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[[File:Hybrid_Horror_77.png|link=Rusty and Co (Webcomic)|frame|Don't do this. Ever.]]
[[File:Hybrid_Horror_77.png|link=Rusty and Co.|frame|Don't do this. Ever.]]

{{quote|''"For years, we've been trying to combine the bloodlines {{[[[Our Vampires Are Different]] vampire}} and [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolf]]]. And for years, we've failed. It was useless. Even at the cellular level, our species seemed destined to [[Fur Against Fang|destroy each other]]."''|'''Singe''', ''[[Underworld (Film)|Underworld]]'' }}
{{quote|''"For years, we've been trying to combine the bloodlines {{[[[Our Vampires Are Different]] vampire}} and [[Our Werewolves Are Different|werewolf]]]. And for years, we've failed. It was useless. Even at the cellular level, our species seemed destined to [[Fur Against Fang|destroy each other]]."''|'''Singe''', ''[[Underworld (film)|Underworld]]'' }}

Everyone likes a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]], which is why making a [[Hybrid Monster]] that combines two fantastic creatures into one, like a cyborg-centaur or a demon-elf, is popular in fiction. However, like most good things, it can be a bit overdone; while cyborg-demons are awesome, a [[Our Werewolves Are Different|were-wolf]] / [[Fish People|fish man]]? Not so much.
Everyone likes a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]], which is why making a [[Hybrid Monster]] that combines two fantastic creatures into one, like a cyborg-centaur or a demon-elf, is popular in fiction. However, like most good things, it can be a bit overdone; while cyborg-demons are awesome, a [[Our Werewolves Are Different|were-wolf]] / [[Fish People|fish man]]? Not so much.
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This is especially true when an author wants to conserve as much [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] as possible, believe it or not, readers might have trouble swallowing a half [[Elemental Embodiment|fire elemental]] / half [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampire]].
This is especially true when an author wants to conserve as much [[Willing Suspension of Disbelief]] as possible, believe it or not, readers might have trouble swallowing a half [[Elemental Embodiment|fire elemental]] / half [[Our Vampires Are Different|vampire]].

In a game setting, this trope is used to avoid the presence of [[Ninja Zombie Pirate Robot]] [[Game Breaker|throwing]] [[Competitive Balance]] [[Game Breaker|right out the window]] when you can, within the rules, get any power listed on [[Five Races|any species]]' charts with limited or no [[Necessary Drawback|Necessary Drawbacks]]. It's essentially a way for the designers or [[Game Master|Game masters]] to avoid someone making an overpowered [[The Red Mage|Red Mage]]. Smart game designers (or ones that have had experience like White Wolf, makers of'' [[The World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|The World of Darkness]]'') have gone the extra mile to explain why such hybrids can't exist.
In a game setting, this trope is used to avoid the presence of [[Ninja Zombie Pirate Robot]] [[Game Breaker|throwing]] [[Competitive Balance]] [[Game Breaker|right out the window]] when you can, within the rules, get any power listed on [[Five Races|any species]]' charts with limited or no [[Necessary Drawback|Necessary Drawbacks]]. It's essentially a way for the designers or [[Game Master|Game masters]] to avoid someone making an overpowered [[The Red Mage|Red Mage]]. Smart game designers (or ones that have had experience like White Wolf, makers of'' [[The World of Darkness]]'') have gone the extra mile to explain why such hybrids can't exist.

Inside the story, this is usually [[Justified Trope|justified]] (or at least given a half decent [[Hand Wave]]) by having one supernatural/technological/biological "monster" or race be naturally [[The Immune|immune]] (or [[Made of Explodium|violently]] [[Weaksauce Weakness|allergic]]) to being hybridized with another. For example, a character who's been [[Viral Transformation|changed]] into a werewolf can't be [[Mutant|mutated]] with [[The Virus]] since their [[Healing Factor]] protects them further mutation. Robots won't become [[Our Ghosts Are Different|ghosts]] because, y'know, no [[Soul]]<ref>([[Virtual Ghost|Virtual Ghosts]] are doable, though)</ref>. For whatever reason, in some settings characters can only change into one kind of supernatural critter, or only be one ''"at a time".''
