Hidden Villain: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[One Piece]]'':
** Dr. Vegapunk, maybe. The brains behind most of the technology used by the World Government (such as artificial Devil Fruit, Seastone, and [[Cyborg|the Pacifistas]]), he has yet to appear in the flesh. However, while he works for the tyrannical World Government, [[Ambiguously Evil|his personal motivations and moral stance are unknown.]]
*** He finally appears in the Egghead Arc, {{spoiler|where it is revealed that, for the most part, not a villain, being a close ally of [[Big Good|Dragon]] and the Resistance Army. His reason for being in the Marines is that they can provide far more funding and resources than he would have if he joined the Resistance proper.}}
** Also, {{spoiler|the mysterious Im, a being who appears to be the true leader of the World Government. As yet, almost nothing is known about this being whom the Gorosei answer to, and they have only been seen in shadow.}}
* ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' examples:
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* In ''[[Hereditary]]'', the face behind the evil force plaguing the protagonists remains unseen, {{spoiler|until the very end, where it is revealed the source was in plain sight the whole time.}}
* [[Humans Are Cthulhu|The Hunter]] in ''[[Bambi]]'' - while many fans regard him as one of the darkest villains in Disney, he's never truly seen, with only a very distinctive [[Leitmotif]] indicating that he's there.
* In ''[[Children of the Corn]]'', the orchestrator behind the cult is a malevolent entity called He Who Walks Behind the Rows. While the mythology surrounding this demon is expanded surprisingly well in the sequels, nobody ever gets a good look at it. Fans believe it may be [[The Devil]] or even [[It (novel)|Pennywise]].<ref>Since [[Stephen King]] wrote the short story the movie was based on, that actually makes sense.</ref>
== [[Literature]] ==
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* ''[[Lost]]'', in which the fact that there even ''is'' a [[Big Bad]] is not immediately stated. After several possible major antagonists are introduced over the first five seasons, the true [[Big Bad]] is not revealed until the season five finale.
* ''[[Desperate Housewives]]'' used this several times. The identity of the aggressor in season 6 was hidden this way until the reveal {{spoiler|that he was a serial killer and actually one of Porter's friends}}.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'':
* During the third series of ''[[Doctor Who]]'', the subplots taking place in present day London throw around the name Mr. Saxon. In the three-parter that ends the season, he is revealed to be none other than {{spoiler|the Doctor's arch nemesis, the Master, who stole the Doctor's TARDIS and traveled 18 months before Martha was introduced, and in that time became the the Minister of Defence.}}
** TheDuring eventsthe ofthird series, 5the aresubplots causedtaking byplace in present day London throw around the name Mr. Saxon. All that is known about him is, he is someone or something capable of {{spoiler|making the TARDIS explode}}, accompanied by the [[Arc Words]] "silence will fall". In the three-parter that ends the season, he is revealed to be none other than {{spoiler|the Doctor's arch nemesis, the Master, who stole the Doctor's TARDIS and traveled 18 months before Martha was introduced, and in that time became the the Minister of Defence.}}
** One of the most iconic (and scariest) one-shot villains in the franchise was the Midnight Entity (as it is called) in the episode “Midnight”. Nothing is known about this creature, except that it is native to a planet called Midnight, is malevolent and able to control humans, speaking through their mouths as it does so, but whether the victim is [[Brainwashed and Crazy|brainwashed]] or [[Demonic Possession|possessed]] is not clear. It is very intelligent, at least, using this power on the Doctor himself in an attempt to convince the rest of the cast that he is insane. The entity is never seen by the viewers - Claude claims he briefly sees it, describing it as a living, formless shadow, but this is all we have to go on.
** The monster in “Listen”, assuming there even ''was'' one. This is an odd example, as there is no proof the monster even existed, and that is what makes it scary. The episode starts with the Doctor pondering the existence of a “perfect hider” - after all, he’s encountered perfect predators and perfect survivors, could there not be a being who is perfect at hiding? Such a monster might be impossible to combat, as it could be anywhere, [[The Fourth Wall Will Not Protect You|it could be right next to you as you are, say, reading an article on a webpage]], and you wouldn’t know it until it was too late. “What would you do?” he asks out loud. And then he sees that something has - without him noticing - [[Title Drop|scrawled the word “LISTEN”]] on his blackboard with the chalk he had been holding a moment ago. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQvLgO-yMyA&t=9s This leads to an encounter with… something], but whether this was indeed the monster he was thinking of or just a kid playing a trick is never explained. Possibly it is an embodiment of [[Primal Fear]]. One thing is certain - this was one of the few times in the entire franchise where the Doctor himself is known to genuinely be afraid of something.
* The reveal of just ''who'' was really behind the [[Dollhouse]] and the Rossum Corporation had a very high [[HSQ]] when it was revealed in season 2.
* Happened in ''[[Gekisou Sentai Carranger]]'': halfway through the season, the Bowzocks were believed to be the [[Big Bad]]s until Exhaus finally shows his hand.
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* ''[[Bones]]'' did this with the serial killer Gormagon as well as the Gravedigger, whose identities were only revealed late or in the end of their story arcs.
* At least two members of the ''[[Person of Interest]]'' [[Rogues Gallery]] finally appeared onscreen, after several episodes of [[Foreshadowing]] and references, as that week's person of interest in disguise. Namely, {{spoiler|[[Diabolical Mastermind|Elias]] (in "Witness") and [[The Cracker|Root]] (in "Firewall")}}.
