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{{quote|''"Why am I so bad at being good!?"''|'''Zuko''', ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]''}}
Like the [[Minion with an F In Evil]], the '''Hero With an F in Good''' almost always is basically a nice person deep down, but. whileWhile the Minion with an F in Evil became a [[Punch Clock Villain]] because [[Evil Is Cool]], but his [[Pet the Dog]] personality [[Spanner in the Works|foils]] his bosses' plans, thisthe characterHero With an F in Good sometimes daydreams of becoming one of [[The Hero]]'s [[True Companions]], or being the hero by himself, but serious character flaws make it a poor career goal. He doesn't have a problem with doing heroic things, but he does have trouble when it comes to other aspects of being good.
(or being the hero by himself) but serious character flaws make it a poor career goal. He doesn't have a problem with doing heroic things, but he does have trouble when it comes to other aspects of being good.
Typical Characteristics:
* The '''Hero with an F In Good''' has redeeming qualities that make part of him want to be a hero out of a desire to do good or the right thing, in other words a [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]] or [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] rather than a [[Jerkass]]. They can be a [[Jerkass Woobie]].
* This character almost invariably has a checkered or mysterious past, or a bad reputation, [[Reformed but Rejected|which makes it difficult for authorities and other heroes to trust them.]] Perhaps the character was once a villain or [[Noble Demon]] who has more recently done a [[Heel Face Turn]].
* They often find that [[Good Is Boring]] and just obeying the law and community decency standards can be difficult or trying at best.
* They may be a [[Nightmare Fetishist]], [[Cloudcuckoolander]], etc., who just does not "get" the whole Good Versus Evil thing, because [[Evil Feels Good]]. If the character has recently done a [[Heel Face Turn]], because [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]], "behaving themselves" is new to them, and it's hard to unlearn the old ways. Often the character [[Wants a Prize For Basic Decency]].
* The '''Hero with an F In Good''' tends to get themselves kicked out of the [[Justice League]], [[Star Wars|Rebel Alliance]], etc. for 'minor' offensesoffences (theft, destruction of property, etc.).
This character differs from other related tropes as follows:
* [[Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold]]: both have a bad reputation, but only the '''Hero with an F In Good''' deserves it.
* [[Designated Hero]]: both want to be seen as good, but the '''Hero with an F In Good''' honestly tries and fails. The main difference is while the [[Designated Hero]]'s flaws are only obvious to the audience, the '''Hero with an F In Good''''s flaws are readily apparent to the other characters.
* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: the '''Hero with an F In Good''''s flaws directly interfere with his status as a hero, and he's not excused for them.
* [[Noble Demon]]: while the [[Noble Demon]] cultivates his "bad" reputation, this character daydreams of being a hero. Can be the result of a [[Noble Demon]] doing a [[Heel Face Turn]] and realizing they don't know a thing about being a hero.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: for the '''Hero with an F In Good''', evil isn't just a job. It's a job they hate, but sometimes the only job that pays the bills.
* [[Villain Ball Magnet]]: it isn't the universe that paints the '''Hero with an F In Good''' as a villain, it's his own flaws.
Allowing them entry into a [[Superhero]] organization, etc. could cause serious problems for the group's reputation, cohesiveness, etc., so instead a common fate is to become [[Flanderized]] into a recurring [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]] who the heroes can still count on when the [[Big Bad]] crosses the [[Moral Event Horizon]], because [[Even Evil Has Standards]].
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Compare [[The Team Wannabe]]. Compare and contrast [[Nominal Hero]].
{{noreallife|[[Rule of Cautious Editing Judgment|this isn't a compliment]].}}
== Anime and Manga ==
* Sousuke from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]''. He's (arguably) a good person at heart, but... he just ''cannot'' live as a law abiding citizen, and more often than not, he [[Sociopathic Hero|does more harm than good]]. It ''has'' been hinted multiple times that the only reason why he's on the "side of justice" is because he just happened to get accepted into Mithril because of Kalinin, and he decided to work alongside Kalinin there.
