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** For that matter, ''all'' Endless can in fact be considered Type VII immortals as well. {{spoiler|It is stated in the game that the Endless are pulled from another world--often ''not'' voluntarily--and in essence are granted immortality by the process of becoming a [[Physical God]] via summoning.}}
** For that matter, ''all'' Endless can in fact be considered Type VII immortals as well. {{spoiler|It is stated in the game that the Endless are pulled from another world--often ''not'' voluntarily--and in essence are granted immortality by the process of becoming a [[Physical God]] via summoning.}}
* You can find at least one of the various immortals of the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' in each of the categories. Among others, these include: The Golden Avenger, a [[Flying Brick]] who originally fought crime in the 1940s and stopped aging when he gained his powers, has Perfect Immortality. Master Mist, the immortal sorcerer who now rules Liberia as a benevolent dictator, is Undying. Splatterman is [[Healing Factor|Regenerative]]. Mister Easter is [[Back From the Dead|Resurrective]]. The Black Lion is an [[The Undead|Undead knight]]. Abyss is an example of [[Blessed with Suck|Immortality Only]]. The Emperor is an External immortal. Major Liberty is the [[Immortality Through Legacy|tenth hero of that name]], but the general public thinks he's been the same person all along. The Bodysnatcher has Parasitic immortality, being able to switch from body to body whenever she needs a new one. Vivian von Klause is a Projected Avatar; she grows old and dies (or can be killed) like normal, but is reborn shortly thereafter. Category Zero is the exception; no characters in the GGU fit into Category Zero.
* You can find at least one of the various immortals of the ''[[Global Guardians PBEM Universe]]'' in each of the categories. Among others, these include: The Golden Avenger, a [[Flying Brick]] who originally fought crime in the 1940s and stopped aging when he gained his powers, has Perfect Immortality. Master Mist, the immortal sorcerer who now rules Liberia as a benevolent dictator, is Undying. Splatterman is [[Healing Factor|Regenerative]]. Mister Easter is [[Back From the Dead|Resurrective]]. The Black Lion is an [[The Undead|Undead knight]]. Abyss is an example of [[Blessed with Suck|Immortality Only]]. The Emperor is an External immortal. Major Liberty is the [[Immortality Through Legacy|tenth hero of that name]], but the general public thinks he's been the same person all along. The Bodysnatcher has Parasitic immortality, being able to switch from body to body whenever she needs a new one. Vivian von Klause is a Projected Avatar; she grows old and dies (or can be killed) like normal, but is reborn shortly thereafter. Category Zero is the exception; no characters in the GGU fit into Category Zero.
* On ''[[Jimmy Two-Shoes]]'', the Heinous family seems to have some form of immortality, being stand ins for [[Satan]], though it's never clear which. Every member has given themselves a [[Klingon Promotion]] by [[Human Popsicle|freezing the previous one]], rather than [[Self-Made Orphan|killing them outright]], suggesting they are Type II. Adding to this is that Lucius VII seems afraid of dying in some episodes. Lucius looks to by in his early twenties despite [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|being at least four hundred years old]], yet his father looks to be an old man, even in [[Flash Back|flashbacks]]. Since the show takes place in what amounts to [[Hell]], it might be Type V.
** Interestingly, [[Word of God|Edward Kay]] has suggested this for Heloise as well.
* Immortals from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' are essentially type I but incorporate type IV in the sense that they choose to die whenever they think they have become too powerful in order to counteract [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]. When they do this they pretty much start life again from scratch with only their basic nature, base power and their previous life's memories rendered as mere second hand knowledge.
* Immortals from ''[[El Goonish Shive]]'' are essentially type I but incorporate type IV in the sense that they choose to die whenever they think they have become too powerful in order to counteract [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]. When they do this they pretty much start life again from scratch with only their basic nature, base power and their previous life's memories rendered as mere second hand knowledge.
** Aberrations on the other hand are magic users who went the type IX or type X route intentionally through magic in order to achieve immortality.
** Aberrations on the other hand are magic users who went the type IX or type X route intentionally through magic in order to achieve immortality.