Invader Zim/Funny: Difference between revisions

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%Please list examples by episode when possible%
== ''Pilot'': ==
* During the episode, Zim is in the lunchroom and attempts to fit in. It doesn't go well.
{{quote|(Zim walks up to a child while holding a lunchtray)
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{{quote|'''Zim''': Now that's good ea--
(Zim falls off the chair, back-first) }}
== ''The Nightmare Begins'': ==
* One of the Almighty Tallest (i think it was Purple) while talking about how smoke machines was the new thing, he gets hit by one of the lasers.
* "But Invader's blood marches through my veins. Like... '''giant radioactive rubber pants'''! The pants command me! Do not ignore my ''veins''!"
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* "Invader Zim signing off..." *GIR crashes into Zim from above causing Zim to fall down* "UGH MY SPINE!"
== ''Bestest Friend'': ==
* The scientist that's in the background, near the right in the fake interview with that scientist who said that he caught Zim because he had no friends in "Bestest Friends..." whenever he shows up, I start laughing like a complete idiot for no reason.
* Zim going up to a kid saying he's looking to see if he's interested in being his friend and the kid says "I was born with webbed fish toes, like some kind of horrible fish boy. Wanna see?" and Zim quickly backs off with a disturbed look on his face.
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== ''NanoZIM'': ==
{{quote|'''Gaz''': (to Dib) When you [[Killed Off for Real|die]], can I play?}}
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== ''Parent Teacher Night'': ==
* When Zim tries to program his robot parents to behave more realistically for their trip to a parent-teacher conference, he leaves the duty to GIR, who predictably messes them up by showing them random TV shows and commercials. At the conference, Zim's father robot takes a bite of one parent's homemade cookies and starts doubling over in pain.
{{quote|'''Mom Robot''': Oh no. Honey, is it...?
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* "I love you cold, unfeeling robot arm!"
== ''Walk of Doom'': ==
* Highlights include GIR replacing his guidance chip with a cupcake, Zim's experience with public transport, and "BEEEEEES!"
** "Awwwwwwww. My bees."
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* "I miss you, cupcake..."
== ''Germs'': ==
** "Not having access to that technology, we make ours out of ''napkins''."
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'''Zim''': *runs out of house screaming* }}
== ''Dark Harvest'': ==
{{quote|'''ZIM''': (after getting hit with a dodgeball) OW! MY ''SQUEEDLYSPOOTCH!''
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* Zootch's delivery of the line [ "Mis organos...!"] in the Spanish dub somehow manages to be even funnier than the original.
== ''Battle-Dib'': ==
{{quote|'''Exam Robot:''' 94%. Your score is...UNACCEPTABLE!
And then right after:
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* "From this day, until the END of the day, '''VENGEANCE WILL BE MINE.'''"
== ''Planet Jackers'': ==
{{quote|'''Zim''': Something is broken and it's not your fault?!
'''GIR''': I know, I'm scared too. }}
== ''Rise of the Zitboy'': ==
* GIR and the Pizza Guy.
{{quote|'''Pizza Guy''': Here's the pizza you ordered.
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** In the commentary for that episode, Richard Horvitz specifically mentions that as his favorite exchange.
== ''Invasion of the Idiot Dog Brain'': ==
* GIR takes over the house's computer systems, and suddenly decides he wants to go get Mexican take-out.
{{quote|'''Zim:''' GIR! Tacos are not worth compromising the mission! I am your master, and you will obey me, so ''obey me!'' (beat) Please?
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* From the same episode, GIR making Zim dance.
== ''Bad, Bad Rubber Piggy'': ==
* GIR's brief moment of brilliance is downright hilarious.
{{quote|'''GIR''': Wait...if you destroy Dib in the past, then he won't ever be your enemy. Then you won't have to send a robot back to destroy him... and then he ''will'' be your enemy, so then you ''will'' have to send a robot back...([[Logic Bomb|GIR's head]] [[Your Head Asplode|explodes]])"}}
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* "No! These are for science!" *holds up rubber-piggy* "SCIENCE!"
