Hoist by His Own Petard/Real Life: Difference between revisions

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* Happened in the [[wikipedia:Burmese general election, 1990|Burmese general election of 1990]]; the regime officially said the election was multi-party(and it was), [[Tempting Fate|but they thought they were so popular their candidates would win easily.]] Results? [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|National League for Democracy wins]] ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome|392]]'' [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|seats (out of 492), making for a rather convincing win.]] However, the junta refused to recognize the results, and put NLD leader Aung San Suu Kyi under house arrest, making this more of a [[Subverted Trope]].
** Straight case happened in Poland, though, [[The Great Politics Mess-Up|around the same time]].
* In 1917 the British were having a problem with a particular German-laid minefield off the coast of Ireland. It seemed that however diligent the RN minesweepers were in their duties, ships were still being lost in this field. The Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiral Sir William Reginald Hall, deduced that the Germans were eavesdropping on the minesweepers' radio traffic, and were simply sending a U-boat out to re-lay the minefield when they heard the sweepers broadcast the 'field cleared' message. The British response? To leave the minefield intact and broadcast a false 'field cleared' signal. UC-44 sailed out to re-lay the field...and was sunk by the mines. The only survivor was her Commander, who was [[Completely Missing the Point|furious that the RN minesweepers had done such an inefficient job of clearing the field.]]
** [http://uboat.net/wwi/boats/index.html?boat=uc+44 There are disagreements on this part], but the new theory is that UC-44 was blown up by her own [[Failsafe Failure|prematurely armed]] mine -- known issue even for specialized minelayers of this era -- so it fits either way.
* Jimi Heselden, owner of the Segway company, died after [http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/6864816-segway-company-owner-dies-in-segway-accident driving one of his own products off a cliff].