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[[File:ff2-firion-and-friends-are-dead 2662.jpg|link=Final Fantasy II|frame|...and the game hasn't even started yet.]]
{{quote|''"If you run up against an enemy you just can't beat, maybe you should just try dying. [[Koan|Sometimes loss is victory, and victory loss]]. Think about it..."''|''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' }}
|''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' }}
Sometimes [[Failure Is the Only Option|the plot demands that you fail]]. The storyline requires the defeat of the main characters in order to make a point or explain a key event, regardless of whether or not the ''player'' would allow their party to fall in battle. There are two ways to accomplish this: One is the [[Cutscene Boss]], where the player has no control over the battle's outcome at all—and the other is the '''Hopeless Boss Fight'''.
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These bosses tend to make their appearance near the beginning of the game, before the characters have had a chance to earn [[Experience Points]] or [[Level Up]], or otherwise become more powerful than their predefined starting levels—this makes narrative sense as well, because this is when the characters would be least likely to survive an encounter with them anyway. [[Tropes Are Tools|Done well]], this defeat will strike fear into the heart of the player, having learned firsthand just how powerful this boss really is; done poorly, it feels like [[Fake Longevity|a cheap trick designed to advance the plot]], [[Suspension of Disbelief]] be damned.
Since games like to pretend to be fair, your opponent in the '''Hopeless Boss Fight''' tends to [[Heroic Rematch|return later in the game for a proper battle]]. They have the odd tendency to be [[Climax Boss]]es: If they were the [[Big Bad]] or [[The Dragon]], players will get to fight them after this [[Final Boss Preview]] by the end of the game as a straight up [[Final Boss]] (or Penultimate Boss).
Ideally, the game should make it somewhat obvious to the casual gamer the fight is probably intended to be hopeless, lest you waste your serious healing items and abilities. This is another reason why these tend to appear at the beginning of the game, as you haven't even ''acquired'' any serious healing items or abilities yet.
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Sometimes, the apparently invincible boss ''can'' technically be defeated, if you have [[Guide Dang It|a precisely tuned tactical setup]], access to a [[Disc One Nuke]], the advantage of a [[New Game+]] or endless hours of [[Level Grinding]] behind you. In this special case, defeating the boss may net you a cool reward of [[Experience Points]] or rare items.
In any case, since a '''Hopeless Boss Fight''' is one the game expects you to lose, the game will react to its defeat in one of several ways:
* The boss will simply reveal that he is [[I Am Not Left-Handed|Not Left Handed]] and summon his [[Cutscene Power to the Max]] to knock your party senseless, if your party members didn't already [[Cutscene Incompetence|collapse from their own exhaustion]].
* Someone or something else pulls a [[Diabolus Ex Machina]] and finishes you off.
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A specific subtrope of [[Fission Mailed]], and related to [[Controllable Helplessness]] in that you're directly taking part in a situation that will only end one way. If the boss ''must'' be defeated in battle to avoid a [[Game Over]], but invokes a [[Story Overwrite]] ''after'' the battle to defeat you, it's [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]].
Compare and contrast [[Foregone Victory]] and [[Zero Effort Boss]], where it's ''you'' who can't lose the battle. See also [[Lord British Postulate]] and [[Curb Stomp Battle]].
The [[Implacable Man]] (with his [[Nigh Invulnerability]] superpower) can sometimes look and feel like a '''Hopeless Boss Fight'''. Likewise, the [[Boss in Mook Clothing]] can end up feeling like a "hopeless [[Mook]] battle" when your party is already on the ropes.
== Action[[Anime]] Adventureand [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[One Piece]]'' the Luffy vs. Magellan fight during the "Impel Down" storyline is one of these, the point being driven home when {{spoiler|Luffy actually ''loses'' the fight}}.
** Heck, the point is ''really'' driven home when {{spoiler|Luffy tries again later on in the arc, this time with quite a bit of backup, but can still do little more than slow Magellan down; he can't even do ''that'' once Magellan ''really'' goes all-out.}}
** Luffy also loses to {{spoiler|Aokiji}} much earlier in the series.{{context|What makes it hopeless?}}
** At the very beginning of the series is Zoro's fight against Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, which makes it clear that, at this point in the story, Zoro's just a big fish in a small pond, not even ''remotely'' close to being able to take on the world's ''real'' heavy hitters.
** The Straw Hats, immediately after struggling to defeat a Pacifista, are faced with another one: Sentoumaru and Marine Admiral Kizaru. Even when Rayleigh arrives to help fight Kizaru, Luffy even orders the crew to run away, declaring that "Right now... we can't defeat them!" {{spoiler|It doesn't do any good; the real Kuma arrives, scatters the Straw Hats across the world, and the Straw Hats suffer complete defeat}}.
* This trope is parodied in the ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' side story "Haruhi Theatre Act 1". Haruhi and the Brigade are trapped in an RPG, and when Haruhi meets a sage who warns her that she can't defeat the dragon without the power to do so, she doesn't listen and drags the Brigade over to fight it. Naturally she gets creamed and regenerates next to the sage, who smugly tells her off. She doesn't listen ''again'' and continually goes back and dies. When she finally listens to him, he demands some stuff from her as he's only giving them out if she gets quest items...but she just threatens him.
* In ''[[Fairy Tail]]'', the brief encounter with {{spoiler|Acnologia}} turns into one of these very quickly. Even {{spoiler|Zeref, the most powerful mage in history,}} claims that {{spoiler|Acnologia}} is a being that humans could never hope to match. The point is hammered home when one character who had encountered it before notes that {{spoiler|Acnologia}} was toying with them the whole time.
* ''[[Captain Tsubasa]]'' has Japan Youth VS Hamburg SV (featuring [[Final Boss|Karl Heinz Schneider]] and half of his Germany team plus Wakabayashi). Japan gets beat down badly, and Hyuga can only score one goal because Wakabayashi lets him.
== [[Literature]] ==
* Used in-story by ''[[Ender's Game]]'', where a video game given to the cadets ends with a giant killing their character. The point was to see how they would react with an [[Unwinnable]] scenario. {{spoiler|Ender kills the giant by [[Chunky Salsa Rule|jumping into its eye and attacking its brain]]}}
== [[Film]] ==
* Parodied in ''[[College Saga]]''. The characters face Leviathan, who uses the devastating "Tidal Wave" attack, and quickly kills off the party... and then says "Just kidding LOL. You can't kill a guardian force."
* The whole point of the [[Kobayashi Maru]] test in ''[[Star Trek]]''. Like the Giant's Drink above, it's actually a psychological test rather than a tactical puzzle, although that doesn't stop people from trying. As various cadets' attempts to hack the infamous sim have piled up, they've resorted to ever-more-obvious tactics to keep it hopeless, including spawning extra enemies when needed or allowing them to break the laws of physics.
* In ''[[Ready Player One]]'', one of the events in the MMORPG game is a race where players have to avoid obstacles over a blasted apocalyptic version of New York, but not only does this challenge as a whole seem Ultra-[[Nintendo Hard]] the final obstacle - [[King Kong]] - seems an unbreachable barrier. Even the villainous [[Mega Corp]]'s paid mercenary players (who really seem to stink at this game, despite it being their job) find Kong's attacks impossible to avoid. Because they are. [[Unlikely Hero]] Gunther figures this out; after days of purposely staying in last place to farm coins from defeated players, he figures out that the solution is [[Hidden in Plain Sight]] at the Holindays Journals (the original HQ of the game's deceased creator, now a free museum dedicated to him) where a holographic display of the creator outright tells him the secret - he isn't supposed to even ''try'' to drive past Kong, he has to drive his car ''backwards'' from the starting line, which leads directly to the true finish line. Following this advice, Gunther easily wins and achieves the part of the [[Dismantled MacGuffin]] he needs to proceed - causing the aforementioned Mega Corp and their CEO to look like a bunch of idiots.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* Virtually all tabletop RPGs run into this case (whether the DM wants to or not) if the players don't recognize a character as a major villain (or don't give a damn) and attack. Since many games take place in settings where [[Asskicking Equals Authority]], the team of level 3 adventurers deciding to settle things with the ancient dragon lord tends end exactly as it should: in two turns (at most) with a room full of dead [[Player Character|PCs]]. Entire sections of various dungeon-mastering guides have been dedicated to helping get powerful fiends away from a group of comparatively piddly heroes without having to murder them all.