== ''A Room with a Moose'': ==
{{quote|'''Zim:''' But I choose this particular wormhole especially for the occasion...You see, at the end of this wormhole lies...A ROOM! '''WITH A MOOSE!!!'''
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* [ MY BUSINESS IS DONE!] Also, "Nonsense I had much to do! SO MUCH!" And "Ms. Bitters I have a MIGHTY NEED to use the restroom."
== ''Hamstergeddon'': ==
** The crew says that this wasn't on purpose; when they got the animation of Ultra Peepi walking, [ it looked like this], so they [[Throw It In|made that music for it]].
== ''Plague of Babies'': ==
* "He's cute. And sticky looking. HI BABY!" ''(is tackled by Zim)''
* "Get him! Eat his feet off!"
== ''Bloaty's Pizza Hog'': ==
* "Reign of terror, Gaz! Reign of terror!"
== ''Door to Door'': ==
* Poop Dawg's [[Totally Radical]] routine is funny, but one line towers above the others
{{quote|'''Poop Dawg:''' And if you thinks you all's somethin' with the top sellies... and... wit... [normal voice] I can't do this.
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* Then, during the initial [[Zerg Rush]] of children, ''lasers'' can be seen going through the air. Why? Because it's funny. And the reaction of the adults: "Fundraising...children! AAAAAAAAGH!" This is especially funny if you really did have to sell stuff door-to-door as a kid.
== ''FBI Warning of Doom'': ==
* Slab Rankle. That is all.
* The computer's definition of the FBI.
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* Slab decides it's '''''TIME FOR ZOMBIES'''''! ...And they are so non-threatening (being, well, mindless shambling zombies) that Zim doesn't even have to try to avoid them in the last few feet to the return slot. He even uses one's head as a step-stool. Glorious.
== ''Bolognius Maximus'': ==
* [ This.]
* This exchange:
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'''Ms. Bitters:''' Exactly. }}
== ''Game Slave 2'': ==
* ''[ IGGINS!!!]'' Best [[Writer Revolt]] ever.
* Dib meeting the rat people living in the mall parking lot.
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'''Dib:''' But... you're a woman. }}
== ''Battle of the Planets'': ==
{{quote|'''Zim''': GIR, get off my head!}}
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* "Real science. Try it!"
== ''Halloween Spectacular of Spooky Doom'': ==
{{quote|'''Zim:''' Where are we?
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'''Dib:''' I guess, but- wait! No!
'''Zim:''' Curse yoooouuuu! }}
* [[BigNon LippedSequitur Alligator MomentScene|The dancing skeletons that randomly appear]] after a wave of bats fly at the screen.
* Dib nonchalantly standing there and eating a lollipop while Zim threatens to destroy him.
* "I've had enough of your nonsense from your smelly mouth filled with...corn!"
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* "He said we could destroy his friend. Then he threw a can at my head. It hurt."
== ''Mysterious Mysteries'': ==
* Although the entirety of the episode is pretty much one Moment of Funny after another (thanks to the host's clear wish to kill himself and the world's worst dramatic reenactments ever), GIR's version of events takes the cake. Just... wow.
** *''In a heavy [[British Accents|Received Pronunciation]] accent''* "But I need these monies to buy nutrients!"
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'''Zim:''' [[Large Ham|LIES!]] [[Not Helping Your Case|THE FILTHY EARTH BOY LIES!]] [[[Beat]]] [[Bad Liar|...I mean, 'no'.]] }}
== ''Future Dib'': ==
{{quote|'''Professor Membrane''': So I got to thinking. Why has nobody made a power source that needs no fuel? '''''WHYYYYYY?!'''''}}
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'''GIR''': [walks up to microphone] '''''"MONKEY!"''''' [walks away] }}
== ''Megadoomer'': ==
* Zim receives a giant robot capable of ultimate destruction and plans to destroy Dib with it. The robot's cloaking device only cloaks the robot itself (making it look like Zim's floating in midair) and makes as much noise as humanly possible, so when he shows up at Dib's house:
{{quote|'''Zim''': Now, fight an enemy you cannot see!
