Heroic Mime: Difference between revisions

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*** [[Word of God]] has also stated that Link's silence and his androgynous appearance in this era of games is done so the player can identify with him (as the player's avatar) making it easier to relate to him and become more immersed in the story.
** Quite possibly the biggest reason for the failure of ''[[The Legend of Zelda (animation)|The Legend of Zelda]]'' cartoon was because fans liked Link ''much'' better when he ''didn't'' talk.
** Zelda has, much like Link, been silent in most of her appearances in the franchise, though this trend ended in ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild|Breath of the Wild]]'' where she was given a voice actress and quite a bit of dialogue. [[Broken Base| Fan reaction was split.]]
* ''[[Cave Story]]'' and its silent robot protagonist, {{spoiler|Quote}}.
** Inverted in the [[Wii Ware]] port: {{spoiler|Curly Story gives Curly Brace several lines where Quote had none previously. Quote is still mostly mute (scenes involving him have Curly speak for him), except for one situation in the Plantation; performing a sidequest required to access the [[Bonus Level of Hell]] actually gives Quote a couple of lines.}}