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{{quote|"''This little boy is Alex, not [[The Hero|Kevin]], Alex. He doesn't even know Kevin, that's because Kevin isn't in this movie. None of the original characters are in this movie. This is because nothing about this movie has anything to do with [[Home Alone]]. Despite the fact that it carries the name [[Home Alone]]. So, why is it called [[Home Alone]]? '''[[No Indoor Voice|BECAUSE IT IS A GODDAMN HORRIBLE MOVIE]]'''!''"|'''[[The Nostalgia Critic]]''' on ''[[Home Alone]] 3''}}
{{quote|''"Every single word in this title is a lie. There are no teenagers, no mutants, no ninjas, and no turtles. Well, there actually be may turtles - it's hard to tell."''|'''[[Hardcore Gaming 101]]''', on the Vietnamese bootleg iOS game ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles''}}
{{quote|I mean, I’m the guy that’s been trying to explain to people for months that “Tolkienesque” fantasy really isn’t like Tolkien’s actual work. That “Lovecraftian” horror has very little to do with what Lovecraft actually wrote. And that the swords and sorcery genre that we think we know is a far cry from what it was that Robert E. Howard actually wrote. You’d think by now that I’d be able to take a guy at his word that a classic pulp fantasy novel really was undeniably awesome… but it’s not like that.
|'''Jeffro''' from Castalia House, on the [[From Clones to Genre|late stage]] (''[ Appendix N Matters]'') }}