Inside the story, this is usually [[Justified Trope|justified]] (or at least given a half decent [[Hand Wave]]) by having one supernatural/technological/biological "monster" or race be naturally [[The Immune|immune]] (or [[Made of Explodium|violently]] [[Weaksauce Weakness|allergic]]) to being hybridized with another. For example, a character who's been [[Viral Transformation|changed]] into a werewolf can't be [[Mutant|mutated]] with [[The Virus]] since their [[Healing Factor]] protects them further mutation. Robots won't become [[Our Ghosts Are Different|ghosts]] because, y'know, no [[Soul]]<ref>([[Virtual Ghost|Virtual Ghosts]] are doable, though)</ref>. For whatever reason, in some settings characters can only change into one kind of supernatural critter, or only be one ''"at a time".''
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== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
== [[Anime]] and [[Manga]] ==
* In ''[[Tokimeki Tonight]]'', protagonist Ranze's father is a vampire and her mother is a werewolf. She's apparently normal, with no traits of either, until she develops retractable fangs and turns into anything she bites with them.
* In ''[[Tokimeki Tonight]]'', protagonist Ranze's father is a vampire and her mother is a werewolf. She's apparently normal, with no traits of either, until she develops retractable fangs and turns into anything she bites with them.
* Normally ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh]]'' allows just about any two summoned monsters to be fused together; however there is one interesting case where it's played disturbingly literally in the first tournament. Yugi defeats Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon by fusing his Mammoth Graveyard (an undead type) into it... which, because both are incompatible types, was slowly weakening the resulting fusion and would cause its eventual death. After this, [[New Rules As the Plot Demands|the rule is never referenced again]].
* Normally ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]'' allows just about any two summoned monsters to be fused together; however there is one interesting case where it's played disturbingly literally in the first tournament. Yugi defeats Kaiba's Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon by fusing his Mammoth Graveyard (an undead type) into it... which, because both are incompatible types, was slowly weakening the resulting fusion and would cause its eventual death. After this, [[New Rules as the Plot Demands|the rule is never referenced again]].

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== Film ==
== Film ==
* The ''[[Underworld (Film)|Underworld]]'' movies have this trope justified through biological incompatibility. Once they find a guy who has the genetic traits allowing for both werewolf ''and'' vampire genes, however...
* The ''[[Underworld (film)|Underworld]]'' movies have this trope justified through biological incompatibility. Once they find a guy who has the genetic traits allowing for both werewolf ''and'' vampire genes, however...

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== Tabletop RPG ==
== Tabletop RPG ==
* ''[[The World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|The World of Darkness]]'' games enforce this trope for balance issues. Hypothetically though, any supernatural that can be changed back to human can be turned into another type.
* ''[[The World of Darkness]]'' games enforce this trope for balance issues. Hypothetically though, any supernatural that can be changed back to human can be turned into another type.
** ''[[New World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|New World of Darkness]]'':
** ''[[New World of Darkness]]'':
*** [[Vampire: The Requiem|Vampires]] are dead humans resurrected to unlife by an as yet unexplained but likely magical force. [[Changeling: The Lost (Tabletop Game)|Arcadia]] will not mutate them because, to borrow a line from ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'', they are facts, in the metaphysical sense: they cannot change. They are stuck the way they are, and nothing (about the twisted nature of the Fae realm - let's just ignore the Ordo Dracul for the purposes of this discussion) will ever change that. They were human; they were not [[Promethean: The Created|created]]. They already have powers, so the desperation to take up [[Hunter: The Vigil (Tabletop Game)|the vigil]] never comes to them. Only humans can be embraced, not [[Werewolf: The Forsaken|spirits made flesh]] (which is one explanation as to why some embraces don't work: that might have been a werewolf who hadn't undergone their first change). Having what may very well be a [[Geist: The Sin Eaters (Tabletop Game)|minor god of death living in your soul]] is one of the best ways to keep yourself from being consigned to unlife, providing you're lucky enough to get one's attention and you're willing to make the deal (In addition, Sin Eaters can innately see the dead and how old someone is [vampires register as dead to these senses], if you're a Vampire and walk past a Krewe of Sin Eaters, they'll know something is up almost automatically and more often then not try to destroy you for being an Undead creature who feeds on humanity. ). Lastly, not having the spark of true human life anymore, they can't [[Mage: The Awakening (Tabletop Game)|awaken to true magic]].