** Sousuke is ''very'' law-abiding, it's just that he abides by ''military law''. Sousuke is a former [[Tyke Bomb|child soldier]] who was brought up in the most war-torn regions of "Khazakastan" and, after his first unit disbanded, grew to his present age serving in one mercenary band or another until he finally came to Kalinin's attention and was recruited for Mithril. He knows absolutely ''nothing'' about civilian life and can barely comprehend the blissful ignorance civilians live in. For example, if a person tampers with his locker, he blows it up—because he's probably ''seen'' friends and coworkers die from bombs or poison slipped into personal belongings. Hell, he may have used that method to kill people himself. While there are times where he genuinely deserves Kaname's exasperated pummelings, there are others where it really can cross into [[Dude, Not Funny]] territory: it's basically beating the snot out of him for being ''ignorant''.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Sousuke from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]''. He's (arguably) a good person at heart, but... he just ''cannot'' live as a law -abiding citizen, and more often than not, he [[Sociopathic Hero|does more harm than good]]. It ''has'' been hinted multiple times that the only reason why he's on the "side of justice" is because he just happened to get accepted into Mithril because of Kalinin, and he decided to work alongside Kalinin there.
** Sousuke is ''very'' law-abiding, it's just that he abides by ''military law''. Sousuke is a former [[Tyke Bomb|child soldier]] who was brought up in the most war-torn regions of "Khazakastan" and, after his first unit disbanded, grew to his present age serving in one mercenary band or another until he finally came to Kalinin's attention and was recruited for Mithril. He knows absolutely ''nothing'' about civilian life and can barely comprehend the blissful ignorance civilians live in. For example, if a person tampers with his locker, he blows it up—becauseup – because he's probably ''seen'' friends and coworkers die from bombs or poison slipped into personal belongings. Hell, he may have used that method to kill people himself... and he ''did'' use that method to protect his property in the [[Beach Episode]] of ''Fumoffu''. While there are times where he genuinely deserves Kaname's exasperated pummelingspummellings, there are others where it really can cross into [[Dude, Not Funny]] territory: it's basically beating the snot out of him for being ''ignorant''.
* ''[[Durarara!!]]'': Shizuo Heiwajima really does want to do good by people—it's just that his [[Hair-Trigger Temper|massive anger issues]] and [[Unstoppable Rage]] tend not to discriminate between bad guys and innocents
** To be fair, how accurate can you be with a thrown vending machine?
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** Isaac Dian and Miria Harvent work on atoning for their previous (harmless) crimes by stealing large amounts of cash and goods from wealthy families [[Just Like Robin Hood]].
** Half of this show's cast fits this, as even the protagonists are often [[The Mafia]], a [[Noble Demon]], a liquor bootlegger etc. Also note ''Durarara'''s entry as well. The author, Ryhogo Narita, is in love with this trope.
* ''[[You're Under Arrest]]'': TheStrike StrikerMan, the self[[Wrong Genre Savvy]] self-proclaimed hero, only causes more damage than good onany time he anythingappears.
* ''[[Bleach]]'': [[Fake Ultimate Hero|Don Kanonji]] was this. He believed he was a role-model for children everywhere, a hero who made life bearable for children everywhere by showing there that there was someone in the world who stood up to the monsters that go bump in the night. And then he [[Character Development|learned]] the tactics he was using were actually [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|creating the very monsters he thought he was fighting]].
* {{spoiler|Itachi}} from ''[[Naruto]]'' might not be the [[Complete Monster]] he appeared to be at the outset, but there's still the fact calling him "one of the good guys" is quite a stretch. {{spoiler|While Itachi killed the Uchiha family to prevent a devastating civil war rather than simply as a way to test his own powers, he made some rather ''complicated'' decisions regarding sparing his little brother Sasuke; rather than simply kill him, Itachi decided to spare his life and try and make Sasuke hate him enough that he could commit [[Suicide by Cop]] later to turn Sasuke into a hero and let him live free of the shadow-conflict that consumed their family. Unfortunately, he did this by inflicting '''horrific''' [[Mind Rape]] upon Sasuke on the night of the massacre and later on, emotionally crippling Sasuke for the rest of his life, and Itachi's eventual suicide at Sasuke's hands was implied to be just as much for Konoha's sake and his own self-loathing as it was out of any affection for Sasuke. Unsurprisingly, a lifetime conditioned into obsessive hatred for his brother to the exclusion of all else means Sasuke goes completely batshit insane once Itachi's gone and Madara gives him a slanted account of Itachi's life, but Itachi turns out to have had a plan for this; using Sasuke's erstwhile best friend Naruto as the delivery system, if Sasuke failed to become the hero Itachi wanted him to be, Itachi left behind a posthumous genjutsu that would ''brainwash'' Sasuke into protecting Konoha with his dead best friend's mind-controlling eye.}} While he is depicted as a man who made many sacrifices and tough choices, {{spoiler|Itachi}} is still dangerously close to just being a [[Manipulative Bastard]] with an [[Omniscient Morality Licence]].
