Have a Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks: Difference between revisions

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* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: While he honestly tore [[Vince McMahon]] a new bunghole over his more reprehensible moments like the [[Montreal Screwjob]], he did note, as much as Vince had a well-deserved reputation for being callous at times, he was legitimately horrified at the damage Mick did to himself in the 1998 Hell in a Cell match and sincerely begged him to never do something like that again.
* [[Face]]: While he has been a [[Heel]] during his career, he's more often than not been a Face because, by his own admission, he had to work to be the bad guy in the ring, but wasn't struggling too hard to be the nice guy.
* [[Garbage Wrestler]]: Mick discusses this trope, saying he does have a legit wrestling background, as he was trained by the veteran Dominic DeNucci, but he is not above this form of wrestling and has employed it often whenever he needed to. He does also elaborate on how while he's not ashamed of some of the risks he took at the time he did them, he does mention at length how dangerous a lot of the things he used as weapons during this type of wrestling were not all good ideas, and some he warns others to never attempt in his place.
* [[Holy Shit Quotient]]: Remarks Hell in a Cell 1998 got this reaction, which he considered personally ironic since he was convinced the match was gonna suck prior, but it became one of the most talked about events in his career and [[Professional Wrestling]] in general.
* [[Lighter and Softer]]: Dude Love, especially his official wrestling debut.
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* [[Made of Iron]]: It was remarked by several people Mick's body was able to take far more punishment than anybody should ever be able to take.
** [[Dented Iron]]: But Mick himself repeatedly emphasized through his book at length about how this was not true, detailing the agony of his injuries and the recovery periods down to the date in some cases.
* [[Memetic Mutation]]: How "Mr. Socko", Mankind's sock puppet (done as a once-off joke) took off in popularity. Ironically, Mick noted he wore onea long tube sock on his arm a few years back in Japan during barbed wire matches to protect his arm, but no one really noticed it then.
* [[Nice Guy]]: IRL and professionally. He remarks in the book he made a point of not making an ass of himself in the hopes he'd not make any real enemies in his career, knowing it would be a bad idea.
* [[Old Shame]]: The ''Lost In Cleveland'' skits he did in WCW. They were so terrible he begged fans with copies of them to destroy them.