*** [[Vampire: The Requiem|Vampires]] are dead humans resurrected to unlife by an as yet unexplained but likely magical force. [[Changeling: The Lost|Arcadia]] will not mutate them because, to borrow a line from ''[[Doctor Who]]'', they are facts, in the metaphysical sense: they cannot change. They are stuck the way they are, and nothing (about the twisted nature of the Fae realm - let's just ignore the Ordo Dracul for the purposes of this discussion) will ever change that. They were human; they were not [[Promethean: The Created|created]]. They already have powers, so the desperation to take up [[Hunter: The Vigil|the vigil]] never comes to them. Only humans can be embraced, not [[Werewolf: The Forsaken|spirits made flesh]] (which is one explanation as to why some embraces don't work: that might have been a werewolf who hadn't undergone their first change). Having what may very well be a [[Geist: The Sin Eaters|minor god of death living in your soul]] is one of the best ways to keep yourself from being consigned to unlife, providing you're lucky enough to get one's attention and you're willing to make the deal (In addition, Sin Eaters can innately see the dead and how old someone is [vampires register as dead to these senses], if you're a Vampire and walk past a Krewe of Sin Eaters, they'll know something is up almost automatically and more often then not try to destroy you for being an Undead creature who feeds on humanity. ). Lastly, not having the spark of true human life anymore, they can't [[Mage: The Awakening|awaken to true magic]].
*** Likewise the reverse is true. Only an ordinary mortal human with a human soul can become a Vampire. Even attempting to feed off a supernatural creature, a necessity for the Embrace, will most likely lead to the Vampire getting torn to pieces, magically fried to a cinder, or worse. Like being more prone to raging and giving into the Beast (Werewolf Blood), Having a bad Acid Trip (Fey Blood, effects may wary) or other effects.
*** Likewise the reverse is true. Only an ordinary mortal human with a human soul can become a Vampire. Even attempting to feed off a supernatural creature, a necessity for the Embrace, will most likely lead to the Vampire getting torn to pieces, magically fried to a cinder, or worse. Like being more prone to raging and giving into the Beast (Werewolf Blood), Having a bad Acid Trip (Fey Blood, effects may wary) or other effects.
*** Werewolves are spirits of the hunt / of rage / of protection / of death who were forced to take on human forms by way of a curse laid down on their ancestors / god(s). Depends on your interpretation of the "scriptures," really, but the fact is they are physical spirits. They don't die; they ethereally recycle, so to speak. This means they can't be embraced as vampires, nor can they make the bargain to become geists. They are natural occurances, not created beings like the Prometheans. They are not human, so they can't become mages, nor can they be altered by a spirit realm like Arcadia, which their supernatural "biology" is already adjusted too (to say nothing of their psychologies, which may be less resilient). And again, no human desperation equals no vigil.
*** Werewolves are spirits of the hunt / of rage / of protection / of death who were forced to take on human forms by way of a curse laid down on their ancestors / god(s). Depends on your interpretation of the "scriptures," really, but the fact is they are physical spirits. They don't die; they ethereally recycle, so to speak. This means they can't be embraced as vampires, nor can they make the bargain to become geists. They are natural occurances, not created beings like the Prometheans. They are not human, so they can't become mages, nor can they be altered by a spirit realm like Arcadia, which their supernatural "biology" is already adjusted too (to say nothing of their psychologies, which may be less resilient). And again, no human desperation equals no vigil.
