Haruhi Suzumiya/WMG/Misc: Difference between revisions

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== The fakes in Snow Mountain Syndrome did not reflect who the dweller desired most, but rather the ones they feared the most ==
* Think about it, Mikuru is the one Kyon knows least about. Also Kyon might fear that she's only using him. alsoAlso the future Mikuru told him to not get to close to her younger self, which may make Kyon suspect that Mikuru might be up to something bad.
* Then Jaruhi finds Jyon very mysterious which gives her an uncertainty and fear of him.
* Itsuki and Yuki wonder if Kyon's hiding something from them and maybe suspect that Kyon might be using Haruhi for his own nefarious purpose.
* You know why Mikuru would fear Haruhi.
== ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' is a previous iteration of Haruhi's universe, and Asuka a previous incarnation of her ==
Haruhi developed an interest in mecha anime, conspiracy theories, esoteric mysticism, and psychology, and decided to create a universe based on them to entertain herself for a while. unfortunately, things went horribly wrong, and she decided to scrap that universe and create a somewhat nicer, more normal one to apologize to the people she made suffer, and surrounding herself with people she knew in that life: Rei as guess fucking who, Kaworu as Itsuki, Misato as Tsuruya, and of course, [[Those Two Guys]] as [[Those Two Guys|those two other guys]]. Meanwhile, [[Butt Monkey|Shinji]] is [[The Chew Toy|Mikuru]] and Gendo is Kyon (Gendo even looks like a grown-up battered-down Kyon), partly to punish them, but also to ensure Gendo/Kyon can use his bastardry to indirectly play God if need be. She's mostly happy now, but occasionally, her dreams are haunted by strange, destructive, incomprehensible giants wreaking havoc on the works of man...
* Perhaps Haruhi is Shinji (aka, Haruhi is God, Shinji [[End of the World Special|becomes God]], and here on TV Tropes we refer to [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)Warhammer40K|Shinji as the God-Emperor of Mankind]]) with Asuka's personality, and Mikuru is Asuka with Shinji's personality? Or Mikuru is Asuka's REAL personality unraveled from the Narcissistic Jerkass facade by the [[Mind Rape]] (''[[Nobody Dies (Fanfic)|Nobody Dies]]'' indicates that if Asuka haven't lost her mother, she would be a lot [[The Woobie|nicer]].)
* Alternately, Shinji is Kyon and Mikuru is Gendo.
** Having possibly treated Shinji the worst in the original universe to the point of disgusting even other jerkasses (such as herself), she gave him Gendo's confidence/stoicism/whathaveyou to toughen him up, and gave him the ability to indirectly play god to make up for what she put him through in the old universe. [[Can't Spit It Out|However, she still can't admit]] [[Tsundere|that she likes him,]] [[Butt Monkey|and kept him unlucky for her own amusement.]]
** Meanwhile, due to what Gendo did in the original universe, she stripped him of his confidence/stoicism/whathaveyou, flipped his gender around, and made him into the [[Chew Toy]]. There's a possibility that she remembers what happened in the original universe, but can't say anything about it due to the whole 'Classified Information' Schtick, which would make her 'comeuppance' even more delicious... (Alternatively, Gendo ''[[The Atoner|chose]]'' to play the role of the Chew Toy, well in the ''End of Evangelion'' he asks Shinji for forgiveness {{spoiler|during the Instrumentality sequence where he visualizes himself as eaten by Eva-01}}, and what more painful way for a powerful and domineering [[Magnificent Bastard|Über-]][[Kavorka Man|Pimp]] to atone for his sins than to lie at the [[The Chew Toy|bottom]]?).
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* The narration of the stories is ONE of a near-infinite number of possible ways these gaps COULD have been filled.
* In effect, the Narrator of the stories is NOT Kyon, but is in fact Haruhi Suzumiya's imagination, passively imagining exactly what goes on when she is not present.
* The Integrated Data Sentience Entity, time travelers, [[ES PersESPer]]s, et cetera, comprise Haruhi Suzumiya's "Alternative Explanation" for the events that she perceives.
