Infinite Flashlight: Difference between revisions

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(Import from TV Tropes TVT:Main.InfiniteFlashlight 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:Main.InfiniteFlashlight, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license)
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Contrast with [[Ten Second Flashlight]], the usual result when developers try to avert this one.
== Action Game ==
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* ''[[Team Fortress Classic (Video Game)|Team Fortress Classic]]'' still has the flashlight from ''[[Half-Life 1 (Video Game)|Half-Life 1]]'' in the code, but because the power gauge was removed it now shines indefinitely. If you're curious, you activate it by hitting the ~ key and typing: bind <key> "impulse 100"
* In ''[[The Nameless Mod]]'' using a (somewhat rare) augmentation upgrade on your default light enhancement results in this. As a ''[[Deus Ex (Video Game)|Deus Ex]]'' mod (where gameplay pretty much required dark areas), this comes in handy.
* In ''[[Bio Shock]] 2'', your suit will automatically turn on in dark areas. Given that you're playing a [[What Measure Is a Non -Human?|not-quite-human ''thing'']] that [[Colour -Coded for Your Convenience|can change what color its body to express its mood]], it's less of an "[[Infinite Flashlight]]" and more of "Making Yourself More Bright When You Need It".
* In ''Vietcong'' the player has a flashlight that never runs out of power - mainly useful for the mission segments when you must traverse through the tunnel systems of your enemies. However, some players never actually realised they had a flashlight during those missions since they'd never used it previously and ended up negotiating the tunnels in near complete darkness. A case of read the manual in those cases.
* ''[[STALKER]]'' gives you a infinite headlamp by default. Some of the higher-end suits have really crappy, but unlimited, night vision.