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* When I heardhearing about what happens to Twoflower's wife. It is the only time Rincewind has ever seen Twoflower look anything other than happy, Icontented hadand totrusting. sitLater, downof forcourse, ahe little{{spoiler|challenges bitthe becausevillainous I'mLord quiteHong to a bitduel liketo the death as payback}} — which is also highly out of character for Twoflower,. andAnd Ias knowwe exactlyall howknow, much[[OOC thatIs wouldSerious hurtBusiness]].
{{quote| "Rincewind: 'I was, er, I was sorry to hear that your wife, er—'<br />
** It is the only time Rincewind has ever seen Twoflower look anything other than happy, contented and trusting. Later, of course, he {{spoiler|challenges the villainous Lord Hong to a duel to the death as payback}} -- which is also highly out of character for Twoflower. And as we all know, [[OOC Is Serious Business]].
**Twoflower: 'Things happen in war. {{spoiler|"I have two dutiful daughters."}} That just broke my heart.'
Rincewind opened his mouth to say something but Twoflower's bright, brittle smile froze the words in his throat." }}
*** It's been a long time, care to provide context?
* Shockingly, this troper got one for Lord Hong himself. Having spent virtually all his life as [[The Ace]] in whatever he sought to do and essentially controlling the Empire by proxy, his ultimate goal is to {{spoiler|rise to power in Ankh Morpork and play chess with [[Magnificent Bastard|the Patrician]]. He even spent months having spies travel to the city, carefully ordering specific pieces of clothing until he had a complete set of clothing that fit the description of a Morpork noble. Amidst his detachment from virtually everything else, Hong literally trembling with anticipation as he periodically tries on the clothes is...heartbreaking. For all the evil he's done, he practically becomes a tragic villain when you realize that he's been [[The Ace]] ever since he could walk and talk, but it doesn't matter when the populace of the Empire will grovel at the feet of anyone with a horse. He wants nothing more than to rise to power in a city where ''he has to earn his respect by his own merits''}}. This troper was glad that he got a {{spoiler|painless death}}, because frankly, he practically a Dark Lord in [[Ravenloft]].
**** Here's the context in question:
{{quote| "Rincewind: 'I was, er, I was sorry to hear that your wife, er—'<br />
Twoflower: 'Things happen in war. I have two dutiful daughters.' <br />
Rincewind opened his mouth to say something but Twoflower's bright, brittle smile froze the words in his throat." }}
* Shockingly, this troper got one for Lord Hong. Having spent virtually all his life as [[The Ace]] in whatever he sought to do and essentially controlling the Empire by proxy, his ultimate goal is to {{spoiler|rise to power in Ankh Morpork and play chess with [[Magnificent Bastard|the Patrician]]. He even spent months having spies travel to the city, carefully ordering specific pieces of clothing until he had a complete set of clothing that fit the description of a Morpork noble. Amidst his detachment from virtually everything else, Hong literally trembling with anticipation as he periodically tries on the clothes is...heartbreaking. For all the evil he's done, he practically becomes a tragic villain when you realize that he's been [[The Ace]] ever since he could walk and talk, but it doesn't matter when the populace of the Empire will grovel at the feet of anyone with a horse. He wants nothing more than to rise to power in a city where ''he has to earn his respect by his own merits''}}. This troper was glad that he got a {{spoiler|painless death}}, because frankly, he practically a Dark Lord in [[Ravenloft]].
[[Category:Interesting Times]]
[[Category:Tear Jerker]]
[[Category:Discworld/Tear Jerker]]