Harry Potter/Awesome

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Miscellaneous Awesome

  • Dumbledore averages about two literary crowning moments per chapter commentary in The Tales Of Beedle The Bard.
    • Particularly his commentaries with Brutus and Lucius Malfoy, in which both of them get utterly pwned.
  • The Theme Park areas at the Orlando and London Universal Studios parks, "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter", are easily a crowning moment for all the designers involved as far as immersively rich detail goes, giving even the Disney Theme Parks a run for their money.
  • The way everything started. A single mum who was living on thanks to food stamps, as she is riding a train, gets an idea for a kid's novel, one where the main character is a young wizard who has just discovered what he really is and that he is a hero thanks to something that happened when he was a baby. She starts writing it, taking care of her family on her own while she writes a book where she works out her idea and expands on it, and finishes the first book in five years. She presents it to several agents, and the second one she tried it with accepts it. After eight publishing houses rejected the manuscript, a publishing house by the name of Bloomsbury decided to accept it and offered the writer an advance of 2,500 pounds. Fast forward twelve years, and the book turns out to be one of the biggest successes ever in history of books, bringing kids back to reading, gets six sequels as the main character (and its readers) grow up, it also gets versioned into movies which are also among the most successful ever, and the single mum has become one of the richest people in the world thanks to the books. If that isn't awesome, tell me what it is.
    • The publishing houses who rejected her manuscript are probably kicking themselves in the butt right now.
    • There's also this awesome piece written by her where she tears apart society's obsession with thinness.