Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks: Difference between revisions

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* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Mick, by his own admission, let Chyna look good fighting him in the ring because he's not hung up on the masculine ideal of looking weak compared to a woman.
* [[Religious Bruiser]]: Curiously averted. While Mick is a relatively devout Catholic IRL, it never came up in his wrestling career.
* [[Sadist]]: Mick stops the book cold at one point to go into a long rant about bad wrestling trainers who made a point to be this, deeming them absolute, [[Moral Event Horizon]] crossing scum.
* [[Screw the Money, I Have Rules]]: Why he refused to wrestle the night after the [[Montreal Screwjob]]. He knew he might suffer for it, but he was that offended on [[Bret Hart]]'s behalf. Bret was greatly humbled and impressed by the gesture and made warm reference to it later on. [[Pet The Dog|Even Vince let it go and paid Mick in full for the night he didn't wrestle because he understood why Mick did what he did]].
* [[Serial Killer]]: Aspects of Mick's Mankind character took notes from Hannibal Lecter as depicted in ''[[The Silence of the Lambs]]''. Specifically, Mick's intro music was going to be frenetic and violent like how Lecter was when he murdered his jailers in the movie, but end on a peaceful note like Lecter did swaying to classical music after, to show Mankind was perfectly at peace after destroying his foe.
* [[Serious Business]]: While Mick did admit wrestling was something he took seriously, his book even stops at a few points so he can deliver a dead serious lecture on the importance of having a good education to fall back on if one dreams of being a wrestler, as he pointed out that it took him over six years before he was earning more than minimum wage at best as a wrestler. He even mentions making a point of doing this to fans sending him amateur wrestling videos, as he was insistent he would never watch them until they finished their college degrees.
* [[So Bad It's Good]]: Mick and [[Owen Hart]] once had an utterly hilarious match where both guys were trying to make Steve Austin laugh. Initially, it was going to be a regular match, but given Mick was [[Lighter and Softer|wrestling as Dude Love, who was "supposed to suck"]], he and Owen decided to instead make the whole match a hilarious parody of wrestling. Given Steve Austin was later seen failing to contain his mirth at the utter comedy, they considered their purposeful stinker of a match a success.
* [[Stalker with a Crush]]: Was the target of one early in his career, which Mick admitted both infuriated him and creeped him out.
* [[Stating the Simple Solution]]: When the Mandible Claw was invented for Mick's Mankind character, one problem with the move was the simple "why couldn't I just bite your fingers" as a means to prevent it, since it required reaching into the opponent's mouth to execute. The [[Hand Wave]] [[Kayfabe]] (albeit based on the real-world medical knowledge of nerves in the mouth) was that it was a nerve hold that would paralyze the wrestler hit with it and serve as an effective finisher.