** Of course, the reason why they tend to be ridiculously tough and immune to [[Chunky Salsa Rule]] in the first place is that clever players often cut the plot via "[[Lord British Postulate|premature termination]]" of the villain, per [[Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed to Do In An RPG]]. It gets derailed to the left, or derailed to the right, [[Morton's Fork|your choice]].
* In a rare tabletop game semi-example, there is Caine from ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]''. In one rulebook, there is a section regarding fighting Caine that consists of [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|two words]], [[Game Over|"You Lose."]] To expand - he is the Biblical Cain, turned into the first vampire by God. He knows [[All Your Powers Combined|the disciplines of all vampires,]] centuries upon centuries of experience, and the ability to do - more or less - anything he wants.
** In addition, he possesses the Mark of Caine from the Bible. Any damage inflicted on him is returned seven fold to his attacker. On the off chance someone did manage to kill Caine, they would instantly die.
* Similar to the above example is Togashi Yokuni in ''[[Legend of the Five Rings]]''. The utterly mysterious lord of the Dragon Clan, who is so enigmatic that those who speak with him don't even really remember what his voice sounded like or what words were said, is actually {{spoiler|Togashi-Kami, the immortal child of the Sun and Moon and the only remaining sibling of the first Emperor. He is also a dragon.}} He can see the future and knows when he will die, and it sure ain't gonna be you that kills him.
* ''[[Planescape]]'':
* Similar to the above examples is the Lady of Pain. She is the enigmatic steward and protector of Sigil, the City of Doors, whose motives cannot be divined and who can (and has) annihilate even higher tier deities with her power. She ''will'' flay you outright or trap you into a nigh-inescapable labyrinthine dimension should you ever do anything to cross her. Stats for her simply aren't given, because She > You no matter how many epic levels you've got.
** One example that is essential to the plot of a story, Dispater is this in ''Fires of Dis'' when he confronts the party at the climax of the story. Aside from the obvious reason here (the module is designed for PCs of levels 5 to 9, while Dispater is someone that epic-level heroes would find a challenge) the text does not give him stats here, the text simply saying that nothing the PCs have can injure him in the slightest. Fortunately, he has no desire to fight them as he finds their mere presence amusing - he had expected "thousands of noble paladins descending upon my hateful plane in the name of all that's holy" rather than "a band of — you'll pardon the expression — ordinary thrillseekers" and is more than willing to give them what they came for and send them on their way.
* In one of the ''[[Warrior Cats]]'' tabletop games included with a few of the books, if you attempt to fight a [[Humans Are Cthulhu|Twoleg, it becomes this trope.]] The PCs' only options are to attack, which does nothing but damage them, or run away.
* [[Eldritch Horror|The big boss himself]] in ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]''. In some versions, his ''only'' stat is that he [[Just Eat Him|eats 1d6 players]] ''per round''.
* In ''[[SLA Industries]]'', two unstoppable [[badass]]es are repeatedly made mention of: the infamous serial killer, Halloween Jack, and the king and father of all Manchines, Digger. While both are a notable threats or inconveniences to the company, and have many attemps made against them, both are effectively unkillable: Jack has has a bounty of 2 billion credits on his head that no sensible op would try and collect on, and Digger has a whole army to fight with. Niether character has stats in any of the books, as they are considered to [[One-Hit Kill|OHK]] [[Total Party Kill|the party]] if they ever cross paths. This especially bad news for those taking one premade platinum mission, which requires them to go right into Digger's homebase, and sabotage his ultimate plan to conquer Mort.
* This and [[Random Encounters]] are the only gameplay in the module version of ''The Avatar Trilogy''. Naturally they are considered the worst modules ever published by TSR.
== [[Video Games]] ==
=== Action Adventure ===
* In ''[[Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia]]'', at the final battle with Dracula, once you've whittled his HP down to 0, if you're not fast enough to quickly equip the {{spoiler|Dominus Union}} he unleashes an unbeatable move that's supposed to instantly kill you (it does 9946 damage, though if you use the Volaticus Glyph, you can fly in the corner of the screen to dodge it, though the frame of Dracula and the explosion stays unmoving and never ends).
** In ''[[Portrait of Ruin]]'', you can't kill the Behemoth during the initial chase, you can only run, even if you are on [[New Game+]] and could beat the actual boss fight in under half a minute by [[Game Breaker|Dart spam]].
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* Oddjob from ''James Bond 007'' for the Gameboy could not be beat without a special item, ensuring Bond gets dumped in the desert where he can't possibly survive.
* ''[[Brave Fencer Musashi]]'' has the fight with the super-vambees in the church. They can't be killed by damage, and if they grab you it's [[One-Hit Kill|instant death]]. Fortunately, if you hold out long enough, [[Weakened by the Light|the sunlight kills them]]. There's also a few instances where there's some invincible thing chasing you and all you can do is run - the stone head in the prologue chapter comes to mind, as does one of the forms of the [[Final Boss]].
* In ''Ys Seven'', there's the first fight with {{spoiler|Scias in Altago Palace where you MUST lose after his HP is at half, since ALL attacks are BLOCKED (0 Damage) from then on ALONG WITH an attack that does 2k+ damage to you.}}
* In ''[[Pokemon Rumble Blast]]'', {{spoiler|at the end of World 2, you get a Team Battle with one of these. Lampshaded with a Help Sign stating that "things might not always go your way, but sometimes is a good thing." Hurts your pride if you don't read the sign, but is considered a Critical Hit after winning the Charge Battle to reach this zone.}}
** In ''[[Pokémon Rumble]]'', at the beginning, Rattata notices that the boss door is open and sneaks in. Of course, you can't win with level 28 against 100.
* Downplayed a little with Genichiro, the [[Starter Villain]] and tutorial boss in ''[[Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice]], ''at least the first time you fight him. It is technically possible - but difficult - for the player to beat him, but even if that happens, [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|Wolf still loses the duel in the following cutscene]], and Genichiro still lops his arm off. But take heart, you'll be able to kick his ass twice later in the game.
* In ''[[American McGee's Alice]]'', Alice cannot defeat the Jabberwock the first time she fights him. The objective of the battle is to survive and stall until the Gryphon can arrive to chase him away. Succeed, and you get the final component of the Jabberwock Eye Staff, a powerful weapon. Ironically, while the second battle with him doesn't fit the Trope (not only ''can'' she defeat him, she ''must'', because he'll kill her if she can't), the second fight is much, much harder than the first, likely because he has enough room to fully utilize his flight in the second battle.
** In [[Alice: Madness Returns|the sequel]], the Executioner is this and a [[Puzzle Boss]]. Alice has no chance in an open fight with him, and can only flee the titanic Executioner and his mighty scythe. After a long chase through the castle, Alice is finally able to use the cake labeled "EAT ME" to grow much, ''much'' bigger than he is and [[Karmic Death|smoosh him under her foot]].
