I Am One of Those, Too: Difference between revisions

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'''Questioner:''' Oh, you mean Christian Life Center?
'''You:''' That's the one. }}
* The [[Discworld]] novel ''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'' does a Reverse on this trope. Rincewind runs into someone from the place he's pretending to be from, and being [[Genre Savvy]] enough to know that his challenger is going to try to trip him up by asking him about a fictional person or location, calls him on it—only instead the man asked him about a real person whose identity would be very obvious if Rincewind's story was true.
* Used by [[Sherlock Holmes]] in the short story ''The Three Garridebs'', in which he tests his suspicions of a con man posing as American by casually asking after the nonexistent mayor of the con man's claimed Kansas 'hometown'.
* A joke found in an issue of ''Readers' Digest'' (and possibly a real incident) referred to a man who liked to pretend he'd had the same operations that other people had been through so that he could share in their complaints. Eventually carelessness resulted in a pair of women asking him, "Really. When did you have your hysterectomy?"