I Don't Pay You to Think: Difference between revisions

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== Web Comics ==
* Subverted in a strip of ''[[The Order of the Stick|Order of the Stick]]'', when [[Token Evil Teammate|Belkar]] says this to Vaarsuvius, the party's wizard. V retorts by angrily saying s/he's not paid to do anything but think.
* Used for comedy in ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]''. With AI.
{{quote|'''Captain Tagon''': ...You're acting like I pay you to think!
'''Ennesby''': Technically, you don't pay me.
'''Ennesby''': and technically, most of what I do is "think."
'''Captain Tagon''': I...rrr. ummm.
'''Ennesby''': And when you get right down to it, I'm better at it than you are. }}
== Western Animation ==