=== Action Game ===
* Kratos's first encounter with Zeus in ''[[God of War (series)|God of WarII]] II'', where Kratos is tricked into draining his godly power into the Blade of Olympus, rendering him mortal. After the battle with the Colossus, Kratos is heavily weakened, and barely able to swing his blades., At this pointleaving Zeus comesto alongthrash andhim defeats Kratoseasily.
** Similarly, in [[God of War: Chains Of Olympus|''Chains Of Olympus'']] your first battle against Charon is hopeless, since you don't have the right weapon to fend off one of his attacks. You must cross all of Tartarus to find it andbefore getfacing back to fight thehim bossagain.
* ''Blood Omen: [[Legacy of Kain]]'' includes an early battle with Malek. He cannot be killed, forcing Kain to leave and seek help, first from the oracle (Moebius) and then Vorador, who defeats Malek himself.
** In fact, the very first battle is against respawning bandits. If you kill them all, more will come along, and eventually kill you in order to progress the story.
* The [[Newgrounds]] flash game ''Mobile Weapon'' contains an example of this. At some point in the game, you fight Fleet Commander Ariel Highwater in her mecha, Serra Superion. The mecha has ridiculous health and power and will maim your party within a few hits. However, you don't lose the game: you merely need to repair your own mechas after the battle. You'll never hear from her again.
** That's actually debatable. It's possible to grind a lot of monsters to level up to maximum level and stack up on repair items before facing her. She- she will still be, by far, the hardest boss in the game., and Defeatingd1efeating her will not alter the1the plot at all, asbeyond shehaving will justher run away from you. You will, however, get a great sense of accomplishment from beating a very hard boss. Oh, and the [[Infinity+1 Sword|infinity plus one grenade launcher]] too.
* InAverted in ''[[Dante's Inferno (video game)|DantesDante's Inferno]]'',. you may perceive theThe first level's boss, [[Death]], can be perceived to be a hopeless fight (understandably so, seeing as he's [[The Grim Reaper|Death]]), if you don't realize that his life bar decreases from right to left, rather than the standard left to right. In reality, he is a [["Wake-Up Call" Boss]], teachingthat teaches you the importance of blocking.
* This happens twice in ''Breakdown'', both with [[The Dragon]], Solus. The first time isn't much of a fight, since he slams you against a wall before you can really do much. The second time is more of a fight, but the second he gets more strength, the fight's basically over. {{spoiler|However, you get to fight him again after some [[Time Travel]], and after he remarks that you were supposed to die quick, you beat him because you're now as powerful as he is.}}
* If you play the Zeon campaign in ''[[Mobile Suit Gundam]]: [[Gundam vs. Series|Federation vs. Zeon]]'', nearly every encounter with Amuro and his Gundam is this. You're not even able to consistently damage him until the final mission, where you drop into his own final battle with Char.
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=== Adventure Game ===
* ''[[Grim Fandango]]'' loves this Trope. Both fights against Domino Hurley and Hector LeMans will go on forever until you [[Take a Third Option]].
* ''[[Escape from Monkey Island]]'' ends with a Boss Battle that could go on indefinitely, as the players regenerate their hitpoints faster than the other can take them away. Naturally, there's a trick to winning this one.
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=== Card Battle Game ===
* In the DS ''[[Dinosaur King]]'' game, one of these is fought against Seth-he counters every move you can make regardless of what you do. A variation occurs in that it occurs ''after'' a normal boss fight with him.
* Somewhat unusually for a ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' game, ''Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories'' has one of these, the first time you encounter Heishin. If you do manage to beat him, he simply challenges you again. (And again, and again, and again, if need be...)
=== RacingFighting Game ===
* In ''Monster Racers'', you face off against world champion Reinhart in Ayers Rock shortly after winning the Star Cup. He has a level 35 Furion, whose stats are far and away higher than any of your monsters at this point, and it will outrun you effortlessly. You won't lose any Will for losing the race, and Reinhart will praise your effort in spite of your loss.
* A rare case in a "realistic" racer, in ''[[Need for Speed|Need For Speed: Most Wanted]]'', a race is rigged such that you can never win.
** In one case for Need For Speed: Carbon, you can't ever get away from your pursuer in the very first race.
* A very bizarre example exists in the Megadrive/Genesis port of arcade game Super Monaco GP. G. Ceara, [[Blatant Lies|who is in no way]] [[Captain Ersatz|supposed to be]] [[Formula One|late F1 legend Ayrton Senna]] is ''supposed'' to be set up this way. He appears during your [[New Game+|second racing season]] and is supposed to defeat you in the first few races no matter how fast you drive until you lose your contract to drive the best car in the game. Upon doing that, he will then become beatable normally for you to earn back your position with the top team. However, the way he's coded, if you can drive a string of perfect races early on, you can defeat him and bypass this entire scenario. Nothing changes except that you don't change teams.
* ''[[Racing Lagoon]]'', a battle against {{spoiler|Kyoji Nanba's}} monster RX-7 is likely to be unbeatble. It's possible to win with a lot of turbos, but the result's not different.
== Fighting Game ==
* In the arcade version of the [[Fighting Game]] ''[[Rival Schools]]'', you start off fighting students from other schools, attempting to uncover the mystery behind a rash of student disappearances. But in the third round, Raizo, the principal of Justice High School, shows up with a brainwashed person (his partner for the 2-man special attacks) to fight you. True to the trope, Raizo is very powerful and extremely resistant to damage at this point, but with enough skill, you can manage to chip off enough damage from him and fend him off until time runs out. If you lose as the plot demands, you continue to fight other students and unravel more of the story. If you are playing as the two Justice High teachers and lose, you still continue to fight students... ''as a brainwashed agent for Raizo'', complete with color-changed outfits, until the plot has your adversaries fight you to snap you out of it. On the other hand, if you do beat Raizo here, you skip directly to the end of the game, with another fight against him (depowered to beatable levels, of course). {{spoiler|Either way, once you defeat him you then fight [[The Man Behind the Man]], an [[Ax Crazy]], sword-wielding Justice High student named Hyo.}}
** Slightly different with the Gedo High in which Akira fights with her teammates instead (probably vice versa if the player is controlling Edge or Gan...I don't remember). However, the said opposing teammates still take less damage than usual. They are quite beatable though if you actually take the time and are careful enough not to get hit too much.
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=== First Person Shooter ===
* ''[[Deus Ex]]'' has a well-executed instance of this, where you are confronted by a small army who demand your surrender, led by Gunther Hermann (a main character). You ''have'' the option of resisting (even if this is obviously foolish), but Gunther is invincible in this fight, so there's no way to avoid getting captured even if you manage to outfight everyone else (which is pretty hard to do, so you will likely not even notice Gunther's invincibility). You get to fight Gunther later, when he's quite mortal.
** It is quite possible to be starkly confronted with Gunther's invincible nature by taking advantage of his ridiculously stupid AI; lure Gunther into the train station and make an escape through the tunnels. Destroy the small army of UNATCO troops and bots awaiting you, and then find out (to many tropers' eternal frustration) that even though you can hear the evac chopper waiting for you, you can't get to it; you're forced to battle Hermann.
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* In ''[[Battlefield 3]]'' during the second and final mission as {{spoiler|Miller, you have to hold out for an evac helicopter to come save you and comrades from your disabled tank with it's 50. cal machinegun for 15 minutes. Its impossible.}}
* In ''[[Far Cry]] 2'', you start the game trying to flee a town while a civil war is going on all around you. You can't successfully escape the town, because even if you avoid getting killed by gunfire, you collapse from malaria before you can get far. Once you're out of commission, one of the factions picks up your semi-conscious body and drags you to safety to get you to work for them. Which makes very little sense, considering that you may have just shot a lot of them... and then either lost, or collapsed from your {{spoiler|terminally}} serious case of malaria.