* The Reavers in ''[[Firefly]]''. While the protagonists frequently [[Nothing Is Scarier|found their infernal technology and the aftermath of their atrocities]], these alien abominations were never shown on screen.<ref>Though they might have, had the show not been abruptly canceled after 14 episodes.</ref> The closest they came to an actual appearance was a victim turning into one after getting A Face Full of Reaver Wing Wong. Not that it mattered, as the Reavers were pretty terrifying without being seen, especially given what Zoey said would happen to them should they actually encounter them:
{{quote|'''Zoey:''' If they take the ship, they’ll rape us to death, eat our flesh, and sew our skins into their clothing, and if we’re very, very lucky, they’ll do it in that order.}}
:* They did, however, appear in ''[[Serenity]]'', the follow-up movie.
* ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'',
** The Mayor is [[The Man Behind The Man]] for most of what happens in seasons one and two, but he doesn't actually appear until season 3, where he is the [[Big Bad]] proper.
** Assuming he is indeed a villain, the Immortal may count, a vampire mentioned both in this series and ''[[Angel]]''. An old rival of both Spike and Angel, he is known to be something of a lady's man and has done a ''lot'' in his time, including climb Mt. Everest more than once, authored a novel that was "a life-changer", and bested Spike, Angelus, and Drusilla numerous times (despite the notoriety of all three). He has only appeared onscreen as a cameo in the ''Angel'' episode "The Girl in Question", but his face is not shown.<ref>He has a larger role in the novel ''[[Queen of the Slayers]]'', but that is not regarded as canon.</ref>
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
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== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]'':
** In the iconic ''[[Advanced Dungeons and Dragons]]'' module series ''[[Against the Giants]]'', it is hinted in the first part, ''Steading of the Hill Giant Chief'', that there is a "secret force, some motivational power behind this unusual banding of different races of giants." Part two ''The Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl'', mentions this again in the prologue. The third part, ''Hall of the Fire Giant King'', specifies that the PCs goal is to find this hidden orchestrator, which is in fact the Drow (making their first appearance in a D&D adventure). This leads to the [[Sequel Series]] where the mastermind is shown to be [[The Man Behind The Man| Enclava]], high priestess of the Spider Goddess Lolth, who is, the ''actual'' [[Big Bad]] of the whole campaign.
** Zariul, the original Lord of Avernus the first Layer of Hell was first mentioned in 2nd Edition ''[[Planescape]]'', but never seen for that Edition and the next two; according to lore, she had been overthrown and imprisoned by her second-in-command, the Warlord Bel, and her rage in her attempts to escape turning Avernus more dangerous and hostile. It wasn't until 5th Edition where she escaped and was finally seen (in ''Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes'') in [https://www.belloflostsouls.net/2018/05/dd-check-out-zariel-from-mordenkainens-tome-of-foes.html all her diabolical glory.]
** Also in ''[[Planescape]]'', the General of Gehenna. Supposedly the first yugoloth to become an ultroloth, he rules the yugoloth race from a hidden fortress where he directs the Blood War as some sort of grand experiment to determine what type of Evil is better. Or so they say. It's rare to find even another ultroloth who has actually seen him.
== [[Video Games]] ==
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* In ''[[Wolverine and the X-Men]]'', pretty much the whole first season was masterminded by {{spoiler|the Inner Circle, who wanted to get their hands on the Phoenix}}. They're not introduced until just before the [[Grand Finale]], and aren't truly [[The Man Behind the Man]] because the only character they were directly controlling {{spoiler|was one of the heroes}}.
* During the third season of ''[[Ben 10]]'', horror monster-themed aliens show up performing seemingly random tasks through several episodes. During the season finale, they are revealed to have been building a superweapon to allow [[Enemy Without|Ghostfreak]] to achieve world domination.
* In ''[[Darkwing Duck]]'', F.O.W.L [[Fun Withwith Acronyms|(the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny)]] is headed by three shadowy figures that are never named, and only one of them has ever been heard to speak. For the most part, Darkwing only deals with underlings like [[Dragon-in-Chief|Steelbeak]].
* In ''[[Miraculous Ladybug]]'', the identity of [[Big Bad|Hawk Moth]] was a mystery until the premiere of Season 2; {{spoiler|while many fans did suspect he was, in fact, Gabriel Agreste, this (along with Nathalie being [[The Dragon| his accomplice]]) - was confirmed here.}}
* The true [[Big Bad]] of ''[[Rick and Morty]]'' may be {{spoiler| Rick Prime, the sworn enemy of Rick C-137 (the Rick who is usually in the protagonist position on the series), and the biological grandfather of the Morty who usually accompanies him. Rick C-137 started his multiverse-jaunting career out of revenge against Rick Prime, who murdered his reality's versions of his wife and daughter. While referenced to in flashbacks, he does not appear in the flesh until [[The Stinger]] of the season 6 premiere where he murders the Cronenberged Dimension of Jerry; in his defense though, [[Asshole Victim| this version of Jerry]][[Mugging the Monster| was very much asking for it]].}}
* Mr. Big, the [[Big Bad]] of the "Upsidasium" arc of ''[[Rocky and Bullwinkle]]'', whom Boris and Natasha were working under. He did make his presance known, appearing as a scary, towering, looming shadow, but when finally actually seen, {{spoiler|this turned out to be a trick of lights. [[The Napoleon| He wasn't very big at all, being even smaller than Rocky]], which makes him the [[Trope Namer]] for [[Mister Big| such villains]].}}
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