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* In ''[[StarCraft II]]'', Donny Vermillion likes to fancy himself as the face of Emperor Mengsk's unstoppable propaganda machine. In truth, he's laughably incompetent at his job; the fact that his star reporter either isn't in on the plan or actually ''likes'' Raynor doesn't help. Supposedly, the media is a major weapon for Mengsk, so it's possible Raynor only watches Donny's show because the others are actually good at it.
* Duc de Puce, a.k.a. "[[Fail O'Suckyname|The Rat]]", from the ''[[Stronghold]]'' series. [[Too Dumb to Live]], [[General Failure]], [[Minion with an F In Evil]], [[Small Name, Big Ego]]. He's more of [[Narm|an entertainer]] than a real antagonist.
* The [[Fallout: New Vegas]] DLC ''Old World Blues'' has The Toaster, anpossibly [[OmnicidalLaughably ManiacEvil| the most hilarious]] obsessedcase withof burning[[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]] in the franchise. This is one of many appliances you have to find a personality chip for, and in this case, the chip ended up in a [[Bedlam House]]. As a result, when the chip is reinstalled, the toaster proves to be a sociopathic madman who wants to destroy the world with nuclear armageddon. He is limited in his evil quest by being a talking toaster (and that alas, unbeknownst to him, [[After the End|the world has already burned]]. He gets very upset when you point this out). About the worst he can do, should you not suffer an attack of stupid and [[Too Dumb to Live|stick your hand into his bread slot]], is ''threaten'' to set you on fire. Eventually, the other appliances turn against it, dumping it into a bathtub, causing it to short out. Its dying words are to curse them, swearing they will [[Crowning Moment of Funny| "rue the day when they had bread... and no way to toast it."]]
* ''[[Okage]]: Shadow King'' has Evil King Stanley Hihat Trinidad XIV, or Stan, the [[Sealed Evil in a Can]] who's taken over your shadow. He really likes proclaiming how evil and mighty he is, but with one of his first displays of his terrible might being to rescue a cat stuck in a tree, he is not that good at it. Especially with how a bunch of Fake Evil Kings have stolen his power while he was sealed away.
* The Evil Toaster in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', possibly [[Laughably Evil| the most hilarious]] case of [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]] in the franchise. This is one of many appliances you have to find a personality chip for, and in this case, the chip ended up in a [[Bedlam House]]. As a result, when the chip is reinstalled, the toaster proves to be a sociopathic madman who wants to destroy the world with nuclear armageddon (and if you inform it that this already happened, it wants to do so again). Still, as evil as this toaster is, it is still just a talking toaster, unable to do much except rant evilly [[Captain Obvious| and make toast]], and eventually, the other appliances turn against it, dumping it into a bathtub, causing it to short out. Its dying words are to curse them, swearing they will [[Crowning Moment of Funny| "rue the day when they had bread... and no way to toast it."]]
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