InFAMOUS (series)/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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* You can drain more electricity out of a portable television than you can from a car battery. And even more out of a human being.
** The car battery isn't hooked up to the mains. As for the second one, if humans aren't a powerful source of energy then the Ray-Sphere doesn't work.
* How does Cole take a shower? See [[Super Drowning Skills]] for speculation. Related; how does Cole...[[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|pass the time?]]
** It has been shown that small bodies of water do not effect Cole, so he could easily maintain his hygiene with small amounts of water.
** As for the second question, he would probably...[[A Date Withwith Rosie Palms|pass the time]] the same way ''normal'' people do; in private, with no one in the, ah, blast range. One must wonder how he can...[[A Man Is Not a Virgin|enjoy human companionship,]] though.
*** Another possibility for the second question. Maybe he just doesn't? It's not like everybody does it. As for the "human companionship" part, I don't see how his powers would get in the way of that.
** Then again, it would seems Sasha thinks there isn't anything to worry about since she wanted to get on his pants.
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*** Well it's either that, or kill them in cold blood. Of the two options, restraining them is the marginally more "heroic" choice.
** This one is so dumb: A man who has spent the last ''four years'' making a hobby out of urban exploration, who is so good at it that he can climb virtually any building he encounters, cannot scale a chain-link fence. You know, that metal thing that's practically ''made of handholds and footholds'', that untrained children can scale with ease. And it's not because of its conductivity, either--Cole can scale other metallic objects with no trouble.
*** Aren't there supposed to be armed soldiers outside those fences enforcing the quarantine with every single weapon they have access to? While that might not mean much in, say, ''[[Prototype (Videovideo Gamegame)|Prototype]]'', there's no indication Cole can survive being shot to pieces. Self-preservation?
**** Nope - the restriction extends to any chain link fence in the whole game. The fact that Cole can't shoot through a conductive metal fence makes sense, but the fact he can't climb them really doesn't.
*** If you look closely, every single chain-link fence in the entire game is capped with barbed wire or razor-wire. No matter how good an urban explorer you are, you're '''not''' getting over that unscathed without some kind of gear -- whether wire cutters to cut through it, or just a mat to provide a safe place to crawl over. He's in enough danger from enemies without slicing himself up climbing over fences when he can just go around.
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** But then there wouldn't be a sequel. Speaking of Kessler, how the hell does general power over electricity turn into Time Travel?
*** The same way he can teleport, summon electrical duplicates, or read the minds of dead people: [[Lightning Can Do Anything]]. Specifically, he was limited to only one time travel 'jump', and didn't seem to have that good a control over when he landed, so it's less of an [[Idiot Ball]] than it might seem.
*** So he lands far back enough to take control of an ancient cult of telepaths, advance their [[Science Is Bad|nightmare-science]] by leaps and bounds, perform horrible experiments on people and animals, all the while creating a life-time long [[Gambit Roulette]], the end-goal of which is simply to find the deepest and most brutal way of [[My Own Grampa|kicking himself in the groin]]... and he can't find a single man/summoner/scientist/[[Prototype (Videovideo Gamegame)|Alex Mercer]]?
*** Can you identify the man who is going to destroy the world, right now? Kessler fled with Trish and his kids as soon as The Beast emerged. He doesn't know who it is or where it came from - likely, nobody did, cause those who were near it tended to become dead. An unknown entity that was likely created through a freak accident - yeah, that's going to be real easy to find.
*** He doesn't need to find the specific guy who gets turned into the Beast, though. Just the thing that DOES turn him into the Beast. Considering how deeply involved he is in the whole superpower experimentation, he shouldn't find it too difficult to get in on the secret project that forms the Beast.
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*** I have an explanation, that borderlines on [[Fan Wank]] though: the sphere simply didn't activate with Zeke because he wasn't a conduit. There was a big show of light, then it just fizzled, essentially the sphere's way of saying "don't bother dude, you're just a fat loser". Now, the first blast drained the stuff out of thousands of people at once. I wouldn't be surprised if Kessler chose the place and the hour with the highest density of population, so that the sphere would go off fiercely. Quite the opposite with the possible second blast. Very few people, if any, to drain, due to the localization of the sphere at the time, resulted in a smaller scale of the blast.
** To answer both your questions, [ watch the cutscene]. They laid it out pretty clearly that Zeke ''made the choice'', but it ''didn't work'' and didn't kill anyone. Here's a direct quote:
{{quote| Cole (Narrating): Asshole [Zeke] makes the choice to kill thousands, stealing their lives so that he can be transformed. And then, nothing. Everyone's fine. No change at all.}}
* Why is Trish at whatever building you ''don't'' rescue the people from... rather than being at the building she's supposed to be, then killed off by Kessler or the First Sons if you choose to rescue her instead? There's no particular reason they ''wouldn't'' do this, given Kessler's motivations and their methods, so I'm not sure why the ~Schrodinger[[Schrödinger's Gun~]] was necessary.