* This alternative explanation is imagined such that it cannot be proved or disproved based on what Haruhi Suzumiya knows.
To sum up,
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== The entire Haruhi-verse is nothing but a game ==
To be exact, a MMORPG kind of game. Yeah, like the (dot)hack universe. Kyon, Mukuru, Nagato, and Itsuki are players in said game, while Haruhi is just an AI. This explains why she gets little to none character development, it's because she's nothing but an NPC, controlled by the computer. It's also the source of her reality-warping powers. The reason why Kyon is always referred to as just 'Kyon' is because his in-game name is Kyon. '[[ES PersESPer]]s', 'Aliens' and 'Timetravellers' are just types of characters, like 'Druids' and in a fantasy-setting RPG. Oooh, I feel a fanfic plotbunny coming on...
== Haruhi is TV Tropes. ==
At some point, this website becomes a sentient entity.And its powered by the imagination of tropers.Face it,Haruhi is the poster girl for Wild Mass Guessing,and knows her tropes.Not to mention,it'd be AWESOME
* This means that ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero]]'' is a crossover between Haruhi and itself. That's not actually any more confusing than a crossover involving TV Tropes, so I guess it doesn't matter much.
== The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya take place in The World of Darkness after The Time of Judgment. Haruhi is an Archmaster of Prime who retread to a pocket universe that she carved out of the UMBRA several centuries after the end of the Ascension War == Haruhi Suzumiya was originally a Japanese Hollow One with a knack for magic of The Prime Sphere. Who formed an eclectic Cabal while in high school. Consisting of a pair Of Sleepwalkers, Kyon and his little sister. A quite Virtual Adepts named Yuki Nagato. A positively adorable and seemingly incompetent Etherite from an alternate timeline,Mikuru Asahina. And a flamboyant Celestial Chorister, Itsuki Koizumi.
Haruhi Suzumiya was originally a Japanese Hollow One with a knack for magic of The Prime Sphere. Who formed an eclectic Cabal while in high school. Consisting of a pair Of Sleepwalkers, Kyon and his little sister. A quite Virtual Adepts named Yuki Nagato. A positively adorable and seemingly incompetent Etherite from an alternate timeline,Mikuru Asahina. And a flamboyant Celestial Chorister, Itsuki Koizumi.
Haruhi named her cabal the S.O.S Brigade, and lead them on all manor of CONSENSUS shattering adventures. They took journeys deep into the UMBRA; and threw a concert in City of Concordia in HORIZON Chantry. They Crossed paths with all the other Denizens of The World of Darkness...and had fun with them!
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== The entire series is an ''Adventures of Mikuru Asahina'' [[Self-Insert Fic]]. Haruhi is an original-character [[Mary Sue]]. ==
The author, American 7th-grader Harriet Sussmeyer, ships Itsuki with the canonically minor character Kyon (yet fails to come up with an actual name for him), refuses to believe Yuki is the villain, and has a Deviant Art account full of drawings of Mikuru in random costumes. Naturally, she's much better acquainted with the conventions of anime than with those of [[Useful Notes/Japanese CultureJapan|actual Japanese society]], on which she [[Did Not Do the Research]].
== The members of the SOS Brigade are overestimating the amount of danger Haruhi really represents if she discovers what she is. ==
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* So I guess Asakura is Vista, because she's complicated and occasionally glitches, Nagato is a Mac that's quiet and reliable. Dunno why Emiri would be a Linux, but I'll say she is to fit the theme.
** Emiri is Linux, because she's quiet, calm and controlled and has never glitched before.
** Then again, Nagato could be Windows 2000. She bears more than a passing resemblance to [http://ostan-moyashi.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ostan/img/2k1.jpg 2K-tan]{{Dead link}}...
== The Integrated Thought Entity will be destroyed ==
Through a series of deus ex machinas and gaping plot holes, Yuki will somehow become her own being, separate from the ITE, and reduce it to ash. A while after this is done, the ITE will become two separate beings, the [[Futurama|Galactic Entity, and the Brainspawn]].