* ''[[Tentai Senshi Sunred]]'' is a short-tempered, easily irritated bum with a pachinko addiction who survives day-to-day on the sufferance on his girlfriend Kayoko. His glory days of [[Sentai]] leadership long behind him, he now fights the monsters of [[Harmless Villain|Evil Organization Florsheim]] simply because they won't leave him alone, and even then tends to treat it as an annoyance he'd rather be without.
* This is probably the most even-handed way to describe Shinn Asuka from ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny]]'' without descending into the [[Fan Dumb]] battles that have raged since the show ended. He's well-intentioned, wanting to protect the innocent, but has severe anger issues and an anti-authority streak that only get worse as he's manipulated by Chairman Durandal and has to deal with Athrun Zala's unintentionally poor mentorship. The moment that divides the fandom is {{spoiler|the death of Stella Lousier, who was killed by Kira Yamato}}; this permanently ensures that he will never be a part of Kira's team, which means that as Kira gradually starts [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad|taking the forefront]], Shinn gets portrayed as a mindless attack dog on a wire leash.
** Making it really sad, the spoilered point above is simply a [[Gone Horribly Wrong]] version of something Kira himself did in the original ''[[Gundam Seed]]'' ({{spoiler|returning Lacus Clyne to ZAFT}}). Other than that, can he be blamed for siding with the Chairman, [[A Father to His Men|who treated him like a son]], rather than Athrun, who [[Memetic Mutation|Bright Slapped]] him once for disobeying orders<ref>Breaking ranks during combat to free some refugees</ref> and once for ''obeying'' them? ''[[Super Robot Wars]]'' (particularly ''[[Super Robot Wars Z|Z]]'' and ''[[Super Robot Wars L|L]]'') [[Fix Fic|fixes]] this by having Kira {{spoiler|help Shinn save Stella instead of killing her}}, defusing his anger and giving them the chance to become friends.
== Comic Books ==
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* ''[[The Spectre]]'', God's Angel of Vengeance, has such a horrifically skewed sense of proportion and priorities that, he needs to be kept bound to a morally upstanding human soul just to reach the level of [[Good Is Not Nice]] [[Sociopathic Hero]]. That's right, not only did he get an F in good, but God gave him a cheat sheet, and he's still only getting Cs and Ds.
** The [[Green Lantern|Hal Jordan]] version of the Spectre is a lot less vengeful, but makes up for it by being incompetent. His more notable deeds include the time he resurrected [[Green Arrow]] as a soulless amnesiac, and the time he restored [[The Flash|Wally West's]] secret identity by making everyone in the world forget who the Flash was. Including Wally.
== Film ==
* ''[[Star Wars]]'': Anakin Skywalker in the prequel trilogy. He's brave and willing to risk himself for others, wants to do what's right, joins the foremost good guy organization... But he's impatient, uncontrolled, unable to accept his place and constantly tempted to just go ahead and (to sum up all the various temptations) do whatever he damn well feels like at the moment. When he does, it ends badly for everyone. After that he becomes an entirely different character who gets an A in Evil easily. Until the end of ''Return of the Jedi'', that is.
* ''[[The Chronicles of Riddick]]'': Riddick. He is a full-grown [[Satisfied Street Rat]]—a [[The Unfettered|vicious and remorseless]] human predator who has killed hundreds of people at torture range. What makes him a "hero" is that though he is a genuinely [[Axe Crazy]] [[Knife Nut]] who lives to tear people to shreds simply for the joy of it, he has no interest in killing those who cannot defend themselves, finds [[Friend to All Children|children to be amusing distractions]](especially since [[Children Are Innocent|those feelings are usually returned]]), and treats those that ''do'' kill the defenseless as animals. He thus finds himself regularly rescuing loads and loads of people by accident despite never intending to.
== Literature ==
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* This is why, in ''[[Twilight]]'', Jacob is considered inferior to Edward. Jacob is ostensibly nicer, shares more of Bella's interests, lacks Edward's self-loathing issues, and seems like a lot more fun - but unlike Edward he isn't particularly ashamed of his monster side, and has extreme mood swings in which he could do Bella serious harm (wheras Edward has much better self-control). At one point, he even decides to take revenge for Bella [[Death by Childbirth|dying in childbirth]] by [[Moral Event Horizon|murdering her baby]], because it killed her.