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** '''Zim''': Do you know what that means, GIR?!<br />'''GIR''': "Oooooooooooh-AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" *spazzes out*
== ''The Sad, Sad Tale of Chickenfoot'': ==
* "I thought you were one of those kids after me lucky neck meats. They're aaallllways after me lucky neck meats. Y'see me neck meats? They're lucky."
* "Wait! Come back! You're not a freak! You're just stupid!"
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'''Chicken Foot:''' DON'T LOOK AT ME!!! }}
== ''GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff'': ==
{{quote|'''Duty!GIR:''' Sir, target is a hologram and therefore not a threat to our mission!
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** Made all the more hilarious when it's revealed in the [[DVD Commentary]] that Jhonen had told Andy Berman to "try to do Dib, but badly" for that scene. Jhonen jokingly remarked that "he did it the best he's ever done Dib, ever."
== ''Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom'': ==
* "Delicious. Delicious! I'M NORMAL!"
* While they're in the school cafeteria, Dib throws a muffin at Zim, who [[Large Ham|overreacts]] as usual:
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(A [[BFG|massive cannon]] descends from the ceiling, powers up...and fires a muffin at Dib's head. Cue ridiculously inappropriate [[Evil Laugh|maniacal laughter]] from Zim) }}
== ''TAK: The Hideous New Girl'': ==
{{quote|'''Tak:''' I was placed on a janitorial squad... and then sent to [[Planet of Hats|Planet]] ''[[Fate Worse Than Death|Dirt!]]''}}
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Birds sing and you're gonna pay. The end! HERE'S SOME MEAT COVERED IN BARBECUE SAUCE!" ''(throws meat at Zim)'' }}
* The Tallest Red and Purple replacing themselves with puppets during a transmission with Zim. The Tallest Purple puppet gets its head punched off, which leads to this exchange...
{{quote|'''Tallest Purple:''' *''Putting his own head where the puppet's was''* Um...That's great Zim, sounds great. *''Puppet arms flail wildly, and Tallest Red giggles''* Don't worry, that's just my arms flailing and giggling- *''Puppet arm punches him in the face'''* QUIT IT! *''Puppet arm punches him in the face again''* QUIT IT!}}
* This small exchange:
{{quote|'''Zim''': Oh no, despite his large head, the Dib-monkey is quite stupid.
'''Dib''': ''MY HEAD'S NOT BIG!'' }}
== ''Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars'': ==
{{quote|'''Zim''': GIR! What do you think you're doing?!
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* "Come on, son! Let's go play in the ''toilet!''"
== ''Mortos der Soulstealer'': ==
{{quote|'''GIR''' "I had a ''sammich'' in my head!!!"}}
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== ''ZIM Eats Waffles'': ==
* The entire episode of "Zim Eats Waffles." Especially...
{{quote|'''Zim''': "GIR, your waffles have sickened me! Fetch me the ''buckeeeet!"''}}
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* There's something inherently funny about ZIM and GIR, who are usually screaming at the top of their lungs and destroying things, sitting around having a calm, completely normal conversation about "that ugly neighbor lady."
== ''Dibship Rising'': ==
{{quote|'''Professor Membrane''': Now, Gaz, if you could just put that can of beans in the proton oven! Be sure to take them out of the can or the explosion will destroy all human life!
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* Dibship trying to go to school. The inappropriately happy background music is what really sells it.
== ''Vindicated'': ==
* Dib asks the new guidance counselor at the Skool, Mr. Dwicky, what happened to the ''old'' counselor. The camera then slowly pans upward and a raspy voice from the air duct says "Help...meeeee..."