** [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]]. It's supposed to "teach" Cole that no matter what choice he makes, he's going to lose. If you go for her building, it's supposed to teach Cole that selfishness will damn him. If he goes for the other building, it's to teach him that he'll lose everything to help people. If Kessler just killed Trish, it doesn't prove anything about Cole, only that Kessler is a bastard. And that's not the lesson.
*** No, it wasn't. It was clearly and simply trying to teach Cole that he needed to make difficult choices to save humanity, and getting rid of the most important thing in his life makes it more likely that he won't sacrifice everyone else to save her like Kessler did. The original poster was correct, the Schrodinger's Gun point was nothing more than bad writing.
*** How is it "bad writing"? In his mind, one of the biggest reasons that the Beast did so much damage is because he ran and hid to protect his version of Trish instead of taking any step to beat or even research it. Kessler designed the scenario to get rid of one of Cole's emotional ties and teach him the whole responsibility lesson. It showed Cole that being selfish will make innocent people suffer as well as showing that sacrificing everything for loved ones won't necessarily keep them safe. Kessler was going to kill Trish no matter what. If he let Cole actually save Trish, all that'd do is reinforce the same mistake Kessler himself made. Sure, it's cheap, but that's the point. The Beast isn't going to make the choice fair for Cole, so why should Kessler?
*** Also, Kessler knew which choice Cole would make. Because he ''is'' Cole.
*** This would be the correct answer. The ~Schrodinger[[Schrödinger's Gun~]] isn't in-story. Kessler knows ahead of time which choice Cole is going to make, and whichever one it is, he knows that Cole needs to learn the lesson. Thus, he sets it up that way.
* How old is Kessler? Judging by the times, he lived long enough to start a family, before going back, to unseat Alden when he was about eight, and running the First Sons for the remainder of Alden's life - that would put him, conservative estimate, at about 82 years old (30 in first timeline, 52 before the game). How does he not show it?
** According to the official guide, he is in fact ''140 years old''!!!! Why he doesn't show it? Well, it's a game where the protagonist can shoot lightning and violate several laws of physics, so...
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** Kuo and Nix seem to be the exceptions more than the rule. And gameplay-wise, they were given those powers to keep up with Cole. We see only two conduits outright fly, and of the three boss conduits that can teleport, Sasha might be faking it, Kessler seems to have gotten his ability from the Reapers, and the third is the Beast. The Reapers and Vermaak 88 are the only mook conduits with some kind of enhanced mobility, and the Vermaak are using ice slides and towers. Cole just seems to have drawn the short straw, because he spends a lot of time around the two conduits with the best travel powers. Most conduits actually have less travel powers than Cole, with his static thrusters and Lightning Tether.
*** Think of it this way: Nix and Kuo are [[Fragile Speedster|FragileSpeedsters]], Cole is the [[Lightning Bruiser|Lighting]] [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Bruiser]]. He's got the best of both worlds, but can't do ''everything'' (though if Kessler is anything to go by, he will eventually get teleport powers.)
**** Actually {{spoiler|Cole can fly in the Good Final Mission of inFAMOUS 2.}}
* The Plague was caused {{spoiler|1=by Ray Sphere Radiation Poisoning. Kessler came from a future where the world had already suffered everything it could possibly have: People died, cities were destroyed, etc. When Kessler came from the future, he had the opportunity to at least NOTICE what radiation did to the people with no powers. The point of the last Good mission is that even if you defeat the Beast, humans will die. With no Ray Sphere, there would be no Plague, and no Beast because the Beast was created when the second Ray Sphere exploded in John's face. The only reason he became that monster was because he had to reconstruct himself. To do that, he needed a strong mind. During InFamous's Dead Drops, John narrates that Kessler had trained his mind to be strong, even stronger than his. Exactly what he needed to become the goddamn menace Kessler was trying to defeat with his [[Evil Plan]]. How come all problems would have been resolved if Kessler just did the natural thing and stopped the Ray Sphere development?}} Forgive bad grammar, English is not my first language.
** Kessler has no idea these things are related in the way that they are. He would have no reason to suspect the plague is caused by the Ray Sphere; all of his experiments are about making the Ray Sphere work better, he doesn't care what effect it has on normal people other than using normal people to fuel it. Any non-conduit in his experiments would only be there as fuel for using it on the test subject, so they wouldn't live long enough to be poisoned by it. In the interquel comic, we see Moya watching a Ray Sphere test and she doesn't get sick (nor is she killed by the Ray Sphere's activation, for that matter,) so a lab environment with a properly isolated test chamber must be enough to contain ray-field radiation and keep it from causing the plague. Also note that having a strong mind has little bearing on the Beast in the long run; John's mental strength would be meaningless if his conduit powers didn't give him the ability to put himself back together. His ability as a conduit is essentially "become the Beast," and ''this'' is the crucial piece of information Kessler doesn't know.
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