingness to tackle difficult subjects, but always ultimately ended in a relatively lighthearted way. In the season two finale, {{spoiler|despite a great deal of foreshadowing Zuko refuses to take a [[Heel Face Turn]] and instead sides with [[The Dragon|Azula]], the Fire Nation [[The Bad Guy Wins|succeeds]] in taking over Ba Sing Se, held up as the Earth Kingdom's last defence, and just when a [[Hope Spot]] arrives in the form of Aang reaching the Avatar State, [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Azula]] attacks him mid-transformation, outright killing him, his life only spared by the [[Chekhov's Gun|magical water]] Katara had received from the northern water tribe.}} Where Season 1 ends with the heroes victorious, season 2 ends with them battered and broken and having lost much that they had gained.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' has an unusually late example at the end of season 2. Up until that point, the show had proven its willingness to tackle difficult subjects, but always ultimately ended in a relatively lighthearted way. In the season two finale, {{spoiler|despite a great deal of foreshadowing Zuko refuses to take a [[Heel Face Turn]] and instead sides with [[The Dragon|Azula]], the Fire Nation [[The Bad Guy Wins|succeeds]] in taking over Ba Sing Se, held up as the Earth Kingdom's last defence, and just when a [[Hope Spot]] arrives in the form of Aang reaching the Avatar State, [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Azula]] attacks him mid-transformation, outright killing him, his life only spared by the [[Chekhov's Gun|magical water]] Katara had received from the northern water tribe.}} Where Season 1 ends with the heroes victorious, season 2 ends with them battered and broken and having lost much that they had gained.