I Have Many Names: Difference between revisions

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** The Latin Vulgate bible rendered YHWH as "Iehovah" (remembering that in Classical Latin, "v" is pronounced like either a "u" or a "w".) Eventually, this spelling came down into modern English as "Jehovah."
** In Exodus 3:14, God introduced Himself to Moses by saying: "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’"
* Catholics have a huge number of titles for the Blessed Virgin Mary. [http://www.iskandar.com/ourlady/ourladytitles.html Here's one list]; even allowing for doubtful entries, it numbers in the hundreds. Basically, anytime you see "Our Lady of" followed by an emotion, virtue, or placename, it's her... and you can throw in "Queen of Heaven", "Queen of Angels", and the like, for good measure. And there's the classic Greek one: ''Theotokos'' (God-bearer), from which, "Mother of God".
* [[Santa Claus]] still bears the names of all the midwinter spirits he's assimilated: St Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Yule-Father (see also Odin), Father Christmas, Grandfather Frost, Papa Noel, Kris Kringle...