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*** That's later disproved by Yuki when you find out that {{spoiler|Yuki didn't create an alternate world, she merely altered the one they were already in. Only a time frame of one year was affected by the changes which is why when Kyon traveled back in time 3 years, it was the still the same tanabata he had already been too.}}
* When I first started watching this series, I figured Haruhi was just really into science fiction, but then her ballpark revelation seems to suggest that she's only interested in the supernatural because she wants to experience something no one ever has before. Now, I have to wonder - why restrict yourself to aliens, time travelers, espers and sliders? Haruhi doesn't appear the least bit interested in applying the scientific method to her research to begin with, so how come we never hear her rant about, say, ghost sightings or hidden wizarding societies?
** She ''did'' look for ghosts in the 8th novel, and they practically turned out to be real. Nagato explained them as incorporeal data aliens, but Kyon lampshaded that there is no real difference, as they [[Doing inIn the Wizard|look like ghosts, swim like ghosts, and quack like ghosts]].
** Perhaps it was because those were the things Kyon told her about (save for sliders) in Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody.
** For that speech, perhaps it was for brevity. She could have added "ghosts, witches, wizards, fairies, demigods, demons, robots, werewolves, vampires..." but it would take too long.
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** Only if she 1) believed that she really was God, which everyone seems confident she won't, and 2) she actually believed him, then, if she truly perceives Kyon as more powerful, it may be so. Fortunately or unfortunately for everyone, Haruhi's pretty conceited and it'd probably be a cold day in hell before she thought of someone else more powerful than her, even if she did believe the "God" thing.
** Her power doesn't just work on the principle of [[Clap Your Hands If You Believe]]. It's just as important that she wants it to be true. She certainly doesn't want anyone to be more powerful then her.
** I'm not sure that would be necessary. You just need to convince her to giver her powers to someone else. This would give absolute power to someone she has no reason to trust, sort of like letting an [[AIA.I. Is a Crapshoot|AI]] [http://yudkowsky.net/singularity/aibox out of a box].
** In the movie she is usurped, without even asking her and the events in the novels following the movie she isn't the one being asked to transfer the powers.
* Why are people saying the art style of the second season is different than the first one?! THEY ARE EXACTLY. THE. SAME. I can't see any difference!!!
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** Nah, he's right, at least during the Endless Eight arc. Whenever Haruhi smiled, it was as if Yui was cosplaying as her (as seen [http://karmaburn.com/files/screenshots/melancholy_of_haruhi_suzumiya/2009/haruhi2201.jpg here]). Thankfully, that was gone by the time Sighs rolled around.
** There was one ∞8 episode in particular that was very reminiscent of K-on but the art was not consistent across these episodes, presumably intentionally; other than the first and last no two ∞8 episodes had the same director, storyboard artist and animation supervisor despite the content being almost identical.
** Uhh, no, you are wrong. Some of the characters' designs ''are'' differant, resembling more to ''K-on!''. Compare this [http://spicytunas.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/haruhi-season-2.jpg Haruhi in season 2]{{Dead link}} to the [http://shinnooto.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/k-on-op-large-02.jpg main characters of ''K-on!''].
* How is it that Haruhi is unaware of her power? How can one ''create the universe'' without noticing?
** Why not? It's an unconscious power. She doesn't have to notice what she's doing, especially if there's no indication visible to her that anything has changed, or if she just doesn't notice it, being focused on whatever her current goals are.
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** It's a series about a girl with mysterious, god-like powers. What else?
*** What do you see?
**** [https://web.archive.org/web/20140424072020/http://officespam.chattablogs.com/archives/oldgirl.gif I see an old lady with mysterious god-like powers.]
**** A girl who wants the world to be special, but for her to only be specialy to her [[Oblivious to Love|one special guy.]] Oh god that was sappy.
* Why doesn't Haruhi recognize Kyon from the time he helped her draw that message on those school grounds? It could not have been ''that'' dark, since there was obviously enough light for them to see what they were doing. Haruhi also got a good glimpse of Mikuru and she is by no means stupid. I consider this quite a plot hole.
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* Why aliens, time travellers, espers and maybe sliders? When Haruhi created the universe what was so special about these four paranormal things that they were the ones that were real? Why not werewolves, angels, vampires and maybe ghosts?
** Haruhi likes sci-fi.
** The aliens were probably already around as well as the time travelers. Even the [[ESPersESPer]]s may have been judging by what the anti-SOS Brigade is saying. Maybe she chose to call for something that would actually show up?
** Because if she wanted vampires, Kyon would turn into an Edward Cullen Expy and there would be a headshaped hole in my wall.
** During Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, 'John Smith' mentions to Haruhi that he knows aliens, espers and time travellers, but hasn't met any sliders. Later on the brigade encounters ghosts - more accurately "incorporeal data entities", but as Kyon notes, it's all the same thing anyway and a ghost is a ghost regardless of what it's made out of. As for werewolves, angels and vampires, Haruhi hasn't expressed any interest in those, and that's as close to deducing the reason as we can get until we know what the hell is really going on.
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** Huh? Alt!Yuki was what she thought Kyon wanted her to be...? Uhm, did it really say that in the novel?
** Also, Kyon actually enjoys the craziness life with Haruhi inflicts on him, so ultimately, he chose the dangerous fantastic realm over the safe normalcy of the AU... huh, puting it that way almost makes the choice seem [[Out of Character]] doesn't it?
*** In addition, if you ask me, it's something of an [[Unfortunate Implications|Unfortunate Implication]] that normal life isn't worth persuing.
*** It is not Out Of Character, because the fact that Kyon actually enjoys all the craziness was the whole point of him being an [[Unreliable Narrator]], before that became this series' equivalent of "[[A Wizard Did It]]".
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** I haven't read anything past the fourth novel, but I'm with you. The fourth novel was confusing, to say the least.
** I understood how it worked... [[Timey-Wimey Ball|until the last two novels messed everything up.]]
* So what the hell is Ryoko's problem with Kyon? No matter the situation, no matter the place, whether Data entity or human, she seems to really want to stab him? [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|What. Is. Her. Beef?]] It can't just be her original rationalization anymore can it?)
** She said herself that she (or rather, her organization) wanted to see how Haruhi (because of her [[Reality Warper|powers]]) would react if Kyon was stabbed/killed. Most likely, it's [[Ridiculously-Human Robots|programmed into her]] to kill Kyon, no matter what.
* Excuse me, but where the hell are Haruhi's parents? Her dad is mentioned during her recollection of the ballpark incident, ("I asked my dad how many people were in the stadium") but her parents are never mentioned again. Do they know that Haruhi is the leader of the SOS Brigade? Do they know about their daughter's obsession with the supernatural? [[Fridge Brilliance|Do they have powers, too?]] And wouldn't that make Haruhi a demi-god? Is she [[Parental Neglect|really a]][[Parental Abandonment|n orphan?]] It just bugs me how there's nothing about her parents, when there's so much potential there...
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**** If Haruhi really did reset the universe once before, then the catalyst you are talking about was some event in some other universe where Kyon probably didn't exist, time travelers cannot reach, and even the aliens probably don't know about. It's surely beyond the reach of the audience as well. We'll never know, and probably couldn't even imagine it.
[[Category:Anime and Manga/Headscratchers]]
[[Category:Haruhi Suzumiya]]