Haruhi Suzumiya/Characters: Difference between revisions

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Itsuki is the most active in interacting with Haruhi, usually actively finding ways to keep her occupied and feeling good via thorough ass-kissing. Aside from that, he greatly enjoys [[Contemplate Our Navels|Contemplating His Navel]], spouting [[Expospeak]], and playing a variety of board games (poorly), all but the last of which annoy Kyon immensely. In his spare time, he beats up [[Kaiju]] [[The Heartless|manifestations of Haruhi's irritability]] in Closed Space, a sort of [[Phantom Zone]].
If Kyoko's words in Volumes 10 and 11 are anything to go by, he is {{spoiler|[[King Incognito|the founder and the leader of the Agency]].}}
Tropes associated with Itsuki:
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* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: His interactions with Kyon tend towards this, though he tells Kyon that he acts that way because it's how Haruhi expects him to. [[Rule of Funny|Doesn't stop the]] [[Ho Yay]]... which seems to be carried out when Haruhi ''isn't'' around or paying any attention, though. On the other hand, he tells Kyon in the fourth novel that he is in love with Haruhi. Given that this took place in an alternate universe, it may or may not be the case in the main reality. This could be more or less a result of him being an esper and knowing that all that matters in the world is the wishes of a teenage girl. He's a teenager, has magic powers and belongs to an organization that probably supports him in whatever way he needs. This is a kid with no worries.
** At least until ''Snow Mountain Syndrome'' in the fifth novel. From then on, as Kyon [[Lampshade Hanging|notes]] the situation becomes [[Cerebus Syndrome|a lot more serious]]. By the ninth novel Koizumi has serious worries. So much that he lets his [[Becoming the Mask|mask]] slip more and more often to [[Ho Yay|Kyon]].
* {{spoiler|[[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: In a sense; when we were shown him fighting the Celestials, he seemed to be competent (along with the other espers, admittedly) and if the recent revelation about him, as well as [[Killed Off for Real|how he dealt with Fujiwara in combat]], are anything to go by...}}
* [[Badass Bookworm]]: He is in North High's top class. The [[Badass]] part? See {{spoiler|[[Authority Equals Asskicking]]}}.
* [[Becoming the Mask]]
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** Many of his statements to Kyon end with his (nearly signature) 'Ah, sorry, that was a joke'. He stops tacking this onto his persistent hints that he has a thing for Haruhi by ''Disappearance''.
* [[Keigo]]: To death.
* [[Mr. Exposition]]: A trait that he seems at least aware of enough to [[Self-Parody|make fun of]] during the School Festival. Or he could have just been doing what he does best (Ramble on forever and confuse the audience). However, he is also a self-admitted [[Unreliable Expositor]].
** Worth noting that his dialogue in the class play is actually ''an abridgement'' of [[Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead|the source material]]; the simple fact that he was cast in that role [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshades]] the hell out of this trope.
* [[New Transfer Student]]
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* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: With Kyon. He annoys Kyon most of the time, and occasionally gets back at Kyon for Kyon's obtuseness and neglect of Haruhi in his own passive aggressive way. But Kyon spends more time with him than any other member of the brigade and grows to trust him. And, when it comes down to it, Koizumi would side with Kyon over the Organization should it ever come to that. [[Alternate Character Interpretation|So he says.]]
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: Itsuki tries to exploit Haruhi's Genre Savviness, but it generally doesn't work out so well for him.
== Secondary Characters ==