* The Handsome Dragon from ''[[Borderlands]] 2'' , specifically the ''Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon's Keep'' DLC. Not only is this boss from Tina's game-within-a-game completely indestructible and unbeatable, it can [[Total Party Kill]] the whole group with little effort. The reason, of course, is that Tina is a [[Killer GM]] who also ''crazy'', but after a lot of complaining by the other characters she replaces the dragon with a much easier boss.
* [[Robeast|The Songbird]], from ''[[BioShock Infinite]]''. Don’t let the name fool you, this mechanical monstrosity tasked with guarding Elizabeth is one of the most dangerous creatures in Columbia, and she knows it; when Booker goes to rescue her, she pleads with him to be quiet, knowing what it will do if it sees him. Of course, it does, and the beast is so massively powerful and [[Evil Is Bigger|massively… massive]], that his weapons are worthless against it, and all the duo are able to do is flee. Of course, even ''that'' is a challenge, for while the chase is scripted, it’s still one of the most tense parts of the game, as the Songbird literally tears the entire tower apart in its attempts to smash them. The only way the duo survive is for [[Sheathe Your Sword|Elizabeth to simply surrender]], pleading for the creature to spare Booker, and it does; it's directive is to guard Elizabeth, and it really doesn't care about Booker once he stops trying to prevent it from doing so. Second time around, Booker still cannot fight it, and the encounter makes it more of a [[Cutscene Boss]], as Elizabeth - by then able to harness her true power - teleports the three of them to Rapture’s Welcome Center; whoever built it [[No Waterproofing in the Future| didn’t think a flying robot needed to be made waterproof]], and it is crushed by the undersea pressure.
=== Mecha Game ===
== Mecha Game ==
* Anubis from ''[[Zone of the Enders]]'' is unbeatable, a rare example of the final boss being such. While you can just wait for the end of the game to happen, if you are fast with the controls you can avoid any damage from him whatsoever, at least on easy. The only damage taken is that in a cutscene about halfway through the battle. He returns in the sequel and is unbeatable ''again'' the first time you fight him. It isn't until the very end of the game that you actually can win, and it is ''satisfying''.
* In ''[[EverQuest]]'' Kerafyrm the Sleeper in the Scars of Velious expansion. He had insane HP and attack power for the time on top of the death touch ability. He was not intended to be defeated, instead utterly destroying your raid party and the inhabitants of Skyshrine, then disappearing from the game until he resurfaced as the killable Big Bad in Secrets of Faydwer.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]'' has Absolute Virtue. When it was first released, it was supposedly killable ([[Blatant Lies|"the Development Team killed it with 18 people"]]), but anytime players have managed to kill it Square has nerfed the method that they used within weeks. Worse yet, their released information on ''how'' they killed it required violating their own TOS. For a long time, it remained this; however, Absolute Virtue is now defeated on a regular basis by many linkshells.
** Another megaboss, Pandemonium Warden, also fit this category; in fact a story of a linkshell fighting it for several hours and finally submitting to fatigue and [[Bladder of Steel|other personal needs]] became newsworthy when the boss was first unleashed.
* The final mission of the Statesman's Task Force in ''[[City of Heroes]]'' featuresfeatured Lord Recluse, who's sucking the power from every hero in Paragon City, except you and your team, via four collection towers. He is completely impossible to defeat while the four towers remain standing. He can barely be hit, and if he is hit, he takes little damage, and he regenerates more health in one second than it would take a team of 8 damage dealers to do in a minute. And he can one-shot most tanker-type characters. This subverted the Hopeless Boss Fight, though, in that it was possible to attack and destroy the ''towers'', after which Recluse becomes eminently defeatable. Naturally, though, he has some objections to you doing this, and will make them known to you.
** Also:In (ISSUEone 15 SPOILERS) {{spoiler|Inof the newTask setForces ofintroduced Taskin Forcesissue 15, the Arch-Villain Riechsman takestook no damage at all the first time you seeencounter him. You spend the next few missions devising a way to damage him, then put your plan into effect in the last mission. Even then, he's no push-over.}}
* {{spoiler|Don Crimbo in the 2009 Crimbo Quest}} of ''[[Kingdom of Loathing]]''.
* ''[[Mabinogi Fantasy Life]]'': In G13 (Hamlet), you are instructed to fight the Grim Reaper, who is trying to kill Shakespeare. However, this is impossible due to the Grim Reaper's high immunity.
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=== OtherPlatform Game ===
* ''[[Fisher-Diver]]'' has {{spoiler|Captain Connel who cannot be damaged. He eventually kills the player. You cannot escape him either as the oxygen supplies stop working when trying to return to surface.}}
== Platform Game ==
* The first boss in the ''[[Mega Man Zero]]'' series is (supposedly) undefeatable until X's ethereal form appears, gives you a new Z-Saber, and disappears. This is actually untrue. He takes one point of damage with each Buster hit ([[Lampshade Hanging|even though Ciel says, "You can't damage this thing (the Golem) with a buster..."]]), so you could beat him with the Buster. It would just take forever because he gets mercy invincibility after every hit. The saber is programmed to do a [[One Hit KO]].
** There's also the first fight with Vile and his ride armor in ''[[Mega Man X]]'', where he beats the player senseless. Then [[Badass|Zero]] comes and blasts its arm off with a single charged shot.
* In ''[[Tomb Raider]]: Legend'', the [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere|"unknown entity"]] is invincible when first encountered in a flashback, and if it touches you, it's [[Game Over]]. Easy to accidentally run the wrong way, too.
* ''[[Metroid]]'' series:
** In ''[[Super Metroid]]'', the eponymous Super Metroid is impossible to harm, and quickly reduces Samus to only 1 HP before it (presumably) [[Mercy Rewarded|recognizes her as the one who rescued it]] in the previous game, and flies away. Until...
** In ''[[Metroid|Super Metroid]]'', the Mother Brain begins as a hopeless boss fight, indestructible and using a wicked beam that pins Samus against the wall. After reducing her to 1HP and preparing to fire again, Samus' baby metroid from Metroid II attacks it, draining it into helplessness, then feeds that power into Samus to restore her. The Mother Brain awakens and kills the metroid. An [[Mama Bear|angry Samus]] (and likely an [[Player Punch|angry player]]) then opens the proverbial can with a new blaster weapon - the Mother Brain's super-beam, which smacks it around like a tetherball.
*** YouThe battle with the Mother Brain, which also appears to be a hopeless boss fight; you still have to fight well enough to survive her "uber-attack" (a wickedly powerful beam) at least once, and you have to do enough damage to trigger the uber-attack (Mother Brain will not use it until she's taken a lot of damage). cutscene;<ref>If you don't survive the first one, the cutscene will not happen and you just get a standard [[Game Over]]. If you do really well, you can survive this attack multiple times, but the battle remains hopeless until your energy hasis brought down low enough for the cutscene to take place.</ref> The monster turns invincible and pins Samus against the wall with the massive beam, reducing her to 1 HP; as it prepares to fire again, the Super Metroid returns and attacks it in defense of Samus, draining it into helplessness, then feeds that power into Samus to restore her. However, the Mother Brain reawakens and kills the Metroid, an [[Mama Bear|angry Samus]] (and likely an [[Player Punch|angry player]]) then opens the proverbial can with a new blaster weapon - the Mother Brain's super-beam, which smacks it around like a tetherball.
