Howl's Moving Castle (anime)/Funny

The book

  • Howl hamming it up and covering the castle in green slime. "Despair! Anguish! Horror!"
  • Pretty much any of Howl and Sophie's bickering is funny, but there's also this, the mental picture is just hilarious:

Howl: If I were to court a girl who lived on an iceberg in the middle of an ocean, sooner or later - probably sooner — I'd look up to see you swooping overhead on a broomstick.

  • "I can sense Sophie's hand a mile off. And there are several miles of this suit." Later in the same scene (all of which is a Crowning Scene of Funny) "I am now," he announced, "going to get ready for the funeral. Please, both of you, refrain from doing anything whatsoever while I do. I can tell Sophie is in top form at the moment, and I want this room the usual size when I come back into it."
  • Sophie's family trying to clean the castle and complaining about its messiness when they come to visit, in the middle of Howl's battle with the Witch of the Waste.
  • Howl returning to the castle drunk, singing Calcifer's sauce-pan song. And then later, after he's gone upstairs to bed, Sophie hears thumping, and him giggling about how the bed is "dodging" him.

Howl: "I assure you my friends, I am cone sold stober!"


The movie

  • There's Howl screaming down the stairway, running into everything while pulling at his hair, the green slime itself, and Sophie hauling Howl upstairs while he's covered in green goo... noticing only too late that his towel's slipped off, and he's completely nude. To top it all off, this troper can't decide whose deadpan reaction is funnier: Markl's or Sophie's.

Markl: He's calling up the spirits of darkness again! ...I saw him do this once before, when a girl dumped him.
Sophie: Well, now I have to mop again

    • Oh god, This Troper hadn't even caught that that was a Double Entendre until now. >_<
    • And this line from the same scene.

Howl: I give up. I see no point in living if I can't be beautiful.

    • Made even funnier, at least for this troper, that it was Christian Bale saying that. Never knew, Bats, never knew...
  • YMMV, but the scene where Sophie is asking Calcifer to let her use him for cooking. The line that Calcifer says after she forces the pan on him gets this troper every time.

Calcifer: Here's another curse, may all your bacon burn.

  • Howl telling Sophie why the Witch of the Waste is after him. Sophie just makes a face that says "are you serious?"
  • In the ending, where Turniphead's curse is broken. It's the typical true-love's-kiss-breaks-the-spell, but...

Witch of the Waste: Looks like your true love is in love with someone else.

  • The scene when Sophie goes to see the king, and is trying to figure out what Howl disguised himself as. In the English version:

Sophie: *Sees a flying device with a girl shrieking and giggling with joy above* That could be him.


Howl: Did you have to bring those two with you? (Sophie glances back and sees old!Witch of the Waste and Heen)
Witch of the Waste: Nice doggy. (Heen wheezes)
Sophie: I can't believe you work for Suliman. I guess it's too late to toss them.