** Really? I thought that was [[Nightmare Fuel]].
** [[Take a Third Option|Can't it be both?]]
== ''Gaz, Taster of Pork'': ==
{{quote|'''GIR''': I GOT MONKEYS IN ME!}}
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* "Then-and only then- will I stop talking to myself."
== ''The Frycook What Came from All That Space'': ==
{{quote|'''Dib''': Zim is an alien! Why do I even have to try and prove it this much?!}}
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* "Snacky Cab station is now closed! Any cabs not docked will explode for no apparent reason!"
== ''The Most Horrible X-mas Ever'': ==
{{quote|''Bow down, bow down''
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* Professor Membrane: Friend of Mankind, Enemy of Santa Claus.
== ''Abducted'': ==
{{quote|Zim: Now go answer the door.
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** The cast and crew totally losing it over the bottomless coffee cup in "Battle of the Planets".
** Richard doing horrible impressions, supposedly his previous voices for Zim.
** Most of the "wacky" introductions are priceless, like the crew snoring through the opening and then "waking up" when the episode starts or chewing noisily on junk food as they introduce themselves. [[Tropers/Wackd|This troper]]'s personal favorite, however, is the whispering one. It starts:
{{quote| '''Jhonen:''' {(''whispering'') Hi, I'm Jhonen Vasquez, creator of ''[[Invader Zim]]'', to my left is Richard Horvitz, voice of Zim.<br />
'''Richard:''' {(''whispering'') Hi, I'm Richard Horvitz, voice of Zim. To my left is Jhonen Vasquez, and to my right is Rikki Simons, colorist and voice of GIR.<br />
'''Rikki:''' {(''whispering'') Hi, I'm Rikki Simons, colorist and voice of GIR, to my left is Jhonen Vasquez and Richard Horvitz, to my right is... }}
*** It goes straight into [[Overly Long Gag]] territory, seeing as there's about seven people on the track, but circles back into being funny again when Danielle Koening (story editor) forgets to whisper, jarring the almost certainly despondent audience and everyone else starts yelling at her for killing the gag.
** Some commentaries open with the crew explaining that they've been doing the recordings shacked up in an abandoned house, rapidly running out of food, for at least 800+ days. "Andy's gone." "We ate Andy." "It doesn't matter, though, because America hates Andy." is one of the best exchanges to come out of this gag. (He gets better.)
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{{quote| '''Zim:''' ...and why was my computer coughing?}}
== [unproduced episode] ''Mopiness of Doom'': ==
{{quote| '''GIR:''' Listen to me, he needs you Mary [Dib]! You two good friends! Like hot dogs! Please hunt my Master again! COUCH!"<br />
'''Zim:''' (after Dib returns from his [[Ten-Minute Retirement]]) You have no idea how happy that makes me, you revolting little worm! }}
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'''Dib:''' It's para-NORMAL, and you're wrong, it makes me look cool! }}
== [unproduced episode] ''The Trial'': ==
{{quote| '''Tallest Purple''': But some Irkens, they get fitted with damaged I.D. PAKs. These people are called "Defectives" and must be deactivated, erased, never to be remembered.<br />
'''Smeet Timmy''': Thank you mista' PURPLE! I SMART NOW!<br />
'''Tallest Purple''': The child knows too much. TO THE DUNGEONS WITH IT! }}
== [unproduced episode] ''Nubs of Doom'': ==
{{quote| '''Zim''': (to Minimoose) If I were capable of love, I might actually love you, maybe!}}
== [unproduced episode] ''Ten Minutes to Doom'': ==
{{quote| '''Dib''': IT'S NOT A SHIRT! It's taking over my inferior human mind! You have to analyze it! I'm sure you'll be amazed.}}
== [unproduced episode] ''Return of Keef'': ==
{{quote| '''GIR''': You just gotta give him a chance, and open up his head and sleep in it like a squishy little bed.}}
[[Category:Invader Zim]]
[[Category:Funny (animation)]]