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*** Prometheans who complete the Pilgrimage can theoretically become vampires or mages. The books advise that you only do this for a ''very good'' reason -- and the [[Rule of Cool]] doesn't qualify. Also, they lose nearly all Promethean abilities upon attaining humanity.
*** Prometheans who complete the Pilgrimage can theoretically become vampires or mages. The books advise that you only do this for a ''very good'' reason -- and the [[Rule of Cool]] doesn't qualify. Also, they lose nearly all Promethean abilities upon attaining humanity.
**** This is quite a good way to add on a bittersweet ending, a Promethean becomes a human again? Oh, but wait...he's cursed to live among the undead for the rest of his days. Its the sort of thing that should only really be used for the most grimdark of chronicles.
**** This is quite a good way to add on a bittersweet ending, a Promethean becomes a human again? Oh, but wait...he's cursed to live among the undead for the rest of his days. Its the sort of thing that should only really be used for the most grimdark of chronicles.
*** Also theoretically averted in a sense by any supernaturals who could turn into [[Hunter: The Vigil (Tabletop Game)|Hunters]] and become members of a Conspiracy, where they could then gain Endowments. Of course, if the ''other'' Hunters found out who they were, in many groups they'd be on fire in seconds. This only works if A: the DM [[Loophole Abuse|accepts the letter of the rules]] and not [[Screw the Rules I Have Plot|the spirit invoked by the flavor-and-backstory text]], or B: [[Million-to-One Chance|the character has a very short conscription into becoming a Hunter and a somewhat-to-very long transformation into a supernatural which reached the point of no return before the full-fledged-Hunter immunities kicked in]].
*** Also theoretically averted in a sense by any supernaturals who could turn into [[Hunter: The Vigil|Hunters]] and become members of a Conspiracy, where they could then gain Endowments. Of course, if the ''other'' Hunters found out who they were, in many groups they'd be on fire in seconds. This only works if A: the DM [[Loophole Abuse|accepts the letter of the rules]] and not [[Screw the Rules I Have Plot|the spirit invoked by the flavor-and-backstory text]], or B: [[Million-to-One Chance|the character has a very short conscription into becoming a Hunter and a somewhat-to-very long transformation into a supernatural which reached the point of no return before the full-fledged-Hunter immunities kicked in]].
** The ''[[Old World of Darkness (Tabletop Game)|Old World of Darkness]]'' has similar rules to the above to prevent gratuitous crossover:
** The ''[[Old World of Darkness]]'' has similar rules to the above to prevent gratuitous crossover:
*** Only humans have avatars, so only humans can Awaken to become Mages. Becoming undead of any kind gets rid of the avatar, nixing that option. Shapeshifters were born as shapeshifters, even if they resemble humans or animals at birth, so they lack avatars. When they die they can't go to the same afterlife as human dead, so they can't become wraiths, zombies, or [[Kindred of the East]].
*** Only humans have avatars, so only humans can Awaken to become Mages. Becoming undead of any kind gets rid of the avatar, nixing that option. Shapeshifters were born as shapeshifters, even if they resemble humans or animals at birth, so they lack avatars. When they die they can't go to the same afterlife as human dead, so they can't become wraiths, zombies, or [[Kindred of the East]].
*** One exception is a [[Vampire: The Masquerade (Tabletop Game)|vampire]]-[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse (Tabletop Game)|werewolf]] hybrid "abomination," extremely tricky but possible. Werevolves are violently allergic to vampire blood so if you try to 'embrace' one, he gets a roll to see if he died peacefully or in horrible pain. Unless they're out of all Willpower, they get to die automatically. A hybrid is created only if you [[Critical Failure|botch]] that roll. A hybrid does have access to all the powers but has to watch the [[Karma Meter]] very carefully - from spiritual point of view, werewolves and vampires are pretty much opposites (one being a nature spirit that just happens to have flesh while the other is a dead shell with barely any spiritual presence) so straining too far will be detrimental to all spirit-related powers.
