Heralds of Valdemar: Difference between revisions

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* ''Brightly Burning'': A stand-alone novel detailing the short-lived life of Lavan Firestorm, a [[Playing with Fire|Firestarter]] and legend in Valdemar, who went mad and used his fire powers to incinerate the Karsite army and the surrounding land following {{spoiler|the death of his Companion, the only being keeping him and his powers sane in the first place.}}
* ''Vows and Honor'': A duology, based on Mercedes Lackey's first published short stories, covering the adventures of [[Tomboy and Girly Girl|Tarma and Kethry]], [[Sword and Sorcerer|mercenary warrior and mage]], and their [[Empathic Weapon|geased spellsword Need]]. The first novel, ''Oathbound'', is a episodic collection of stories only loosely tied to the main continuity, but ''Oathbreakers'' firmly places it in and around Rethwellan and Valdemar. A third book, ''Oathblood,'' was published consisting of Tarma and Kethry short stories.
** Quoting from [[w:Mercedes Lackey bibliography#Vows and Honor|The Other Wiki]]: "In the books and short stories, Tarma is a sword-wielding Shin'a'in clanswoman. Kethry is a magic-user who carries a sword with unusual properties. The nature of this sword, Need, is explored in later series set in Valdemar. At the time of the ''Vows and Honor'' books, all that is known is that it is magic, protects female bearers, and can pressure its owner into assisting other women. The overarching goal for the two women is to accumulate resources enough to regenerate Tarma's almost-destroyed clan. As the titles of the books suggest, emphasis is laid on the importance and consequences of oaths in at least one story from each book. The setting of the books is generally in the lands south of Valdemar such as Rethwellan, although there is a brief sojourn in Valdemar in ''Oathbreakers''. Despite limited time in Valdemar, there were references in the first two ''Vows and Honor'' books to the Companions of Valdemar which laid early hints to their nature. The introduction of a fourfold deity (Tarma's Goddess) was something of a novel idea at the time of publication."
* ''Exile's Duology'': Tells the story of Alberich the Weaponmaster, who came from Karse, historical enemy of Valdemar. The first book, ''Exile's Honor'', deals with Alberich's Choosing and how he settles in as a Herald, plus the events of the Tedrel War, the Tedrels being an entire nation of corrupt mercenaries that Karse hired. The second book, ''Exile's Valor'', deals with Alberich's time in the years following the war and Queen Selenay's disastrous first marriage.
* ''Take a Thief'': Forms a rough trilogy with the previous two novels and tells the story of the young thief Skif, his Choosing and life as a Trainee, and his role in breaking up a slaver ring.