== The ITE is a [[Cosmic Horror|Lovecraftian Horror.]] == Something I thought up on the fly, but I think it makes some sort of sense...It speaks a language not heard by human ears for example...
Something I thought up on the fly, but I think it makes some sort of sense...It speaks a language not heard by human ears for example...
* This coincides with this troper's speculation that the ITE is a lloigor, or collection of lloigors from the ''[[Illuminatus]]''-trilogy.
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** Another theory is that they are all actually the same faction but simply at different points in the time stream. The Organization will use its power and influence gradually steer events and become the Future Humans of Mikuru's home time and continue to develop until humanity itself evolves beyond time and space and becomes the Integrated Data Thought Entity.
== Aliens and Time Travelers always existed; Haruhi is simply responsible for attracting them to herself ==
Both Mikuru and Yuki give reasons why they are observing Haruhi, the inability to go back in time beyond a certain point and a burst of data with Haruhi at the epicenter, respectively. On the other hand Koizumi claims he instinctively knew about Haruhi and her powers indicating he is fundamentally different from Mikuru and Yuki.
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== The tenth novel and the second season will come out at the same time. ==
One is delaying the other. Either that or Tanigawa has fallen into a space-time rift and they can't find the final draft of the novel, or get his signature for the second season contract.
* {{spoiler|[[jossed}}]]
== The next season will feature a [[Gender Flip|Gender Flipped]] episode as a [[Shout-Out]] to the fans ==
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It will last for either eight episodes or until August 31st.
* This is exactly the conclusion I came to.
* Confirmed.
== The Endless Eight arc is Kadokawa's attempt at [[Springtime for Hitler]]. ==
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The original first season didn't encompass every story within its chronological period; it still left Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, Endless Eight, and The Sigh Of H.S. These three are now almost certainly making up the entirety of the second season. As such, season 2 will entirely fill the chronological gaps of season 1, and season 3 will be a complete blank slate. The more optimistic bit: In the two and a half years, [[Kyo Ani]] have been making a real season 3, entirely fresh and without time-padding repeats, and this will be shown later in the year.
* I don't think [[Real Life]] fits so high on the [[Sliding Scale Longof NameIdealism Versus Cynicism|idealism scale]].
== There never was an endless recursion of time. ==
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** So its persistence is a result of [[Executive Meddling]]. [[Kyoto Animation]] saw that this show was practically an open surgery and ripped it apart to create a confused fanbase that would embarrass the above authors. I still refuse to believe that the spinoff series are official products, but if they are, then all the better for this theory.
*** Seven of the novels were published before the anime came about, before it was this apparent cash cow.
== Mikuru is actually [[Azumanga Daioh|Chiyo-chan]] [[She Is's All Grown Up|All Grown Up]]. ==
As explained here. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=[[CrcuCrcuDKac_1I Dhere].{{dead Kac]]_1Ilink}}
== There is no coherent meaning in Haruhi whatsoever. The real reason why there are possible infinite Wild Mass Guesses about [[Haruhi Suzumiya]] is because of its heavily archetypal memetic nature ==
It's also noticable in Wall-E's own WMG page, with it having a WMG dart board rivaling Haruhi Suzumiya's own WMG dart board because of its archetypal "Noah's Ark" structure, and ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'''s own WMG page, because of Evangelion taking Character Archetypes for [[Deconstruction]] and [[Mind Screw]]. There is the possibility that the infinite WMG dart board is the result of its memetic construction: Let's see, a [[Five-Man Band]] composed of a reality-warping God, said God can be an infinite WMG dartboard in itself because it's God, an alien [[Emotionless Girl]] with Matrix-like programmable powers, a [[The Smart Guy|philosophical]] esper who is a part of a secret organization, a [[Ms. Fanservice]] time traveller (don't get started on the [[Time Lord/WMG|Time Lord]] page), and a normal [[Real Life]] person stuck in the middle, said real life person was [[Chosen One|chosen]] to have the responsibility to save the world (and then [[The Hero's Journey|the monomyth]] takes place on said person). If that ensemble can't be sandwiched in various types of fanfiction, then I don't know what else from Haruhi can be.
