"I just hope 3D Realms understands that if this doesn't turn out to be history's greatest contribution to human culture and the cure for at least one type of cancer, then I and every other reviewer on earth are going to saw its bollocks off."
I went out, and in Paul's Church-yard I bought the play of "Henry the Fourth", and so went to the new Theatre [...] and saw it acted; but my expectation being too great, it did not please me, as otherwise I believe it would.
The Diary of Samuel Pepys, December 31, 1660
"Sometimes a game gets a little ahead of itself. All of a sudden, what you've got in the box in no way lives up to the reputation that preceded it. It happens all the time: a title will coast to the market on a wave of hype, getting glory far beyond what was earned. As gamers, we'll stare limply at our monitors or TV screens and ask ourselves: "Everyone was excited about this!?""
"I probably wouldn't have had such a problem with it all if it wasn't for the fact that Nintendo advertised this thing like it was the second coming of Michael Jackson..."
The Gaming Brit, in his in-depth review of Metroid: Other M
"I feel like we have such low expectations for today's batch of pop stars that when they put out something that is merely okay, it somehow gets misconstrued as genius."