** Ridley at the beginning of ''Super Metroid'' is also nearly impossible to beat: You can take enough damage (until you are below 30 Energy, more specifically) or hit him 100 times, whichever comes first, since both events cause him to fly away. There's an amusing little twist on this one: if you do manage to hit him enough times, he will drop the Metroid briefly before picking it up, suggesting you at least hurt him.
** Likewise, at the end of ''[[Metroid Fusion]]'', {{spoiler|you face the Omega Metroid}}, and must let it claw you down to 1 HP, at which point {{spoiler|the erstwhile [[Big Bad]], SA-X, attempts to kill the Omega Metroid and is struck down with one blow, giving Samus the chance to absorb it and regain the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Ice Beam]]}}.
*** There's an amusing little twist on this one: if you do manage to hit him enough times, he will drop the Metroid briefly before picking it up, suggesting you at least hurt him.
** Likewise, at the end of ''Metroid Fusion'', {{spoiler|you face the Omega Metroid}}, and must let it claw you down to 1 HP, at which point {{spoiler|the erstwhile [[Big Bad]], SA-X, attempts to kill the Omega Metroid and is struck down with one blow, giving Samus the chance to absorb it and regain the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Ice Beam]]}}.
* The skeleton on the bridge in ''[[Prince of Persia]] 2''. Eventually the bridge collapses, taking the skeleton with it, and you have to grab onto the ledge to survive, but you lose your sword, and have to make do with a broken sword for several levels.
** Later in the game, an invincible flaming sword attacks you. The only winning move is not to play.
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* ''[[You Have to Burn The Rope]]'' more or less subverts this trope. Your normal attacks can't harm the Grinning Colossus enough to even remotely get his healthbar down, but on the other hand {{spoiler|once you burn the rope, you give that Colossus a one-hit kill.}}
=== Puzzle Game ===
== Puzzle Game ==
* The fist fight with the Great Devil in ''[[Adventures of Lolo]] 3'', 3/4 of the way through the game, is unwinnable. There's nothing really to indicate that you can't beat him, the only hint being that the manual says there are 3 sections of the game, while this fight takes place in the 2nd section. Not so bad, since there are no items for you to waste, but has the potential to be a nasty surprise if you thought it was the final boss, only to discover that there are still 25 more levels before that. Not to mention that his only attack is firing very easy-to-dodge projectiles, which means you could keep up the fight a long time without realizing it was useless.
=== RealRacing Time StrategyGame ===
* In ''Monster Racers'', you face off against world champion Reinhart in Ayers Rock shortly after winning the Star Cup. He has a level 35 Furion, whose stats are far and away higher than any of your monsters at this point, and it will outrun you effortlessly. You won't lose any Will for losing the race, and Reinhart will praise your effort in spite of your loss.
* A rare case in a "realistic" racer, in ''[[Need for Speed|Need For Speed: Most Wanted]]'', a race is rigged such that you can never win.
** In one case for Need For Speed: Carbon, you can't ever get away from your pursuer in the very first race.
* A very bizarre example exists in the Megadrive/Genesis port of arcade game Super Monaco GP. G. Ceara, [[Blatant Lies|who is in no way]] [[Captain Ersatz|supposed to be]] [[Formula One|late F1 legend Ayrton Senna]] is ''supposed'' to be set up this way. He appears during your [[New Game+|second racing season]] and is supposed to defeat you in the first few races no matter how fast you drive until you lose your contract to drive the best car in the game. Upon doing that, he will then become beatable normally for you to earn back your position with the top team. However, the way he's coded, if you can drive a string of perfect races early on, you can defeat him and bypass this entire scenario. Nothing changes except that you don't change teams.
* ''[[Racing Lagoon]]'', a battle against {{spoiler|Kyoji Nanba's}} monster RX-7 is likely to be unbeatble. It's possible to win with a lot of turbos, but the result's not different.
=== Real Time Strategy ===
* The second Bavakh Brother in ''Immortal Defense'', who ends up {{spoiler|destroying all life on your homeworld}}. It turns out it ''is'' possible to beat him, if you're crazy good and crazy lucky, but even if you do the game continues as though you hadn't.
* ''[[Warcraft]] III'' involves enemy heroes with Divine armor, which can only be destroyed by units with Chaos damage. Because no ordinary units in those scenarios have Chaos damage, the bosses are invincible. Examples include Mal'Ganis, Cenarius and Tichondrius. The player must seek a power-up to gain the Chaos damage required to kill the boss and win the scenario.
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** Similarly, one of the early missions in the Human campaign has you having to defend a small town against endless waves of undead. Given the small amount of resources, upgrades and units that you can use to set up a decent defense, you can never actually destroy the two undead bases that keep sending their spawns at you. By the end of the mission, not even a perfectly positioned series of towers and soldiers can stop the undead from overwhelming you. [[It Gets Worse]], because there's a side-quest in which you have to prevent a THIRD undead army from being spawned.
* In ''[[Pikmin]] 2'', the Water Wraith combines this with ''[[Nightmare Fuel]]''. The game's ''[[Ninja Butterfly]]'' even tells you "Run Away! Run Away very Fast!" Any attacks against it result on the Pikmin being killed until the last sublevel of the dungeon when you recruit the purple Pikmin and can make him tangible.
* In ''[[Kingdom Under Fire the Crusaders|Kingdom Under Fire: Crusades]]'', during Gerald's campaign, you supposedly get one of these against Regnier. Your commanding officer tells you to flee the fight and protect the king. Its only supposedly hopeless because you can actually beat Regnier's unit by having your archers heal you and fire into the melee, while your infantry charge in, steal a few technique points (enough to heal) and then high-tail it back out. This allows a level 7 Gerald and level 9 Hugh to defeat a level 50 Regnier. You still have to leave the battle though, and it doesn't alter anything. (Though you do get a ton of experience.)
** Happens later on while trying to sneak past a massive army of level 50-100 orc units. You're supposed to go around them. Sneaky players can lure them off one at a time and defeat them using the paladins you have with you to heal. The dark elves which try to nuke you with meteor spells are, however, invulnerable, and your only recourse is to dash past them. This leads to the incredibly frustrating situation where you've beaten around five units of ridiculously high level orcs and swarms upon swarms of weaker enemies if you went to wipe out every last enemy on the map, only to get blown into oblivion by some [[Stripperiffic]] [[Fantastic Slurs|"vellie"]] mages. [[Gosh Dang It to Heck]]! Again, you get [[Game Breaker|gamebreaking]] amounts of experience and gold for this. Just as well, as [[That One Boss|the hardest battle in the game]] is just around the corner.
** Similarly, in Ellen's campaign there's a mission in which you're supposed to just run past several armies of ecclesian knights and paladins. While you can attempt to take them on one by one, you're constantly being chased and spammed by the spells of the paladins, so fighting is not quite a viable option.
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=== Rhythm Game ===
* The First time you fight Purge the Great in ''[[Space Channel 5]] Part 2'', Ulala is only able to dodge deadly lightning attacks. After giving you some truly [[Nintendo Hard]] commands, {{spoiler|Purge goes and kills Ulala.}}
* ''[[Gitaroo Man]]'' contains two examples. On the way to Planet Gitaroo, your ship is ambushed by a giant robot shark, and all you can do is dodge until you unlock a [[Humongous Mecha]] to fight back with. Then, the [[Big Bad]] kidnaps your dog (who helps you transform) and the player has to dodge attacks from the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Sanbone Trio]] until they accidentally free him for you.
