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== Literature ==
* [[Older Than Steam]]: [[Don Quixote]]'s was obsessed with becoming a knight (to the point of fighting windmills because he thinks they're giants).
* Malicia from the young adult ''[[Discworld]]'' book ''[[The Amazing Maurice and Hishis Educated Rodents]]'' is a bit too [[Genre Savvy]] for her own good, and tries to cast herself as the [[Amateur Sleuth|Feisty Young Amateur Investigator]] who Saves The Day and Keith the piper as the comedy relief, when it's Maurice and the rats who are the real stars of the book.
** And much earlier in the series, the cast of ''[[Sourcery]]'' included Nijel the self-proclaimed Barbarian Hero: a grocer's scrawny kid who was learning the art of "heroing" from a mail-order pamphlet, ''Inne Juste 7 Dayes I wille make You a Barbearian Hero!''.
* Billy and the Alphas of ''[[The Dresden Files]]'' are somewhere between this, [[Ascended Fanboy|Ascended Fanboys and Girls]] and [[Jumped At the Call]], as while they are basically a college D&D group, they became a pack of werewolves who are surprisingly good at what they do.