== Live -Action TV ==
== Live Action TV ==
* ''[[Charmed]]'': Cole Turner. While, admittedly, he is the victim of double standards, he does have trouble doing good, even during the times he isn't being [[Designated Monkey|treated unfairly]]. Often end up solving problems using violence.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'': Spike from in season 5 frequently falls into this trope, often doing things not because it's right but because it's what Buffy would want.
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'''Buffy''': You're disgusting.
'''Spike''': [[Completely Missing the Point|What's it take?]] }}
== Video Games ==
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{{quote|'''Jack''': I don't help people, I kill them.}}
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
== Webcomics ==
* Abraham from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' basically defines this trope. He's a [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]] trying to destroy the "abominations" created by the Dewitchery Diamond—the diamond that ''he'' enchanted. This is lampshaded in-comic: A wizard tells Abraham that every properly trained mage in the world is taught about Abraham, "the idiot apprentice who decided to enchant a diamond to cure his noble friend instead of selling it and getting aid from someone more experienced."
** Also, the "abomination" in question? Had long since adjusted to {{spoiler|her}} situation and become a beloved cast member. Meaning he was basically [[Moral Event Horizon|targeting an innocent just for existing]]. When this was first brought up, he remorsefully stated that the only reason he continued trying to kill {{spoiler|her}} was because he was bound by an oath.
* ''[[Amya]]'': [https://web.archive.org/web/20130513225946/http://www.amyachronicles.com/archives/442 Vincent] does his job because he needs to get paid - but when things start to go badly he doesn't hesitate to let his abductees loose.
* Oasis from ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]'' does try, [[Brainwashed and Crazy|but]] [[Yandere|she]] [[Axe Crazy|gets]] [[Psychopathic Manchild|an F-]].
{{quote|'''Kareen Zalia''': Great. Now ''you'' think she's some kind of [[Superhero]] too!
'''Feng''': No way. A superhero wouldn't cut a living human being's ribs out one at a time out of curiosity. }}
* ''[[The Order of the Stick]]''
* ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]''.* Belkar is a subversion. Being the [[Token Evil Teammate]], he finds a way to do what the rest of the party expects of him, but in the most evil - usually violent - way possible. Elan plays the Trope more straight, sometimes because he's [[The Ditz]] (to the point at which Roy briefly abandons him to his fate) and sometimes because he's ''too'' [[Genre Savvy]].
** Elan plays the Trope more straight, sometimes because he's [[The Ditz]] (to the point at which Roy briefly abandoned him to his fate) and sometimes because he's ''too'' [[Genre Savvy]].
* Gawaine in ''[[Arthur, King of Time and Space]]''. He ''understands'' why Arthur's code of chivalry is better than the old "might is right" philosophy ([http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/1323.htm sort of]) but well, he ''was'' [http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/0593.htm raised by Morguase and Lot], so it's [http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/0825.htm sometimes hard for him to act accordingly]. [http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/1215.htm He does try though], at least until {{spoiler|[http://www.arthurkingoftimeandspace.com/2766.htm health problems lead to him siding more with Agrivaine]}}.
* Vriska Serket from [[Homestuck]] counts. She's on the side of good, but she's a manipulative, backstabbing, self-serving egomaniac all the same, and has quite a bit of difficulty getting over this.
* [[Labyrinth|Jareth]] in the [[Mega Crossover]] [[Fanfic|fan]][[Web Comic|comic]] ''[[Roommates 2007|Roommates]]''. So much that it's a [[Running Gag]]... when he succeeds by some miracle the [[Villain Ball Magnet|power of]] [[Narrative Causality]] gets him. Just take a look at this lovely [http://asherhyder.deviantart.com/art/Roommates-105-Congratulation-159654767 banner].
* Cassiel of ''[[Misfile]]'' is Satan's niece, and normally just bothers the main characters with [[Poke the Poodle]] evil plots (such as serving them sub-par snacks). When she decides to do nice things for her mortal friend, however, she ends up screwing things over pretty bad.
* In ''[[The Non-Adventures of Wonderella]]'' this describes the main character to a T. To emphasize it, she tends to die as much as the typical super-hero [[Death Is a Slap on The Wrist| (as in, rather often)]] but [https://nonadventures.com/2015/11/07/cruller-intentions/ the Devil is a little bewildered as to why she is the only one who always gets sent to him as a result.]