=== Role Playing Game ===
* The ''[[Paper Mario (franchise)|Paper Mario]]'' series has a few:
** In the first game, both times you fight Bowser. The first time, at the beginning of the game, is to show off that he has the Star Rod. The second time, as the final boss, he's a Hopeless Boss Fight until after a long cutscene [[Eleventh-Hour Superpower|grants you the ability you need to be able to damage him again]].
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** Sometime in the second disc, you'll face another of the Ten Wise Men, Marsilio, who is, like Berle, invincible. This fight is like the second encounter with Shin, where you must let him kill you entire team to proceed.
** Finally, in the optional Cave of Trials, you'll encounter a monster called the Weirdbeast on the fifth level. This monster is a Hopeless Boss Fight at first, unable to be killed by your team. To proceed with the dungeon, you must run from the fight, and explore the rest of the floor until you find a weapon called the Weird Slayer. True to it's name, the Weird Slayer will destroy the Weirdbeast in a single blow (as well as any other creature with the word Weird in it's name). The first Weird Beast fight is ''technically'' not hopeless, but the Weird Beast only every takes 1 damage from an attack and has over 800,000 HP. You can kill it with the "Medusa Shield" and "Bubbly Potion" and such are all legitimate since they were used the way they were meant to be used. Either way, they are still fairly difficult to pull off.
* ''[[Magna Carta]]'' mostly avoids this trope; there are a number of ostensibly unwinnable fights throughout the game versus powerful boss enemies which you end up having to beat later, but unlike most such games these fights are actually winnable - it just requires a great deal of strategy (and sometimes some power levellingleveling) to do so. Frustratingly, there IS a single truly hopeless boss fight towards the end of the game, one which you cannot win under any circumstances, though it is fairly obvious that it is hopeless... other than the fact that the other boss fights in the game were winnable.
* The first ''[[Kingdom Hearts]]'' features a fight with Leon early on in Traverse Town where you're supposed to get knocked out. It's in theory possible to defeat him, but only through extensive [[Level Grinding]]. In Expert mode, the challenge of the fight is just landing a good solid hit on him once before he knocks you out.
** Leon isn't actually too terribly hard to fight, even if the player hasn't level grinded. This editor beat Leon the first time ever playing the game. The trick is to time attacks properly and run away the rest of the time. True to form, however, Sora gets incredibly exhausted from the fight and passes out, while Leon seems none the worse for wear (despite his defeat quote of "No way...I can't lose!"). This really isn't worth it, however, as the only reward is some extra XP that can be easily gained later, and an Elixir from Leon later. Still, the satisfaction of Leon admitting that a ''kid'' with ''no battle experience'' beat him is hilarious.
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* The very first battle against Roger Bacon in ''[[Shadow Hearts]]''. It is possible for Yuri to deal damage to him, but after three turns, Bacon stops holding back and casts a spell that [[There Is No Kill Like Overkill|does more than enough damage to kill Yuri several times over]].
** And very soon thereafter, you have the first encounter with [[The Grim Reaper|Fox Face]]. And all subsequent encounters, really: Fox Face is unstoppable, and you have to run away from him. {{spoiler|Even when you do finally manage to defeat Fox Face, he's replaced with the four masks of malice, who are likewise unstoppable until a certain point.}}
* This happens several times in ''[[Wild ARMs 5]]''. The game doesn't even pretend to be fair during these battles: any attacks against your opponent automatically fail (with an explictexplicit "No Effect!" message) and [[Enemy Scan|analysing the enemy]] reveals that you gain no experience points for a victory.
** While the first 'unbeatable' bosses are impossible to defeat, the rest of them can be beaten as long as you're not a one-man party, have a lot of revive items, and most of all, the ability to unleash finest arts (equipping a punching glove on a character with the Sword medium equipped, thus activating finest arts whenever he uses 'Sonic Vision'). Luck helps, too. Furthermore, you do gain a lot of experience points from the victory. Some examples of these fights are the first Golem the human characters fight or the first battle with the Ice Queen. However, the following cutscenes remain unchanged.
* A variation occurs in ''[[Valkyria Chronicles]]'' on the first two occasions where you fight Selvaria. In the first case she's utterly indestructible, but if you just ignore her (and take loads of cover from her gatling laser) you can still complete the objective, and in the second she appears a long way from the main objective but spends her time casually blowing up your tanks and causing instant mission failure.
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* ''[[Demon's Souls]]'' partially-averts this with a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gssC68oS6kg seemingly] [[Curb Stomp Battle|unbeatable]] ''tutorial'' level boss, followed by a much later boss that kills you instantly.
* In [[Hyperdimension Neptunia]], the first boss fight with White Heart, Black Heart, and Green Heart cannot be beaten for two reasons. Not only are you fighting 3 very high level opponents who blast you each once with their best specials, but Purple Heart is controlled by the AI in this fight, guaranteeing you lose.
* In ''[[Dark Souls]]'', the first encounter with Seath the Scaleless is one of these.
** The first encounter with Seath the Scaleless is one of these.
** The first boss you encounter, the Asylum Demon. It's ''technically'' possible to defeat it, but you're ''supposed'' to run from it and come back when you have a better weapon. Of course, many players who know of the games notorious difficulty might think they're supposed to try and beat it, which is ''not'' a good idea.
* In ''Winged Warrior III'', the player is not supposed to be able to defeat the Nova Knight during the first encounter. It's possible to beat him after a lot of grinding at the training center, in which case the game will act up.
* [[Radiant Historia]] has one very early one. Forced to head northward, Stocke, Marco and Raynie face an impossible battle. Raynie and Marco die, and Stocke is badly hurt. {{spoiler|This is what activates the White Chronicle, though, and introduces the main gameplay mechanic.}}
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** The 2nd game has Gilbert and 4 other enhanced Jaeger Corps fighters. The battle takes place on board the Glorious, Ouroboros airship. Estelle has as a limited window of opportunity in winning the battle. Speed and good preparation are what wins this battle.
* Every game in the ''[[Violated Hero]]'' series has a major villain, often the [[Big Bad]], attack the hero long before he's capable of putting up a fight. After their inevitable victory, the boss decides that the hero isn't worth killing or taking with them.
* Spontaneous Bootay in ''[[South Park|South Park: The Fractured But Whole]]''; she has infinite hit points and her one attack kills everyone on the ''nine spaces'' she occupies. The only way for the player to proceed here is to flee.
** The same is true in the DLC "Bring the Crunch", but she becomes a [[Zero Effort Boss]] if New Kid has the Final Girl power.
* The first encounter with Lance in ''[[Epic Battle Fantasy|Epic Battle Fantasy 5]]'' starts with [[Tank Goodness|Neon Valkyrie]] instantly ramming and crushing the entire party before you have time to do anything. Even if by some miracle, one of the party members survives (only possible in [[New Game+]] with Evade boosted through the roof), [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|Neon Valkyrie will keep ramming until everyone is down]].
=== Shoot Em Up ===
* ''[[Ikaruga]]'', the [[Spiritual Successor]] to ''[[Radiant Silvergun]]'', has a hopeless boss fight with the Stone-Like at the end, just like it's predecessor, where you can't shoot and have to dodge many patterns of bullets for a certain amount of time. At the end, the Ikaruga releases a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] self-destruct attack. A [[Bittersweet Ending]], but our hero is allowed to [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence]], and [[The End of the World as We Know It]] is averted, unlike in ''RS'' (a [[Downer Ending]]).
* Rare [[Shoot'Em Up]] example in ''Chronos Twins DX''. In the very first mission of the game, while you can be 'hurt' by regular enemies, nothing will kill you until you reach the boss, who [[Timey-Wimey Ball|exists across two timezones at once]]. He kills you dead by attacking from the past. The story then shifts forward several years to your character's younger brother trying again, this time with a modified time machine that lets him simultaneously be in the past and the present.