*** One exception is a [[Vampire: The Masquerade|vampire]]-[[Werewolf: The Apocalypse|werewolf]] hybrid "abomination," extremely tricky but possible. Werevolves are violently allergic to vampire blood so if you try to 'embrace' one, he gets a roll to see if he died peacefully or in horrible pain. Unless they're out of all Willpower, they get to die automatically. A hybrid is created only if you [[Critical Failure|botch]] that roll. A hybrid does have access to all the powers but has to watch the [[Karma Meter]] very carefully - from spiritual point of view, werewolves and vampires are pretty much opposites (one being a nature spirit that just happens to have flesh while the other is a dead shell with barely any spiritual presence) so straining too far will be detrimental to all spirit-related powers.
*** Several other Changing-Breeds either can't be embraced, or can't stay that way for long afterwards. Kitsune were-foxes explode in fire if embraced as kind of a [[Take That]] to players' obsession with making abominations. [[Ravens and Crows|Corax were-ravens?]] They explode come dawn no matter WHERE they are. [[Dragons Are Dinosaurs|Mokolé were-dinosaurs?]] They go BALLISTIC the second the embrace starts, and their war form? A dragon/dinosaur which may very well breathe fire and/or glow with sunlight. ''Then'' they die. Rokea were-sharks? No vampire has been dumb enough to try it (they also are mostly aquatic, making it hard for vampires to even know they EXIST, much less find and capture one). Bastet werecats can be embraced but immediately start losing their Gnosis stat, which cripples their supernatural abilities.
*** Several other Changing-Breeds either can't be embraced, or can't stay that way for long afterwards. Kitsune were-foxes explode in fire if embraced as kind of a [[Take That]] to players' obsession with making abominations. [[Ravens and Crows|Corax were-ravens?]] They explode come dawn no matter WHERE they are. [[Dragons Are Dinosaurs|Mokolé were-dinosaurs?]] They go BALLISTIC the second the embrace starts, and their war form? A dragon/dinosaur which may very well breathe fire and/or glow with sunlight. ''Then'' they die. Rokea were-sharks? No vampire has been dumb enough to try it (they also are mostly aquatic, making it hard for vampires to even know they EXIST, much less find and capture one). Bastet werecats can be embraced but immediately start losing their Gnosis stat, which cripples their supernatural abilities.
*** Also averted by the infamous [[Canon Sue|Canon]] [[Villain Sue]] Samuel Haight who was a ghoul-werewolf-true mage. Until he died, became a ghost, and was soulforged into an ashtray.
*** Also averted by the infamous [[Canon Sue|Canon]] [[Villain Sue]] Samuel Haight who was a ghoul-werewolf-true mage. Until he died, became a ghost, and was soulforged into an ashtray.
* Some templates in the 3rd Edition [[Dungeons and Dragons (Tabletop Game)|D&D]] game can only be applied to specified creature types, or to creatures with specified traits. This restricts some abuses, but an imaginative DM can still do some crazy things.
* Some templates in the 3rd Edition [[Dungeons and Dragons|D&D]] game can only be applied to specified creature types, or to creatures with specified traits. This restricts some abuses, but an imaginative DM can still do some crazy things.
** Only living things can become undead, so no [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]] (flesh golems are constructs, not undead).
** Only living things can become undead, so no [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]] (flesh golems are constructs, not undead).
** Constructs cannot breed, and thus cannot be half-dragons or any other inherited type.
** Constructs cannot breed, and thus cannot be half-dragons or any other inherited type.
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*** This makes possible the [[Game Breaker|Half-black-dragon, half-iron-golem troll]], which is immune to damn near everything, but would require a black dragon (acid-breathing) to breed with a troll (vulnerable only to fire and acid), and the offspring to be converted to a half-golem at great difficulty and expense, probably against its will. Neither the victim nor its parents are likely to be pleased.
