Humanity Is Insane: Difference between revisions

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== Live -Action TV ==
* In ''[[Star Trek: The Original Series]]'' Spock often feels this way about humans. Particularly emphasized in the Leonard Nimoy song "Highly Illogical".
* The other aliens in ''[[Farscape]]'' only have Crichton as their example, so they try to imagine [[Planet of Hats|a whole world full of Crichtons]]. He usually comes off as bizarre and insane to them due to his incessant pop culture references that nobody but he understands. Given the sort of [[Mind Rape|mind raping]] and... more that Crichton goes through over the years, he truly does genuinely become a little insane (inasmuch as it is possible to be a 'little' insane), so their assuming this of humanity as a whole likely goes up.
* This seems to be a common view by the vast majority of [[Stargate Verse|Stargate]]'s aliens, granted even the transplanted humans seem to think this of the Tau'ri. Though this may reflect mostly on [[Stargate SG-1|SG-1]]... okay, mostly on Jack.
** [[Stargate Atlantis|And Rodney]].
== Literature ==