Incest Subtext: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎Anime & Manga: clean up, replaced: Little Sister Heroine → Younger Sibling Fetishization)
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** Made all the more egregious at the realization that [[Moustache De Plume|S.E. Hinton]] was not only a [[Yaoi Fangirl|woman]], but a [[Most Fanfic Writers Are Girls|college freshman]] when the book was published.
* ''[[Splinter of the Minds Eye]]'' is a [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] novel written after ''[[A New Hope]]'', but before Luke and Leia were known to be twins. And Han Solo is nowhere to be seen. Consequently, there is an ''amazing'' degree of [[UST]] in the book, though Luke nobly refrains from [[Dude, She's Like, in a Coma|kissing Leia while she's asleep]] and vows to protect her from everything, including himself.
{{quote|The Princess [[Take My Hand|caught him with a hand, her weight halting his slide]]. Now Luke rolled clear, came to a panting stop on her chest.<br />
For a long moment they lay like that, suspended in time. Then their eyes met with a gaze that could have penetrated light-years. }}
** The comic book adaptation - which came out ''after'' ''[[Return of the Jedi]]'' - doesn't have nearly as much Incest Subtext, since it has much less in the way of narration. But the twins hold or touch each other often, and when Luke thinks he's dying he tells her he loves her.
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* There's some of this in ''[[Homestuck]]'' due to the somewhat late enforcement of [[Everyone Is Related]]. Dave and Rose had a rather snarkily flirty thing going on occasionally before it was revealed they were siblings, while John and Jade were also quite close, including one early flash of John falling asleep and seeing Jade in his dreams while romantic music played. (Of course, that was because he had finally awakened on Prospit and was seeing the future, but still.) Dave also apparently used to make sexual comments about Rose's mum to freak her out. Later, {{spoiler|Rose reveals that the 'choice babe in the pajamas' Dave asked about was actually the teen version of their biological mother}} and Dave complains about the game deliberately setting them up with family members:
{{quote|'''DAVE:''' all these fuckin
'''DAVE:''' [[Parental Incest|momtraps]] and [[Sibling Incest|sistertraps]] <br />
'''DAVE:''' what a joke i hope skaia gets to have a good laugh over shit like this <br />
'''DAVE:''' wait i forgot skaia doesnt laugh it just "sees" and "knows" <br />
'''DAVE:''' its like a huge blue perv thats mad jazzed for kidcest }}