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* At the end of ''[[Serenity]]'', River is shown watching curiously from an air vent as Kaylee and Simon have sex.
** In ''[[Firefly]]'', she also had a [[Father, I Want to Marry My Brother]] moment in a deleted scene.
{{quote| Simon: "It's just not something brothers and sisters do. I mean, on some planets... but only pretty bad ones." }}
** Their relationship in general throughout the series is ... greatly textured, mixing sibling, parent, doctor, and lover roles with the necessary abandon. Simon and his mei-mei are all each other have in the world. And when River's upset or sick, it's her brother's bed she curls up in.
* ''[[Hellboy (film)|Hellboy]] II'': Prince Nuada seems to have a lot of sexual tension going with his sister Princess Nuala. The presence of implied incest was confirmed [ by Nuada's actor].
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** Made all the more egregious at the realization that [[Moustache De Plume|S.E. Hinton]] was not only a [[Yaoi Fangirl|woman]], but a [[Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls|college freshman]] when the book was published.
* ''[[Splinter of the Minds Eye]]'' is a [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novel written after ''[[A New Hope]]'', but before Luke and Leia were known to be twins. And Han Solo is nowhere to be seen. Consequently, there is an ''amazing'' degree of [[UST]] in the book, though Luke nobly refrains from [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|kissing Leia while she's asleep]] and vows to protect her from everything, including himself.
{{quote| The Princess [[Take My Hand|caught him with a hand, her weight halting his slide]]. Now Luke rolled clear, came to a panting stop on her chest.<br />
For a long moment they lay like that, suspended in time. Then their eyes met with a gaze that could have penetrated light-years. }}
** The comic book adaptation - which came out ''after'' ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' - doesn't have nearly as much [[Incest Subtext]], since it has much less in the way of narration. But the twins hold or touch each other often, and when Luke thinks he's dying he tells her he loves her.
** The idea that she'd "always known" throws this line into a new light.
{{quote| The Princess grew aware of how tightly she was clinging to him. Their proximity engendered a wash of confused emotion. It would be proper to disengage, to move away a little. Proper, [[But I Would Really Enjoy It|but not nearly so satisfying]].}}
* Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost of ''[[Warrior Cats]]'', who are half-brothers. Brambleclaw chose to trust Hawkfrost '''over''' Squirrelflight, his [[Love Interest]], and trusted Hawkfrost completely up until he tried to make him kill his leader. Even though it was hinted at that Hawkfrost was evil.
* Pick a Eugene O'Neill play, any Eugene O'Neill play. Odds are you're going to encounter a seriously dysfunctional family vibe, owing to O'Neill's own deep-seated mommy issues, and the fact that he was heavily influenced by Greek theatre, home of the original Oedipus and Electra. The [[Incest Subtext]] is particularly heavy in ''[[Mourning Becomes Electra]]'', a theatrical trilogy which moves the plot of the classic Orestia to Civil War era New England. To try to sum up the tangle of dysfunction: Lavinia Mannon appears to be totally in love with her father, General Ezra Mannon, and hateful to her mother-in-law Christine. Christine murders Ezra, so she can be with the handsome young sailor Adam Brant, but also dotes on her son Orin in an entirely unmotherly way. Orin (suffering mental trauma from his time on the battlefield) returns the affection, but Lavinia manages to enlist him against his mother by informing him about Christine's affair, which sends him into a rage which clearly has more to do with jealousy than any kind of familial loyalty. After Christine is driven to suicide, Orin seems to waver between wanting to kill his sister, and wanting to sexually dominate her. Suffice it to say, Eugene O'Neill was not a happy man.
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* Reese kissing Malcolm, saying he wants them to be together forever, and getting jealous over Malcolm's relationship with Stevie inspires fans of [[Malcolm in the Middle]] to think this about their relationship.
* There are elements of this between [[Buffy]] and Dawn; Buffy does seem overly physically affectionate when it comes to Dawn, and one episode even draws explicit parallels between Buffy/Dawn and Willow/Tara.
