Humans Are Cthulhu: Difference between revisions

moved fan works examples out of web original, added example
("comics"->"comic books", markup fix)
(moved fan works examples out of web original, added example)
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** Don't forget that in addition to that, Professor X modified Cerebro to link the minds of every human on Earth together to [[Mind Rape]] Gah Lakh Tus. After that double whammy, Gah Lakh Tus decides that trying to eat Earth isn't worth it and flees.
== Fan Works ==
* In the ''[[Minecraft]]'' Fanfic ''[ "Diary of a Creeper"]'', humans are depicted as alien monstrosities capable and willing to slaughter everything in the world.
* The sixth chapter of the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic "''[ The Monster Mash]'' manages to do this ''without humans existing in-universe''. {{spoiler|Twilight casts a spell to look through reality and [[Go Mad from the Revelation|goes mad from the revelation]] - screaming about how people nopony else can see are watching her. After Pinkie Pie, who's [[This Explains So Much|known about these watchers all along]], helps her come to terms with the situation, Twilight [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall to address the reader]].}}
== Film ==
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** Perhaps Shell City is in [[Germans Love David Hasselhoff|Germany]].
* Played straight and subverted in ''[[Finding Nemo]]'': the fish on the reef regard humans as terrifying, otherworldly beings (especially since they're wearing scuba masks, as seen in the picture above) and a source of fear and awe. The fish in a human's ''fish-tank'', however, are sufficiently used to them to regard them more as a source of free entertainment, except the one [[And Call Him George|that accidentally keeps killing fish.]]
== Literature ==
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* In ''[[Chronicles of Narnia|The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe]]'', Mr. Tumnus has a shelf full of books that describe humans as purely mythical, or potentially so.
* Stanisław [[Stanislaw Lem|Lem]]’s ''Bajki robotów'' (“Robot Tales”) is a collection of bedtime stories robots tell their kids. Most of them avoid mentioning humans, but those that don’t treat them as eldritch horror: whatever they touch starts to rust and mold, they can topple whole civilizations, and they are mind-bendingly ugly. Although they are considered extinct, legends predict that one day they will rise again to take revenge at their creation. Luckily, they are probably just a myth and never existed in the first place…
== Live Action TV ==
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* Gowan's ''(You're a) Strange Animal'' is from the perspective of a wild animal who is told to be wary of humans, but finds them fascinating.
* ''The Forest King'' by [[3 Inches of Blood]]. It doesn't last. The trees [[When Trees Attack|get pissed]] and [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|set humanity back by a million years.]]
== [[Newspaper Comics]] ==
* The "Eyeballs in the Sky" [[Running Gag]] from ''[[The Perishers]]'', in which a society of crabs in a rockpool worship a pair of giant eyes that appear once every year (when the gang goes to the seaside). Not ''exactly'' this trope, though, as the eyes don't belong to a human but to a dog.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
* ''[[GURPS]] [[Bunnies and Burrows]]'' is made of this trope. Unsurprisingly, it's based heavily on ''[[Watership Down]]'', which is ''also'' (largely) made of this trope. The standard ability scores (for rabbits) are 10; humans have scores of 20-40!
* ''[[The Chronicles of Fate]]''. By way of [[Evolutionary Levels]], humanity has evolved into an empire of ''literal'' Cthulhus (or beings so [[A God Am I|divinely powerful]] they might as well be) called The Union. These humans, now called "Unians", have become so terrifyingly [[Time Abyss|powerful and ancient and alien]] they would seem like Cthulhus not just to rabbits or dogs or bats, but to 21st-century humans as well, even good ol' [[H.P. Lovecraft|Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, and Nyarlathotep]] would crap their non-existent, [[Alien Geometries|infini-dimensional]] trousers at the prospect of messing with them. Know what the younger races call us? [[Eldritch Abomination|"Old Ones"]].
{{quote|"An empire vast, greater than the infinite, older than the time before time, the immaculate embodiment of might, Gods to the gods, power and radiance and grace and terror and grandeur pure, love and hate and ecstasy and death, walking the worlds as they please, striding time as others would walk across a room, conquering as others would breathe, endlessly, feared and beloved as no others are. The Union is of humanity in only the same sense as humanity is of the bacteria that its cells are evolved from. They are Precursors to all that now is, Elder things, with knowledge and wisdom reclaimed each time from an infinitude of past cycles. They are children to none but Josh, Source-Of-All, younger than none, older than all, firstborn and greatest."}}
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* In ''[[Traveller]]'' the Vargr think this about humans because the human organizational ability is beyond the comprehension of the Vargr. Vargr [[Space Pirate]] s might "only" sack one colony and an armada containing people from dozens of parsecs away might set out in a machine like manner to [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|pay them a visit]]. Zhodani, of course, are the spookiest of all humans-even [[Fantastic Racism|to other humans]]. When one of ''their'' outposts is raided, they prefer to go the [[Best Served Cold]] route, carefully searching out the perps for years then when they find them, taking [[Revenge]] in a variety of ways, which could involve the ever-popular standby, [[Death From Above]], but might also involve such subtle means as kidnapping and [[Mind Manipulation|brainwashing]] the Vargr's leader. In general, in the Traveller universe you [[Humans Are Warriors|do not want to mess with humaniti]].