== [[Web Original]] ==
* Captain Courage, of the [[Whateley Universe]]. He tries to be a hero, but he has so many illegitimate children and paternity suits that there are more wanted posters out for him than for most supervillains. In most places, he's now known as Captain Condom instead of his real codename.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'': Mr. Burns unsuccessfully tried to be good. He tries his hand at recycling, and ends up using the plastic he recycled to overfish the nearby sea.
== Western Animation ==
* ''[[The Simpsons]]'': Mr. Burns unsuccessfully tried to be good. He tries his hand at recycling, and ends up using the plastic he recycled to overfish the nearby sea.
{{quote|'''Lisa''': When you try to be good, you're even ''more'' evil!}}
* Bender from ''[[Futurama]]'':
{{quote|'''Fry:''' Now me and Leela are forming an awesome crime-fighting duo.
'''Bender:''' Wow, crime-fighting. Cool. You say you're a duo? Yeah duos are good. Of course sometimes they're a little short -handed. See ya. With two humans you'd think there'd be a robot in there... to balance things out. But, whatever. I have these three costumes you could use. But, I guess I'll just throw one away.
'''Leela:''' We'd love to have you on the team Bender. But aren't you more on the supply side of crime? }}
* In ''[[Superman: The Animated Series]]'', Bizarro thinks he's Superman, so goes around "saving" a building from what he didn't realize was a scheduled demolition, and "fixing" an opening draw bridge, thinking it was falling down, causing a ship to almost crash into it.
** This sort of action was [[Looney Tunes|played for laughs]] in the [[Daffy Duck]] cartoon "Stupor Duck." Daffy, as mild-mannered Cluck Trent mistakes dialogue from a TV drama as a villain's arch plans, so as Stupor Duck, he rights a to-be-demolished building, stops a staged-for-filming railroad demolition, surfaces a legalsubmerging submarine, and gets sent to the moon on a rocket.
* ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'': Zuko yells "Why am I so bad at being good?", but he may not fit the trope. Zuko did waver between bad and good, but it was more a case of wavering between [[My Country, Right or Wrong]] and [[Defector From Decadence]] than wavering between [[Anti-Villain]] and [[Anti-Hero]].
** In the episode "Zuko Alone", he fits the bill better than usually though. He's just beginning to find himself in that episode and gets reluctantly drawn into a conflict with some corrupt Earth Kingdom soldiers that are abusing their position in a small village. He struggles with not wanting to get involved (and of course hiding that he is a Fire Bender), but in the end, saves the day. Of course, his [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]], when he tells the Earth Bender EXACTLY WHO just beat his ass, turns sour when the townsfolk (including the little boy he just saved) no longer want anything to do with him after seeing his Fire Bending. On top of ''that'', the reason the boy was in trouble at all was because Zuko gave the child his own dagger as a parting gift and the boy threatened a guard with it.
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** Note that Zuko is pretty [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain|ineffective]] as a villain too, though.
* Coop of ''[[Megas XLR]]''. He's a good guy, and far from incompetent (but still within view of it), he's just a [[Destructive Savior]] to the nth degree. One episode dealt with some alien superheroes mistaking him for an outright villain, and their nemesis thinking he was trying to pull an [[Eviler Than Thou]].
* Plastic Man in ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]''. Recently redeemed and enthusiastic about being a hero, but frequently exasperates Batman with his difficulties being competent and not stealing stuff.
* ''[[Justice League]]'': The Huntress gets herself kicked out of the League for attempting a revenge killing. Aside from that one time though, she does a pretty good job at being a Hero.
* In [[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]], Princess Luna turns out to be this. She's a genuinely sweet and nice pony, but she's thin skinned and her aggressive awkwardness comes off as creepy or threatening. When she's rejected, she has a tendency to lash out with hordes of spiders and lightning storms, then desperately try to cover it by joking about [[It Makes Sense in Context|getting the spiders in the net.]] She later decides to embrace [[Evil Is Cool]] and [[Rule of Scary]] by playing herself up as a fake, pretend villain. Because [[The Nightmare Before Christmas|life's no fun without a good scare.]]
* In ''[[Harley Quinn]]'', the title character's [[Heel Face Turn]] at the end of season 3 starts off badly, starting out as the [[Sociopathic Hero]] type and brutally killing Professor Pyg during the season 4 premiere. Oddly, she is still [[Easily Forgiven]] by Batgirl and Nightwing, and does seem to be - slowly - adjusting.
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