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== Music ==
* [[New Kids on the Block]]. And, you know, we probably ought to mention their infamous [[Band Toon]] here but... the [[The Poor MansMan's Substitute|voice actors]] and the writers [[They Just Didn't Care|Just Didn't Care.]]
* [[New Kids on the Block]]. And, you know, we probably ought to mention their infamous [[Band Toon]] here but... the [[The Poor Mans Substitute|voice actors]] and the writers [[They Just Didn't Care|Just Didn't Care.]]
* You can't talk about music and Boston without mentioning "the bad boys from Boston", [[Aerosmith]]!
* Boston, obviously.
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* [[Mandy Moore]] is from Nashua, New Hampshire.
* John Irving, author of ''The Cider House Rules'', was born and raised in New Hampshire.
* A surprisingly large number of popular webcomicweb comic artists all live in Massachusetts, including [[Xkcd|Randall Munroe]], [[Andrew Hussie]] and [[Questionable Content|Jeph Jacques]].
* Samuel Clemens, ''aka'' 'Mark Twain', was born in Missouri and became famous in California, but actually spent most of his life living in Connecticut. The "If you don't like the NE weather, just wait five minutes" quip is one of his.
* Henry Wadsworth Longfellow from Portland Maine, was long one of America's favorite poets and his works have stood the test of time despite intellectual fashion. He was also an all round nice guy who loved his wives (his first unfortunately died), counted many friends among fellow academics, and was a [[Friend to All Children]]. He was basically the "Grandfather" or maybe "Uncle" of New England. He wasn't the sort of stereotyped intellectual that liked womanizing and plotting revolutionary politics and ended up doing something weird. He liked his books and his [[Fire of Comfort]] and his [[Local Hangout]] and was very much a [[Gentleman and a Scholar]].
* The Dulles family, which has an airport named after them. One of them was a [[The Spymaster|spymaster]], one a diplomat, and one a priest. One wonders a bit about what their ancestors getting off the ''Mayflower'' would think about that last one.
* Samuel Eliot Morrison was a Boston man, a scholar and the go-to guy for the history of the World War Two US Navy.
* [[Henry Wadsworth Longfellow]] from Portland, Maine, was long one of America's favorite poets and his works have stood the test of time despite intellectual fashion. He was also an all -round nice guy who loved his wives (his first unfortunately died), counted many friends among fellow academics, and was a [[Friend to All Children]]. He was basically the "Grandfather" or maybe "Uncle" of New England. He wasn't the sort of stereotyped intellectual thatwho liked womanizing and plotting revolutionary politics and ended up doing something weird. He liked his books and his [[Fire of Comfort]] and his [[Local Hangout]] and was very much a [[Gentleman and a Scholar]].
* The "Codfish aristocracy" literally was so. That was how many families bootstrapped their way to power and many kept a finger in that. They latter branched out into merchant shipping, whaling, and so on and some made a stab at more stereotypically inland investments like fur and cattle (fur actually had a connection because it could be gotten from Oregon and was one of the few things that would sell in China). They made Hawaii a rich port of call, and through a convoluted and long political process a US possession. The sea was as much New England's Frontier as the West, perhaps more so.
[[Category:Indexed States of America]]