* In ''[[Kult]]'', Humans are immortal superbeings, they are just slumbering and are unaware of their power. The powers that be try to make sure that they don't learn how to change this.
== Video Games ==
* In ''[[SimAnt]]'', one of your objectives as an ant is to drive away the human (whose feet and lawnmower are the greatest threats ants face while above ground). Once this is done, a "For Sale - Any Price" sign appears on the overworld view.
* The ending of Yorito Nagai in ''[[Siren]] 2/Forbbiden Siren 2'': {{spoiler|he enter in a dimension dominated entirely by Yamibitos LIVING LIKE NORMAL HUMANS. Nagai, dominated by the horror, shoot his machine gun against all. A new archive adds to your inventory, the "Yamibito´s Diary". The owner writes: "A terrible monster fell from the sky. The monster was destroyed, but others of its kind still remain in their nest." }}
* In the point and click adventure game ''[[Inherit the Earth]]'', the various inhabitants of the world are uplifted animals who revere humanity as gods, complete with a creation myth at the end of which humanity dissapears into the heavans.
* ''[[Chrono Cross]]'' advances the idea that humans are slowly destroying the planet, {{spoiler|and that they became such enemies of nature because of long-term exposure to Lavos, an eldritch abomination itself that was the villain of the previous game}}.
** While Lavos was using humans for it's own ends, the idea that humans are enemies of nature is dubious and given only by biased sources, like the dwarves (who pollute and construct giant toxin spewing steam tanks) and the dragons (who are part of an [[Evil Plan]] against humanity and are probably just upset that the technology of Chronopolis utterly kicked the ass of it's hippy dinosaur equivalent).
* ''[[Devil Survivor 2]]'' gives us one demon who certainly feels this way after suffering a [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] from one of your human allies.
{{quote|''"How do I put this... Humans have become such dreadful beings."''}}
== WebcomicsWeb Comics ==
* In ''[[Kid Radd]]'', somebody uses the term "humanlike power" as we might say "godlike power." They're treated as gods, and many characters spend a good deal of time contemplating the implications and cruelty of what most videogames are created for. {{spoiler|Though it's the villains who try to [[Rage Against the Heavens]]}}. Pretty accurate, really, except when they assume the humans know what they're doing (and that all humans are programmers).
* Referenced in [ this] ''[[Questionable Content]]'' strip:
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* [ "Humans are insane."] from /tg/'s archive. Also try [ "We Made A Mistake"] for a case study. [[NSFW]] for the usual 4chan flavor.
* Another /tg/ original, [[The Veil of Madness]], tells of how when humans finally achieved interstellar travel, they came across the remnants of countless alien civilizations, all of them having succumbed to madness and self destruction. Finally, when the make contact with non-insane aliens, they learn the truth. Humanity resides in a pocket of space that makes all sentient lifeforms within it go insane, yet humans are somehow immune. When the non-insane aliens see human ships coming out of their equivalent of the Bermuda triangle, they virtually crap their pants. The humans decide to play up their Cthulhu status, noting that it makes negotiations very easy and deters the aliens from attacking them. Funnily enough, humanity notes that the fact that they're essentially playing a galaxy-sized practical joke lends credence to the idea that they're actually a little crazy.
* In the [[Minecraft]] Fanfic [ "Diary of a Creeper"], humans are depicted as alien monstrosities capable and willing to slaughter everything in the world.
* [ This video.]
* Invoked by [[Ben Croshaw|Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw]] in a credits gag at the end of his ''[[Zero Punctuation]]'' [ review of ''Amnesia: Rebirth'']]:
* The sixth chapter of the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic "[ The Monster Mash] manages to do this ''without humans existing in-universe''. {{spoiler|Twilight casts a spell to look through reality and [[Go Mad from the Revelation|goes mad from the revelation]] - screaming about how people nopony else can see are watching her. After Pinkie Pie, who's [[This Explains So Much|known about these watchers all along]], helps her come to terms with the situation, Twilight [[Breaking the Fourth Wall|breaks the fourth wall to address the reader]].}}
{{quote|Ever had that feeling that *we're* the ones living in the evil Lovecraftian other dimension}}
== [[Western Animation]] ==
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== [[Real Life]] ==
* See the [[Humans Are Cthulhu/Fridge|Fridge]] tabpage for more ideas.
* Some Indigenous peoples of various places have mistaken European Invaders for various things. The Aztecs didn't even realize the Spanish Conquistadors were ''human'' at first, because they'd never seen a horse, much less an armored man on an armored horse. They thought it was some kind of four legged monster with metal skin! The Native Americans mistook [[Mistaken for Gods|Columbus for a god]], some tribes of Aborigines mistook white men for their own dead ancestors [[The Undead|(because white people look like corpses to dark skinned people who've never seen a white person before)]] and of course there's the [[Cargo Cult]]s.
* There's a theory that Centaurs (half-men, half-horses) were inspired by sights of the first horse-riding peoples who tore through Greece and terrorized the locals.
* Some Native Americans had legends about "pale skinned people who would come from the sea foam". As such, the European invaders were mistaken for these mythological people.