== "Magic" and time travel in the future are 1: possible and 2: [[Magic From Technology|based on the skills of human-data interfaces]]. ==
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Of course, this theory has almost no impact on anything whatsoever, I just noticed it and didn't think any conclusion was outright stated. Another possibility is that Real!Yuki made the school a co-ed, so that Kyon would actually be able to find both Haruhi and Itsuki fast enough to beat the key's time limit.
* Interestingly enough, [https://web.archive.org/web/20160415083426/http://www.koyogakuin-j.ed.jp/ Kouyou Gakuin] (the school Kouyouen Academy is based on) ''is'' co-ed, in [[Real Life]]... which one would assume is rather lacking in Espers, Aliens, and Time-Travellers...
== ''The Adventures of Mikuru Asahina'' as told in the series was actually narrated by an [[Unreliable Narrator]] ==
The film was in fact highly successful, with a coherent dramatic plot, a [[Crowning Music of Awesome]], and special effects so realistic.
== [[Re BootReBoot|What you are experiencing is a temporary distortion of reality.]] ==
Oh, sorry, I'm in the wrong room.
* Agree! Where am I, anyway?
== Kyon and Haruhi are a 100% perfect [[Odd Couple]] ==
Kyon is serious, ordinary, wishes for everything to stay as it is, and secretly believes in aliens, time travellers, psychics and ghosts. Haruhi, on the other hand, is [[Genki Girl|Genki]], eccentric, wishes for everything to be unusual and fantastic, and secretly knows all that stuff she believes in doesn't exist. And, if the theory above is true, then Kyon is the God of Ordinarity, while Haruhi is the Goddess of Weirdness.
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At the beginning, she's going through a depressive episode. She's not interested in anything and finds everything boring and dull. Then she enters a [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl|hypomanic episode]] and starts the S.O.S. brigade. According to the other wiki, hypomanic episodes are characterized by... pressured speech, inflated self-esteem/grandiosity, flight of ideas, [[Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny|easy distractibility]], and involvement in pleasurable activities that may have negative social consequences [[Comedic Sociopathy|(such as dragging Kyon through the corridors by his tie, usurping the Literature room, molesting Mikuru, and blackmailing the computer club president)]]. Note that depressive / hypomanic episodes typically last several days. Later in the series she's going through a "normal" period, though she's still eccentric.
== ''[[Angel Beats!]]!'' is in fact a prequel to ''Haruhi''. ==
The cast of ''Haruhi'' is the cast of ''[[Angel Beats!]]!'' several lifetimes on. Yuzuru and Kanade, essentially the two more virtuous people in their ''[[Angel Beats!]]!'' days, have progressed up the cosmic orders of beings to become a god and the Data Integration Thought Entity respectively. Yuri, on the other hand, being a more ambiguous person, is still languishing in the human stage of her existence, having lived some good lives and some... not so good lives. This also applies to much of the rest of the SSS, who are also still human. Taking pity on his former friends, and particularly Yuri, who he had unresolved romantic feelings for despite being more attracted to Kanade the last time they all met, and so decided to give his powers to her for a little while so that she can have fun - and in doing so, he hopes, eventually mature as a person. He then incarnates as a human destined to meet her so as to enjoy himself as well, though also to keep an eye on her; however, to enhance his own enjoyment of the experience, he either temporarily erases his memories of his true nature or simply suspends them for the time being. What he also does, however, is make contact with the DITE and record what actually happened with part of it, the part which then happens to become a certain humanoid interface used by the DITE to interact with the newly-found anomaly on a certain plane of existence. And so, the ball starts rolling...
== The three explanations for how the world came about are adaptations of similar views in real life ==
Itsuki's represents the biblical stance (God created the universe).
Mikuru's represents the Steady State model of the universe as per Fred Hoyle. From the anime (Sigh part 5):
{{quote| Mikuru: The world was like this to begin with.}}
Nagato's represents the Big Bang theory. From the novels (the first):
{{quote| Yuki: The information sparks emitted from a certain area in the bow-shaped archipelago instantly covered the whole planet and started to spread towards outer space.}}
== DITE is [[Akashic Records]] ==
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