Have a Gay Old Time/Web Original

Examples of Have a Gay Old Time in Web Original works include:

"It's such a lovely day today. Let's go to the Zoo!" exclaimed a vaguely aroused Carren.
"Why, that's a fantastic idea" ejaculated Eddy. "I shall awaken our baby children Belle and Bill".

  • This site gives a list of common mistranslations used by women on Russian dating agencies, often caused by using outdated dictionaries for translation—among them are "gay" (used in the old sense), "intercourse" (not what you think) and "intercourse agency" (a dating agency).
    • While maybe it doesn't quite fit this trope, "Romantic evenings with candles" also brings certain images to mind.
  • Invisible Dick The linked page is full of these.
  • Looking up 'spunk' at the Urban Dictionary will net you references to Australian slang for a really hot guy (supposedly a contraction of "sexy punk"), and American slang for marijuana. It's even more fun to look it up on dictionary.com — not only does the word "punk" appear again (in an even more obscure meaning involving wood — no, not that kind of wood, the kind you light fireworks with!) -- but it brings up ads for sperm banks. Kinda puts a whole new spin on this classic exchange between nervous new employee Mary and her irascible boss, from The Mary Tyler Moore Show (circa 1970):

Lou: You've got spunk...
Mary: Wh- why, thank you.
Lou: ...I hate spunk!