I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry/YMMV

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • Everybody Remembers the Stripper: The scene where Jessica Biel's character strips down to her underwear is one of the few reasons anyone remembers the movie.
  • Squick: The calendar, in which the couple pose nude.
  • Unfortunate Implications:
    • Everyone in this movie is either Hard Gay or Camp Gay. There is no inbetween.
    • The trailers (and title) of the movie. Its hard to preach tolerance in a movie that treats gay marriage as though it were a "wacky" turn of events.
    • The MPAA threatening to give a movie an R-rating for the sole reason that there was an intended simple closed-mouth kiss between two men.
    • Apparently gay people can't defend themselves and need a straight man to do all the work for them.
    • Once Ving Rhames' character comes out the closet, he not only becomes Hard Gay, but incredibly promiscuous.