=== Simulation Game ===
* From ''[[Wing Commander (video game)|Wing Commander]] III'':
** In the climactic mission, the plot called for you to lose your wingmen in battle with an enemy ace and make the final attack alone: however, this was achieved by having the ace magically [[Respawning Enemies]] for so long as any wingmen not lost prior to that point were present. This lead to a surreal battle in which you might shoot him down a dozen times in a row, using up all of your missiles and countermeasures, and have no way of knowing what [[Guide Dang It|obscure action]] would cause things to proceed.
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=== Stealth -Based Game ===
* In ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'' Raiden goes up against 'Lady Luck' Fortune. Any shot fired at her misses, and any grenade thrown near her is a dud. Your only hope is to dodge her shots until events elsewhere force her to leave.
** In ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'', when you encounter "The Sorrow" any sort of offense is useless since you can't hurt him or his spirits. {{spoiler|The only way out is by death.}}
=== Survival Horror ===
* ''[[Silent Hill 2]]'' and ''[[Silent Hill 4]]'' both feature unbeatable bosses. ''Silent Hill 2'' has the ever-popular Pyramid Head, and after running away from him down a long, narrow, winding hall, blindly shooting at him, you run into an elevator to escape. Not everyone does though, and he manages to {{spoiler|kill Maria. But only sort of. Eh}}. ''In Silent Hill 4'', Walter Sullivan chases you for the entire second half of the game. He cannot be killed, but he can be slowed. He and PH do, however, eventually become beatable.
** The two actual "fights" against Pyramid Head (in the apartment building and near the end of the game) definitely qualify. The only way to end these fights is to either die or wait until he decides to end it after a certain amount of time ( {{spoiler|the first time by leaving the room, the second time by both Pyramid Heads impaling themselves on their own spears}}). However, while you can't actually "win" the fights, shooting him ''does'' shorten the amount of time it takes Pyramid Head to end the fight.
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** The same game also features a sequence where the player must run from Sae Kurosawa, another extremely powerful one-hit kill ghost. In this case, though, she's invincible because the player has lost the Camera, and with it their only means of defending themselves against ghosts. Curiously, when she's encountered as the [[True Final Boss]], she's no longer able to one-hit kill you.
** The Fatal Frame series makes a tradition out of this: Kirie Himuro from the first game is also invincible and a one-hit kill until the final boss fight. The third game has Reika Kuze, who does not have one-hit kill powers, but is invincible until (you guessed it) the final boss fight.
* In ''[[Don't Starve]]'', calling Charlie a "boss" is something of a stretch, as you cannot even fight her. She attacks is the player is in total darkness, doing an automatic 100 points damage to Health and 50 to insanity every 5 to 11 seconds, until the player either dies or manages to create a light source, which causes her to flee.
=== Turn Based Strategy ===
== Turn Based Strategy ==
* ''[[Final Fantasy Tactics Advance]]'' has two of these, both of them involving Llednar. He's invincible and strong. You have to stall for several turns before the plot takes over. He does become beatable towards the game's end.
** The challenge of the missions is lessened considerably if one equips the Damage to MP skill, since the one-on-one format means your character will always have MP to take the attack. It is likely the primary reason the skill was changed in the sequel to allow overflow damage to hit HP.
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=== Turn Based Tactics ===
* At the end of ''[[Transformers]] G1 Awakening'', the player is made to think that [[Climax Boss|Shockwave]] must be defeated by Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. However, both Autobots are significantly weaker, even working together, and there are no power plants on this level that would allow them to level up. However, after Prime goes down, [[The Cavalry]] shows up in the form of [[Hulk Speak|Grimlock]], who proceeds to [[Curb Stomp Battle]] Shockwave.
* In ''[[Bahamut Lagoon]]'' you have to fight against {{spoiler|Sauzer/Zauzer in Chapter 5}}, but don't waste any items or energy, this guy has infinite HP, so you can't kill him.
== Wide Open Sandbox ==
=== Wide Open Sandbox ===
* ''[[Shenmue]]'' has a character named Chai who is supposed to beat you; when you lose you're unconscious for several days, but the game isn't over. Beating him is nearly impossible, but can be done.
** ''[[Shenmue 2]]'' has one hopeless boss fight where Ryo fights Dou Niu and his henchmen in a plaza until the screen blacks out and shows a cutscene of Dou Niu beating Ryo.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto]] [[Grand Theft Auto II|2]]'' featured a mission that required you to "die" while attempting to break into an enemy gang's stronghold. Your employer then picks you up at the hospital and sends you back to the fort with a better plan and better equipment.
** The original [[Grand Theft Auto]] featured a mission where you're asked to board a train as part of a plot to prove that your boss is the one true god. It's then revealed that the train is rigged with explosives. If you stay on it, after you die your boss apologises, saying that he was high on smack and is impressed you made it... Assuming that wasn't your last life. Worth getting off the train and failing just for the quote: "Only the righteous shall be saved! You! You are a shithead and bound for hell!"
* In ''[[Infamous (video game series)|In Famous2]] 2'', the ''very first battle in the game'' is against {{spoiler|The Beast, a being of overwhelming power}} that Cole is trying to become more powerful to defeat. In a surprising inversion, the battle is far from hopeless, as Cole ends up winning. {{spoiler|Then the Beast breaks Cole, literally, and robs him of most of his advanced powers before breaking apart. It then reforms in Empire City, destroying it after Cole is taken south by boat, and the real game begins.}}
* In ''[[Red Dead Redemption]]'' has the final "boss" of the mission where you kill waves of army and BOI agents, just to end up making a last stand and getting shot by the main bad guy with a bunch of lackeys.
* ''Every'' boss fight in ''[[Subnautica]]'' is a Hopeless Boss Fight. Your only weapon in the game is a high-tech ''knife'' (which you can't even craft at the beginning of the game), and the leviathans are ''huge''. Your only choices are to avoid them outright, run as fast as you can when you see one, or die (which instantly respawns you far away, almost always without any salvage or resources you had on you). When you can finally build a stasis rifle or poison gas torpedoes for your submersible, option two becomes more practical. But you'll never, ''ever'' kill one.
* ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'' has the Boss fight with the Scarecrow, which combines this with [[Puzzle Boss]]. The battle is, in fact, a nightmare experienced by the hero after inhaling the villain's fear gas. In this horrible, inescapable dream, Batman is trapped in a facsimile of Gotham with a kaiju-sized Scarecrow who shoots [[Frickin' Laser Beams]] from his eyes. Trying to fight this thing the regular way is suicidal, as even one hit will kill you. To "defeat" him, Batman has to wake up, and to do that, {{spoiler|he has to get to the Bat-Signal without Scarecrow noticing him and shine it in the villain's eyes.}}
=== Other ===
* ''[[Fisher-Diver]]'' has {{spoiler|Captain Connel who cannot be damaged. He eventually kills the player. You cannot escape him either as the oxygen supplies stop working when trying to return to surface.}}
=== Non-video game examples ===
== Anime[[Web and MangaComics]] ==
* In ''[[One Piece]]'' during the "Impel Down" storyline, the Luffy vs. Magellan fight is one of these, the point being driven home when {{spoiler|Luffy ''loses'' the fight}}.
