Fridge Brilliance

  • Haydee's name means "well-behaved". Fitting considering how obedient she is to the whims of the player. Also the fact that she never talks back about anything.

Fridge Horror

  • Haydee herself. Or rather... Haydee, "her selves". There's dozens if not 100s if not 1000s of Haydees. They all have the exact same features, you never see ANY of their faces, and it IS confirmed that they have blood flowing within them, meaning they ARE at least cyborgs, not simply machines like the other robots walking around in the facility.
    • Makes you wonder if the other robots are just machines too or perhaps they too might have more to them than meets the eye.
  • Lots of the rooms and challenges have corpses of other Haydees that had failed to make it through. You aren't the first to try and navigate these places... And if you go by certain endings, you aren't the last either.
  • The endings as a whole are mostly Downer Ending to Bittersweet Ending at best. One of them has you trying to finally escape the facility altogether, only to fail, meaning you never get out. The next ending has your Haydee assume master control over the facility. That makes one think about the previous "master" before her, and what possibly comes next. The 3rd ending has you starting it all over from the beginning, meaning Haydee is trapped in a seemingly never-ending loop.

Fridge Logic

  • What exactly was the thinking behind Haydee's design and putting a robot with such qualities in a puzzle-driven maze facility that reminds one of Apeture Science?

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