{{quote| '''Willow:''' I have to look after her [Tara]. She's my girl.<br />
'''Buffy:''' ''(stroking Dawn's hair)'' I know what you mean. }}
** Joss even jokes about it in commentary for The Gift. It's clearly intentional.
*** And in "Intervention"
{{quote| '''Buffy:''' I love you, Dawn. You know that, right?<br />
'''Dawn:''' Yeah. I love you too.<br />
'''Buffy:''' I love you ... ''really'' love you.<br />
'''Dawn:''' ''(nervous grin)'' Gettin' weird.<br />
'''Buffy:''' Sorry. But it's important that I tell you. Weird love's better than no love. }}
** One scene (in the seventh season episode "Him") Xander (and Willow) is checking out a girl, before it's revealed to be Dawn.
{{quote| '''Xander:''' (horrified) Oh... oh no! Daddy no... I wasn't... when I was lookin' I wasn't... oh God!<br />
'''Willow:''' (ashamed) Right there with ya. }}
** Also in [[Buffy]], Spike's relationship with his mother (whom he sired so they could be together forever) is called out explicitly as incestuous desire.
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* The subtext in ''[[Absolute Hot Sister]]'' is very obviously this. It seems Ellen is really intent on starting a relationship with her brother, even suggesting they sleep in the same bed (she sleeps nude, of course) and shower together.
* There's some of this in ''[[Homestuck]]'' due to the somewhat late enforcement of [[Everyone Is Related]]. Dave and Rose had a rather snarkily flirty thing going on occasionally before it was revealed they were siblings, while John and Jade were also quite close, including one early flash of John falling asleep and seeing Jade in his dreams while romantic music played. (Of course, that was because he had finally awakened on Prospit and was seeing the future, but still.) Dave also apparently used to make sexual comments about Rose's mum to freak her out. Later, {{spoiler|Rose reveals that the 'choice babe in the pajamas' Dave asked about was actually the teen version of their biological mother}} and Dave complains about the game deliberately setting them up with family members:
{{quote| '''DAVE:''' all these fuckin <br />
'''DAVE:''' [[Parental Incest|momtraps]] and [[Sibling Incest|sistertraps]] <br />
'''DAVE:''' what a joke i hope skaia gets to have a good laugh over shit like this <br />
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* ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' featured a song called "Gitchi-Gitchi-Goo". It wa sang by siblings (Phineas and Candace) with hearts at background, glitter dust etc. Part of its lyrics are "Bow-Chicka-Bow-Wow" - For those who don't know what I'm getting at: "Bow-chicka-wow-wow" is commonly known as the verbalization of typical 70s porn music. By siblings, hmmmm...
** The extended version includes these lyrics accompanied by a number of tender looks on Candace's part:
{{quote| '''Phineas''': Oh I don't know what to do.<br />
'''Candace''': I don't know what to do.<br />
'''Phineas''': But I think I'm getting through.<br />
'''Candace''': I think I'm getting through. }}
* [[Mega Man (animation)|Ruby-Spears Megaman and Protoman]] had something going on beyond rivalry, even without taking into account that last fight scene in "Bro Bots" (or hell, the entire episode). They spend just as much time trying to convince the other to defect to their side as they do shooting at each other, and Proto won't let any other Wily-bot touch Mega ("Just remember--Megaman is ''mine!''"). Plus, he seems rather disinterested in getting his sister to join Wily.
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* The first episode of ''[[Thundercats]]'', Wilykat at one point tells his sister Wilykit "You're beautiful when you snarl." It seems [[Moral Guardians]] caught on to this, as it was [[Edited for Syndication|cut from later airings and the DVD]].
** Coincidentally, the first episode of ''[[Thundercats 2011|ThunderCats (2011)]]'' had this exchange between Tygra and Lion-O, who are now adoptive brothers:
{{quote| '''Lion-O''': I'm gonna ring that bell.<br />
'''Tygra''': And I'm gonna [[Accidental Innuendo|ring yours]]. ''*wink*'' }}
*** Now, remember that "got his bell rung" is an American footballer's euphemism for "severe concussion". Better be worth it, that's all I'll say.