*** Heck, the point is really driven home when {{spoiler|Luffy tries again later on in the arc, this time with quite a bit of backup, but can still do little more than slow Magellan down; he can't even do ''that'' once Magellan ''really'' goes all-out.}}
** Luffy also loses to {{spoiler|Aokiji}} much earlier in the series.
** Also, in the very beginning of the series, Zoro's fight against Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, which makes it clear that, at this point in the story, Zoro's just a big fish in a small pond, not even ''remotely'' close to being able to take on the world's ''real'' heavy hitters.
** Also the Straw Hats, immediately after struggling to defeat a Pacifista, are faced with another one, Sentoumaru and Marine Admiral Kizaru. Even when Rayleigh arrives to help fight Kizaru, Luffy even orders the crew to run away, declaring that that "Right now... we can't defeat them!". {{spoiler|It doesn't do any good; the real Kuma arrives, scatters the Straw Hats across the world, and the Straw Hats suffer complete defeat}}.
* This trope is parodied in the ''[[Suzumiya Haruhi]]'' side story "Haruhi Theatre Act 1". Haruhi and Brigade are trapped in an RPG, and when Haruhi meets a sage who warns her that she can't defeat the dragon without the power to do so, she doesn't listen and drags the Brigade over to fight it. Naturally she gets creamed and regenerates next to the sage, who smugly tells her off. She doesn't listen ''again'' and continually goes back and dies. When she finally listens to him, he demands some stuff from her as he's only giving them out if she gets quest items...but she just threatens him.
* In ''[[Fairy Tail]]'', the brief encounter with {{spoiler|Acnologia}} turns into one of these very quickly. Even {{spoiler|Zeref, the most powerful mage in history,}} claims that {{spoiler|Acnologia}} is a being that humans could never hope to match. The point is hammered home when one character who had encountered it before notes that {{spoiler|Acnologia}} was toying with them the whole time.
* ''[[Captain Tsubasa]]'', Japan Youth VS Hamburg SV (featuring [[Final Boss|Karl Heinz Schneider]] and half of his Germany team plus Wakabayashi), Japan gets beat down badly, and Hyuga can only score one goal because Wakabayashi lets him.
== Literature ==
* Used in-story by ''[[Ender's Game]]'', where a video game given to the cadets ends with a giant killing their character. The point was to see how they would react with an [[Unwinnable]] scenario. {{spoiler|Ender kills the giant by [[Chunky Salsa Rule|jumping into its eye and attacking its brain]]}}
== Film ==
* Parodied in ''[[College Saga]]''. The characters face Leviathan, who uses the devastating "Tidal Wave" attack, and quickly kills off the party... and then says "Just kidding LOL. You can't kill a guardian force."
* The whole point of the [[Kobayashi Maru]] test in ''[[Star Trek]]''. Like the Giant's Drink above, it's actually a psychological test rather than a tactical puzzle, although that doesn't stop people from trying. As various cadets' attempts to hack the infamous sim have piled up, they've resorted to ever-more-obvious tactics to keep it hopeless, including spawning extra enemies when needed or allowing them to break the laws of physics.
== Tabletop Games ==
* Virtually all tabletop RPGs run into this case (whether the DM wants to or not) if the players don't recognize a character as a major villain (or don't give a damn) and attack. Since many games take place in settings where [[Asskicking Equals Authority]], the team of level 3 adventurers deciding to settle things with the ancient dragon lord tends end exactly as it should: in two turns (at most) with a room full of dead [[PCs]]. Entire sections of various dungeon-mastering guides have been dedicated to helping get powerful fiends away from a group of comparatively piddly heroes without having to murder them all.
** Of course, the reason why they tend to be ridiculously tough and immune to [[Chunky Salsa Rule]] in the first place is that clever players often cut the plot via "[[Lord British Postulate|premature termination]]" of the villain, per [[Things Mr. Welch Is No Longer Allowed to Do In An RPG]]. It gets derailed to the left, or derailed to the right, [[Morton's Fork|your choice]].
* In a rare tabletop game semi-example, there is Caine from ''[[Vampire: The Masquerade]]''. In one rulebook, there is a section regarding fighting Caine that consists of [[Two Words: Obvious Trope|two words]], [[Game Over|"You Lose."]] To expand - he is the Biblical Cain, turned into the first vampire by God. He knows [[All Your Powers Combined|the disciplines of all vampires,]] centuries upon centuries of experience, and the ability to do - more or less - anything he wants.
** In addition, he possesses the Mark of Caine from the Bible. Any damage inflicted on him is returned seven fold to his attacker. On the off chance someone did manage to kill Caine, they would instantly die.
* Similar to the above example is Togashi Yokuni in ''[[Legend of the Five Rings]]''. The utterly mysterious lord of the Dragon Clan, who is so enigmatic that those who speak with him don't even really remember what his voice sounded like or what words were said, is actually {{spoiler|Togashi-Kami, the immortal child of the Sun and Moon and the only remaining sibling of the first Emperor. He is also a dragon.}} He can see the future and knows when he will die, and it sure ain't gonna be you that kills him.
* Also similar to the above examples is the Lady of Pain in ''[[Dungeons & Dragons]]''. She is the enigmatic steward and protector of Sigil, the City of Doors, whose motives cannot be divined and who can (and has) annihilate even higher tier deities with her power. She ''will'' flay you outright or trap you into a nigh-inescapable labyrinthine dimension should you ever do anything to cross her. Stats for her simply aren't given, because She > You no matter how many epic levels you've got.
* In one of the ''[[Warrior Cats]]'' tabletop games included with a few of the books, if you attempt to fight a [[Humans Are Cthulhu|Twoleg, it becomes this trope.]] The PCs' only options are to attack, which does nothing but damage them, or run away.
* [[Eldritch Horror|The big boss himself]] in ''[[Call of Cthulhu (tabletop game)]]''. In some versions, his ''only'' stat is that he [[Just Eat Him|eats 1d6 players]] ''per round''.
* In ''[[SLA Industries]]'', two unstoppable [[badass]]es are repeatedly made mention of: the infamous serial killer, Halloween Jack, and the king and father of all Manchines, Digger. While both are a notable threats or inconveniences to the company, and have many attemps made against them, both are effectively unkillable: Jack has has a bounty of 2 billion credits on his head that no sensible op would try and collect on, and Digger has a whole army to fight with. Niether character has stats in any of the books, as they are considered to [[One-Hit Kill|OHK]] [[Total Party Kill|the party]] if they ever cross paths. This especially bad news for those taking one premade platinum mission, which requires them to go right into Digger's homebase, and sabotage his ultimate plan to conquer Mort.
== Web Comics ==
* ''[[Homestuck]]'': There are a number of these, almost always going against the heroes:
** Dave's first sword battle with his Bro was a doomed endeavour from the start, with Bro flash-stepping fast enough to use a PUPPET to fight Dave, and win easily.
Line 575 ⟶ 584:
*** A surprising aversion occurs when Vriska goes off to fight him in the doomed timeline. Everything before that point implied that she would lose just as badly as everyone to face Jack before her, but due to her god-tier power of incredible control over luck, she rolls 8 8s on her dice, gaining a huge power boost, before actually putting up a decent fight against Jack. Whilst the outcome of the battle is uncertain (and wouldn't matter anyway due to it being in a doomed timeline), it's implied that Vriska might just have won.
== [[Real Life]] ==
== Real Life ==
* One of the ways the Aztecs conducted [[Human Sacrifice|sacrifices]] to [[Aztec Mythology|the god Tezcatlipoca]] involved taking a captured enemy warrior, tying him in place, giving him a fake weapon (a stick covered in feathers, usually, since the typical weapon was a stick edged with obsidian blades), and forcing him to fight several fully-armed [[Badass Army|Jaguar Warriors]].
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[[Category:Hopeless Boss Fight]]