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* ''...and Eternity'' featuring mysterious stuff about God, the Incarnation of Good
* ''Under a Velvet Cloak'', which is largely a prequel to the main series, featuring Kerena as Nox, the Incarnation of Night
=== The series makes use of the following tropes: ===
* [[All of the Other Reindeer]]: In ''For Love of Evil'', Satan tries to meet up with the other Incarnations and make friends. With the exception of Chronos, they treat him utterly like crap, to the point of watching while Gaea [[Black Comedy Rape|has him raped by an ape]].
** [[Bullying a Dragon]]: His retaliation against Gaea turns out to be hitting Europe with ''the Black Death'' [[Sins of Our Fathers|after she retires and is replaced with an inexperienced successor]], which ends up nuking most of Europe and teaching Satan a lesson in uncontrolled revenge.
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** Also, some historical events are changed in-series, up to and including {{spoiler|Satan manipulating Chronos into preventing [[World War II]] and the Holocaust}}.
* [[Anthropomorphic Personification]]: Pretty much the basis of the entire story.
* [[Apotheosis]]: ''On a temporary basis'', to the Incarnations.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: The martial arts master Samurai in ''With Aa Tangled Skein''.
* [[Best Her to Bed Her]]: Asian Clotho in With A Tangled Skein; she only falls in love with Samurai after he defeats her in combat and shows her her place.
** That being said, she was using the Sword of War in the fight, and was therefore literally incapable of losing. She forfeited the match so that Samurai wouldn't be humiliated in front of his students.
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* [[Breast Attack]]: Through electrocution.
* [[Celestial Bureaucracy]]: Purgatory is like this.
* [[Chekhov's Gunman]]: Quite a few. Most notably Orlene, who serves only to set up Norton into [[Death Byby Origin Story|becoming Chronos by dying]], then becomes the main character of "...And Eternity."
** Nicolai appears in "Being a Green Mother" as someone Orb meets during her travels (and is left to find a rich adoptive family for Orlene), but in "...And Eternity" he becomes an aspect of Fate.
* [[Children Are Innocent]]: Mostly. Oddly enough, children can be "tainted" by their circumstances.
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* [[Everyone Is Related]]: The Incarnations make a pretty big tangle.
* [[Fisher King]]: Gaea's feelings affect the planet. It rains when she cries, and her anger can cause earthquakes.
* [[Forgot I Could Change the Rules]]: Played with. In the first novel, it isn't so much that Death forgot that he could change the rules; it's that he didn't know that he could (in fact, he didn't even know half of them), causing infant souls born under questionable circumstances to go to Purgatory and later triggering {{spoiler|an end to all death worldwide because he refused to take one soul.}} At the end of the book, he realizes that it's his prerogative to do what he damn well pleases as the Incarnation of Death, {{spoiler|and that all of Satan's rulesmongering didn't mean a damn thing. He also changes the rules regarding infant souls, sending one to heaven instead of Purgatory in the end.}} The last is retconned in later books, as Death is acting outside of his authority.
* [[Fox Chicken Grain Puzzle]]: Presented as a Demon-Rapist-Girl Puzzle, with three women and three demons, and if the demons outnumber the women at any point they'll be raped.
* [[Gambit Pileup]]: Satan, various Fates, Norton as Chronos, Nox, and the Archangel Gabriel have all set up [[Plan|plans]] and [[Gambit Roulette|Roulettes]], some hundreds of years long, to manipulate each other, the other Incarnations, and any mortal who might be useful in the final conflict, until everything finally comes crashing together in And Eternity. {{spoiler|Subverted in the end, everyone won. And I mean everyone. Except Erebus, but who cares about him, anyway?}}
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* [[The Hecate Sisters]]: Fate
* [[High Heel Face Turn]]: Lilah, ''twice''.
* [[Hooker Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Vita from ''And Eternity''.
* [[Horny Devils]]: Lilah and Jezebel.
* [[Horsemen of the Apocalypse]]: The Incarnation Of War is accompanied by Famine, Conquest, Slaughter, and Pestilence.
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** Despite getting a fair amount of screentime, Orb's bandmates in ''Being a Green Mother'' are only ever referred to as "the guitarist", "the drummer", etc.
* [[Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep]]: In ''On A Pale Horse'', Death decides to read his mail against the advice of his household staff, and one of the letters is from a girl who is afraid that she'll die in her sleep because her mother makes her recite this prayer before going to bed.
* [[Now ItsIt's My Turn]]: When Cedric confronts four drunk college students who were attempting to rape Niobe, he deliberately allows them to strike him first, [[Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh|which has no effect]]. He then grins and says, "Now you have had the first blow, I'll have the last," and proceeds to lay out all four of them in seconds.
* [[Omniglot]]: The previous Mars before Mym.
* [[One Degree of Separation]]: Everyone's related! [[Justified Trope|Justified]] by the [[Gambit Pileup]] revealed in the later books.
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* [[Sequel Gap]]: ''Under A Velvet Cloak'' was published seventeen years after the previous book.
* [[Signs of the End Times]]: Plague, earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions are all the result of singing the Llano of Chaos, which ends all living things within weeks of it being sung. Although one could argue that these are less ''signs'' of the end and more the ''cause''.
* [[Spell My Name Withwith an "S"]]: The succubus "Lilah" goes by slightly different names at different points in the series, changing it depending on the persona she is assuming at the time.
* [[Sympathetic POV]]: The sixth book.
* [[Tangled Family Tree]]: A mild one as things go, but the Kaftan family still has to deal with time travel, prophecies, and temporary agelessness, leading to Niobe's daughter and first granddaughter being born about the same time, and Niobe herself screwing her second granddaughter's affair from the future. Come to think of it, we should be very grateful that Incarnations can't reproduce.
* [[Theme Table]]{{context}}
* [[Time Stands Still]]: Chronos and Thanatos can both do this, though Thanatos only because Chronos lets him.
** Mars can do it as well and its implied that all Incarnations can do it. One of the Office of Time's duties is to allow to the other Incarnations to stop time when it is necessary for them to perform their duties.
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* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Zane, while not exactly ugly, is average at best, while Luna is one of the most beautiful women of her generation. Zane was also destined to marry a comparably beautiful and rich woman before a shady salesman tricked him into giving up this destiny.
* [[Vapor Wear]]: Gaea (the one before Orb) and Lilah. Gaea because she [[Innocent Fanservice Girl|doesn't really see the point in clothing]], Lilah because she's [[Horny Devils|a succubus]].
* [[Villainous Breakdown]]: Satan in ''Wielding A Red Sword'' when {{spoiler|Mars threatens to start World War III and the Apocalypse early.}} Satan may have been faking, though.
* [[World's Most Beautiful Woman]]: Niobe for her generation, her daughter Orb for her generation, and her granddaughter (via her son) Luna for ''her'' generation.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: By the end, things end up arranged so that Satan gets what he wanted regardless of whether Good or Evil ends up in charge of the world. {{spoiler|If Good wins, God gets replaced by someone who is going to do the job properly. If Evil wins, Satan gets to take over. Either way, Hell stops getting souls who don't deserve to be there.}}
* [[You Kill It, You Bought It]]: The office of Death is transferred this way. This is also one of the ways the office of Evil can be transferred.
* [[You Must Be Cold]]: Death gives Luna his cloak once.
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