*** This makes possible the [[Game Breaker|Half-black-dragon, half-iron-golem troll]], which is immune to damn near everything, but would require a black dragon (acid-breathing) to breed with a troll (vulnerable only to fire and acid), and the offspring to be converted to a half-golem at great difficulty and expense, probably against its will. Neither the victim nor its parents are likely to be pleased.
** For player characters, the main mitigator is Level Adjustment, a virtual inflation of the character's effective level imposed by most beneficial templates. For example, a half-dragon has an effective level adjustment of +3. A 1st level half-dragon character is thus theoretically as powerful as a 4th level character, and thus not legally playable in a group starting out at any level below 4th (and s/he would start out at only 1st level in one that was). The level adjustments of all templates on a character are additive.
** For player characters, the main mitigator is Level Adjustment, a virtual inflation of the character's effective level imposed by most beneficial templates. For example, a half-dragon has an effective level adjustment of +3. A 1st level half-dragon character is thus theoretically as powerful as a 4th level character, and thus not legally playable in a group starting out at any level below 4th (and s/he would start out at only 1st level in one that was). The level adjustments of all templates on a character are additive.
* ''[[Exalted (Tabletop Game)|Exalted]]'' has rules to prevent most forms of supernatural mix-and-match. Not only were most non-human races genocided in the Primordial War, but all mortal races have distinctly different souls. Exaltation only works on humans. The main non-human races, [[Dinosaurs Are Dragons|Dragon Kings]] and Mountain Folk, reincarnate upon death, so they can't become ghosts either. On the other hand, ''Exalted'' has a remarkably lax definition of "human," so most Wyld Mutants and half-animal Beastmen count and can exalt. God-blooded (people with one human parent and one parent who's a god, elemental, demon, fae, exalt, or ghost) are likewise human enough to exalt, but half-exalts become normal exalted with no special traits, and the other kinds gain new powers painfully slowly after exalting.
* ''[[Exalted]]'' has rules to prevent most forms of supernatural mix-and-match. Not only were most non-human races genocided in the Primordial War, but all mortal races have distinctly different souls. Exaltation only works on humans. The main non-human races, [[Dinosaurs Are Dragons|Dragon Kings]] and Mountain Folk, reincarnate upon death, so they can't become ghosts either. On the other hand, ''Exalted'' has a remarkably lax definition of "human," so most Wyld Mutants and half-animal Beastmen count and can exalt. God-blooded (people with one human parent and one parent who's a god, elemental, demon, fae, exalt, or ghost) are likewise human enough to exalt, but half-exalts become normal exalted with no special traits, and the other kinds gain new powers painfully slowly after exalting.

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== Web Comics ==
== Web Comics ==
* The vampires in ''[http://lastblood.keenspot.com/ Last Blood]'' are immune to zombie bites, making them unlikely defenders of the remnants of humanity. Of course, that has to do with {{spoiler|zombies being created from a starved vampire's bite}}.
* The vampires in ''[http://lastblood.keenspot.com/ Last Blood]'' are immune to zombie bites, making them unlikely defenders of the remnants of humanity. Of course, that has to do with {{spoiler|zombies being created from a starved vampire's bite}}.
* ''[[Rusty and Co (Webcomic)|Rusty and Co]]'' [http://rustyandco.com/missives/critical-missives-4/ warns] about consequences of allowing to multiclass freely in the system that got "monster classes", as the picture above shows.
* ''[[Rusty and Co.|Rusty and Co]]'' [http://rustyandco.com/missives/critical-missives-4/ warns] about consequences of allowing to multiclass freely in the system that got "monster classes", as the picture above shows.
** [http://rustyandco.com/comic/critical-missives-16/ He got worse.]
** [http://rustyandco.com/comic/critical-missives-16/ He got worse.]